
Chapter 6

As Jackson listened to Ken's story, he couldn't help but notice how little Ken knew about the world around him. He asked Ken why he seemed so unfamiliar with everything, and Ken hesitated before finally revealing that he was from another world entirely.

The group was stunned. They had never heard of anyone coming from another world before. Elijah quickly pulled out a map of the world and showed it to Ken.

Elijah explained that this is the map of the world and asked if he is familiar with any place. No matter how many times he examined the map he could not find a familiar place. Then the group started to contemplate how could Ken have come from another world.

It was then that they heard a voice. It was deep and commanding, and it introduced itself as Diore, the son of the goddess of darkness. The group was taken aback by this sudden appearance, but they quickly composed themselves.

Diore explained that he had been watching them, and he was impressed by their determination to rid the world of corruption. He offered to help them on their mission, but he warned them that the path ahead would be perilous.

The group was hesitant. They had never encountered a being like Diore before, and they were unsure if they could trust him. But as they looked into his eyes, they saw a glimmer of sincerity, and they decided to take him up on his offer.

It was then Ken asked if Diore knows how he came here from another world. Diore nodding his head said that as his mother was looking for six Apostles, she said that humans who had suffered very greatly due to the world and are ready to embrace the darkness who also had a great talent for controlling the magic energy called "mana" are not there anymore in this world. That is when my mother found you dying in a war, who suffered greatly throughout your life and had a great talent for controlling mana. So she revived you and brought you here.

After this huge revelation, Ken became silent and the atmosphere around them turned heavy and tense. To break the tension Sarah asked Diore about what he will be giving them guidance on. This successfully changed the atmosphere around them to somewhat normal as Ken relaxed a little. Diore understanding her intentions replied that even though they gained a great deal of power from the Gate of Nephilim they do not know how to control it. After thinking about it they understood that they had no experience with the power at all. "So are you going to help us control the power" questioned Marcus. To that, Diore replied not only the power but I will also teach you to use your relics in the most efficient way possible.

After hearing to this the group asked Diore when they were going to start the training. Diore said that they will be starting when they reach the "Forest of Thousand Cries". Ken asked what was so special about that forest and then Lilly explained that it is one of the most dangerous places on the planet and with someone as strong as Diore helping them nobody would be able to interrupt their training.

So after the conversation, they began to take a much-needed rest for the upcoming journey as the journey to the forest was not going to be an easy one.

The group set out on their journey towards the Forest of Thousand Cries, with Diore leading the way. The journey was arduous, with steep and treacherous terrain. They had to cross several rivers and climb steep mountains, which tested their physical and mental strength. But with Diore's guidance, they managed to overcome every obstacle in their path.

As they approached the forest, the group could hear the distant cries of the creatures that lived within. The forest was shrouded in mist, making it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead. Diore led them through the thick underbrush, and they soon found themselves in the middle of the forest.

Once they were in a safe spot, Diore explained to them the training regime that would help them develop their powers in a short amount of time. He explained that they would need to follow a strict routine that would involve meditation, physical training, and magical exercises.

The first step was to focus their minds and bodies by practicing yoga and meditation. This would help them to clear their minds and connect with their inner selves. Next, they would need to engage in physical training, which would help them to build strength and endurance. This would involve running, weightlifting, and other exercises.

Once they had built up their physical strength, Diore would then teach them how to control their mana. He explained that mana was the life force that flowed through all living things, and by learning to control it, they could tap into incredible powers. He would teach them how to channel their mana and use it to cast spells and perform magical feats.

The group was excited to begin their training, and they started the regime the very next day. They woke up early in the morning and began their yoga and meditation exercises. Then they moved on to their physical training, which involved running through the forest and lifting heavy stones.

After that, they would practice their magical exercises, which involved casting spells and channeling their mana. Diore was a patient and thorough teacher, and he took the time to explain everything in detail. He showed them how to control their mana and use it to create powerful spells that could heal, protect, and attack.

The days turned into weeks, and the group continued their training with unwavering determination. They pushed themselves to the limit and beyond, and they were amazed at the progress they were making. They could run faster, lift heavier weights, and cast more powerful spells than ever before.

As they trained, they also grew closer to one another. They shared their hopes and fears, their dreams and aspirations. They formed a bond that went beyond friendship, a bond forged by the shared experience of facing their fears and overcoming their weaknesses. Their bonds with the spirits also increased

After six long months of this arduous training, Diore gathered them saying that he need to speak something with them. After everyone gathered Diore said, "You guys developed more quickly than I ever anticipated, so I have to start your training of using your relics to the maximum efficiency early ."

"Oh! Wow" exclaimed the group happy as they were happy to finally be able to learn to use their relics properly. Even though Diore is a cold-hearted person he couldn't help but smile, he thought of them as his own family.


The next morning, the group was very excited to start their training to properly use their relics seeing their excitement Diore can't help but be excited himself. So in a commanding voice, Diore said that they were going to start the training right now after hearing this the group started cheering.

Diore quickly called Elijah forward and said you may or may not have noticed it but you developed a physique required for a shield user. The shield allows you to block any attack as long as you have mana and stamina for it. It is also able to direct the lightning from your spirit. So the first thing you have to do is to properly learn to imbue mana into things without wasting it. This includes all of you guys. First, you guys have to train yourselves to imbue mana into your anything without wasting it. Because the mana you guys will be able to conduct through your body is finite even if you are taking mana from nature.

After you guys perfect it Ken, Lilly, and Sarah come with me and I will teach you some spells I will also teach you three how to talk to souls as the three of you have the stigma of being able to interact with souls. Also, Lilly as your book gives you the ability to perform Necromancy, it will be more important for you to learn it than the other two but still three you must learn it because the dead may be able to give you better advice than the living and it will also help you in collecting information.

Next to be called was Jackson, then Diore told Jackson "You need to develop your stealth techniques and be able to erase your presence completely and your cape of shadows will more than help you in this area because the cape is sentient."

Last to be called was Marcus, then Diore said to him that similar to Elijah his sword also conducts the power of earth of your spirit through it. As you learned to imbue the mana of nature you will be able to channel other elements through it.

So that being said everyone started to train very hard for the next six months and not only their strengths grew but even the bond between them also grew very much.


Finally, after a year of training, the group emerged from the Forest of Thousand Cries, stronger and more powerful than ever before. They had learned to control their mana, harness the power of the Gate of Nephilim and use their relics to their fullest potential. They also learned how to control the power of their respective spirits.

As they looked back at the forest, they knew that they had been forever changed by their journey. They had faced their fears and overcome them, and they had emerged victorious. They knew that they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that they had the power to overcome darkness with their spirits and each other.

After leaving the forest Diore said that he will be taking his leave as he still has duties to do as the son of the Goddess of Darkness. Though reluctant to say goodbye to the one who they thought was their eldest they nevertheless had to do it. Before leaving Diore said not to worry as they would meet once more.

After saying their goodbyes the group began their journey to the nearest human settlement after a long time.


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