
Journey of Laurinda

story revolves around a group of soldiers which will perform different missions. Main character is Laurinda, she is a brilliant soldier but during mission she came across a man who had ruined her past, her truth will be revealed on her friends and she wills to get revenge but her duty stops her, in this story will she be able to get revenge

calmworld · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

Chapter 07 (Emotional control)

The team split into two parts.

Team Green: Mike, Laurinda, Shawn, Jack, Margaret.

Team Blue: April, Ray, June, Lisa, John.

Team Blue is going to Stevenson's residence whereas team green will follow him.

Shawn: There's something wrong.

Mike: What's wrong?

Shawn: Don't know but there's something wrong.

April: Dude relax. Everything is ok.

Then they split up. Team blue reaches his residence place and starts watching every moment of that place. Whereas team green follows Stevenson. It is planned to arrest him after 2 days by attacking him.

02 days passed 24 December (Arrest day) Hotel Lenz

Shawn: Stevenson is at his house. We have to arrest him today.

Lisa: Yeah! You are right. We got evidence against him.

Mike: Let's go and end this up.

Laurinda: We have to do it smoothly.

10:00a.m. Stevenson's residence

The team is ready to attack and arrest him. At 10:05 a.m. they enter Stevenson's residence. April and Mike cut the connection of residence only their team can talk with each other. Jack is present at the building opposite Stevenson's residence whereas John is at the back of his residence. While the rest enters his building. Soon April and Mike lose connection with others. They tried to ask for backup but didn't get it. The situation becomes tenser.

Mike: I am going close to his residence. You stay there and tried to communicate with others.

Mike gets off of the car, when he hardly takes 20 steps there is a blast in a car where April is present. He ran toward the car but it's too late April was dead. He sees her corpse and picks up her necklace, he was crying at that time suddenly there's another explosion and he turns around and witnesses jack's death. His body falls from the building he ran toward him tries to wake him but Jack was already gone.

Mike(on phone): Officer I need backup. I need an ambulance. There were two blasts. Send some...

Phone cuts. He tries again and again but no one picks the phone. He saw a car at the back of another building he goes there and stole that car and put the bodies of his friends. He also takes jack's watch. He tries to communicate with others suddenly got connected with Margaret.

Margaret: Mike call the ambulance June and Shawn are seriously injured, they are heavily bleeding.

Mike(controlling emotions): No one is picking the phone. I tried many times but they didn't send back up.

Margaret: Stevenson is not here. The...

Mike: It's a trap. He tricked us

Then signal cuts off

Lisa: We have to move back. They trapped us. It's his plan to trick us.

Bullets sound coming continuously. All of them are hiding in a room, then suddenly a recorded audio plays. Laurinda's eyes filled with tears and rage.

Ray: Whose voice is this?

Lisa saw Laurinda's face. Laurinda starts going into depression. She starts remembering her past life. Gradually starts losing control of herself. She kneel down on the ground, covering her ears to avoid listening.

Lisa: Are you okay Laurinda? What's happening?

Ray: We have to stop this audio. It's Stevenson's plan. He is too clever.

Then they start finding the source of audio.

Ray: It's coming from the corridor. Lisa stays here with others. I will go and stop it.

He moves out to stop the audio but it's late now because Laurinda losses her control and starts screaming and crying in pain. Lisa tries to calm down her but nothing's working. Suddenly Laurinda opens her eyes and it's her dream and she is just kneeling on the ground. Margaret shakes her.

Margaret: What's wrong? Why are you kneeling down?

Laurinda (pulling herself together): Nothing I am okay.

Audio still playing but she controls her emotions and tries hard to pull herself together.

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