
Journey of the Octane Render

Summoned by the will of 5th Dimensional being Noah find himself involved in the race of throne for the position of only 6th dimensional being in entire cosmos . Given the power to create his own skills , Noah creates [REALITY RENDER - The skills/talents you create will become real as long as enough people believe in it] and a System which has its own intelligence and freedom . Join Noah in his journey as he visits Archanos - a world filled with secrets and wonders beyond one's imagination and as he discovers secrets regarding himself. Note:- The story will not be rushed (medium pace) for sake of character development and starting chapters may be boring as I will be making plot bigger and interesting for novel . novel will have a fantasy build with powers and system made by protagonist . MC will be smart and cunning and i will try to give explanation if needed -The quality of chapter increases as number of chapter increases , so give it it a try till 30 chapter before coming to a conclusion!

OctaneRender · แฟนตาซี
38 Chs

End of First Volume!

Hey guys, the first volume of my novel, The Beginning, has come to an end with Noah's first fight! It's been a wonderful journey so far, and this chapter is for clearing up any doubts that may have arisen during the story.

This is my first time writing a novel, so there may be many mistakes. Due to my lack of experience, I wasn't able to make a few things clear. So in this chapter, instead of giving information through storytelling, I'll adopt a more direct approach.

For example, if I have to explain someone's behavior towards Noah in the story, I'll recount their past experience or why they are behaving like that. But in this chapter, I'll just say that he is like that because that's his nature. No big drama or beating around the bush.

Also, no need to worry, I'll only use this approach for chapters that are completed.

Noah is our main character. He initially had a dual personality due to his tragic past. But that was solved to a great extent when when he traded his emotion to system , this will explain why he is new to all emotions and yes unlike other protagonist who are cold blooded our mc will be more inclined to selfish side with clever attitude i.e. he will try to solve problems as much as possible with his mind , connections and status rather than just bull dozing everything with strength.

Next we are gonna talk about his feelings , here i would beg you for cooperation cause currently he is JUST A 15 YEAR OLD!! Someone mostly driven by his hormones , so please I beg you don't expect him to have a mature mindset from the get go , he will make mistakes , he will lose and he will learn . I want to give him as many human characteristics as possible.

Further ahead we are talk about the mindset of people of Archanos , the thing is don't judge them on basis of our current moral index , that world is in medieval era culture wise , technologically wise they are above our current world, that means things like power , status , discrimination , forcing things and all will be a kind of normal in short the world runs on survival of the fittest and all things are okay until you have power to back yourself up.

Now we are gonna talk about Mia and Lily , I know it was quite unacceptable that how can they have this level of acceptance towards Noah when they technically didn't know how he even looked , to explain this know that they have been adopted by Noah's mother from a long time and from starting they been brainwashed to be Noah's subordinate and be as docile and loyal to him as possible , as manipulating a children is much easier task given their circumstances which will be explained in future when their back story will be introduced.

Now as for Emily , Noah's mother , she is one of the big-shot of the human domain , due to her our mc will have access to everything , giving him more chances to show his skills in all areas which will be introduced in future . As for her nature she is the type who once receives help will pay them at all cost and the system helped her overcome the walls of S rank and SS rank . she feels indebted to Noah and now is trying her best to be a good mother and I know but I will clear this they are gonna have normal mother-son relationship , so if you have weird fantasies go read some other dumb novels , she is quite kind nature wise but she wouldn't mind going to dark side if it means for Noah as she has accepted to treat him similarly as his real son.

Next as for his skills , stats and artifacts , I will only say this just wait and I will show the true extent of my creativity as I have too many unique ideas and I just want a little cooperation as I don't know if that thing I have in my head is interesting or not for others.

Further I know this is quite soon but I will give a straight view about Noah's sexual relationship -> it is gonna be like our world , that he will have sex with all of his harem members but officially he will only have one wife which will be introduced in future . and yes I know it's unfair but all of his female FRIENDS will be quite attracted , obedient and loyal towards him - why? , cause of three things 1. His high luck stats , 2. His natural inborn talent , power , looks and playboy nature coupled with his tricks in manipulating people as I said in Archanos people prefer using fist more than brain , so they are vulnerable to mental tactics(though doesn't mean they are dumb just mc will have more experience in these things than children of his age group) and 3. A certain skill which he will receive in future.

Now as for his high luck stat - it will be the reason for him being lucky in situation like being inside a dungeon and suddenly getting transported to another world or the girl he helped turned out to be princess of some country or him being lucky about information or what else but remember this the luck stat is a double edge sword the higher the opportunities he will receive the higher the risk and difficult it will be to accomplish them.

A heads up - The systems information exchange system will be one the most like the most important part of moving the plot further .

Next , I don't know what to do next , sigh! . Ask in the comments if you have any more doubts about anything! And as for frequency of chapter releasing, currently I am at that stage that I am struggling with myself to write but I am getting a good grip and soon will be regular!

Thanks for reading my novel , do share your reviews or things I can improve in the comments!

Have a good Day!