
Journey of the Crow

A crow with a system after delivering a letter to his caretaker's uncle. Read if you want, I probably won't update it. 875 words.

mightymc_plane · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Journey of the Crow

Taking the letter from the young girl, Samantha, I was told to go to the south, to deliver this letter to her uncle. I made fast turns around the glaciers, having to rest a few times before shooting off into the distance faster than most birds around living on this earth.

Arriving at a lone tree on the side of the cliff facing away from the ocean, I look back at the ocean I just traveled thinking of the time that had passed. I must be much faster than those slow owls that deliver letters in the east… heh heh slowpokes.

I adjusted my pitch-black feather that covered my whole body. I look gorgeous. I must be hotter than those owls too. I think I stayed here long enough looking back at the ocean once more I turn around and fly off flying over the meadows that stretch for miles and miles I remember back to the day I first met that young girl; She was walking along the path home towards the igloo and then suddenly there was a soft cry like a foxes cry but lower-pitched like a crow finding that there must have been something that had gone wrong with the animal I approached the hole that the sound was coming from than looked in to find that it was a crow, not just a baby crow but a baby crow, I saw that it's feathers were ruffled up probably from a fight or something or maybe abandoned by its mother her in this hole or maybe the mother…

I stop thinking about the past. I must deliver this letter before anything. This letter must be important for the young girl Samantha so I must deliver it, she hasn't sent a letter to anyone in the past year so this one must be important.

Flying past a sign that said McDoogles I saw the road that was written in the letter, I did learn how to read and understand English since young, I took a turn onto the road I soon spotted the house that was written on the letter it was a huge house like a mansion, but not a mansion just the size of the mansion, with a small pool on the side of the house with a sloped roof over the pool.

I looked down from the sky onto the street looking for the mailbox; many trees were surrounding the house and there were trees on the side of the road like lining up for a runway, this must be a rich neighborhood here I fly down to the mailbox and open it with my beak I drop the letter that had been in my beak most of the time.

I then lift the flag on the mailbox. My job is done. I can finally go back to Samantha. She must be lonely in the north pole.

Heading back towards the north pole I find that I am getting tired I look around for a place to sleep, I spot a cave that looks like a cozy home small enough for only me to get in with a diameter of 6 cm I crawl into it after landing and suddenly I see a glow at the back of the tunnel-like the light that should belong to the sky I crawl in the cave that keeps getting bigger and bigger now enough to fit a human inside and I find that there is a semi-circle connected to the ground… like a portal I look around and see that there was nothing like it in the surroundings, just some rocks.

I crawl into the glowing portal thing and then suddenly I see that I am on the outside not in a cave anymore I look around and see that there are many old looking buildings with paintings that are eroded down to only show bits of the painting and also there was another glowing thing and it was a throne this must be a throne for the king of this kingdom, this dead kingdom that is. I walk towards the throne and see that it was a huge throne that was 500 times my size like a giant's throne.

I fly up to the throne and sit down in it then suddenly I feel my tiredness run away from me feeling refreshed and like a newborn baby I look at my body and notice that I now have golden feathers and have grown from the size of a palm to the size of a human head with a wingspan of 2 meters I look at the new feathers that used to be black and then I suddenly hear a voice, Samantha's voice looking around I see that I am magically back to the north pole and back with Samantha she looks at me I fly down slightly surprising her I look into her eyes and try to communicate with her telling her that I'm her bird the one she raised.

Raising her eyebrows she notices the kindness in my eyes and then rushes up to hug me also eyeing up my handsome golden feathers, then suddenly I hear a voice in my head: "Initiating system Startup sequence."

If you like it then don't like it too much because there probably won't be any more chapters.

mightymc_planecreators' thoughts