
CH. 19 Dinner

{Marineford - Fleet Admiral Office}

Silence filled the whole room as Ryu was sitting still with a bowl in his right hand and a spoon on his left. Slowly eating and tasting the meat and the vegetables in the stew. Ryu had to admitted that Momonga swordsmanship is top-notch.

The Meat was cut nicely and doesn't break or destroy the small blood vessel on the meat. While, the vegetable was cut into small pieces. "Good" said Ru and continue to drinks the stew as he ignore all the looks from the others in the room, even though most of them were drooling.

After the battle for the Vice Admiral Rank, Ryu was told or begged by Sengoku and Tsuru to waits in the Fleet Admiral room, while they make a decision as they realized that this situation was huge. They also wanted to punished someone who could make everything easy and let them avoid this situation.

Finishing the stew in his bowl, Ryu placed the bowl down and was prepared to open the lid for second. Reaching his hands out to the lid and was about to open it. A sound suddenly appeared behind him.

"Meir~" (Author: I don't know how to write what a Goat sound like)

Ryu hands stops as he heard the sound from his behind. Slowly he turns to look as he felt that sound was familiar. Turning around and looking at the figure behind him. Ryu was surprised as a white goat with a bell by its collar was looking at him.

Feeling that the goat was looking at him. Ryu decided to lower his body and kneel on the floor and looks at the goat. However, as the two was looking at each other, the rest of the whole was in silence as they stare at the staring contest between Ryu and the Fleet Admiral Goat.

"Should we take the goat out?" asked one of the vice admiral as he saw that Ryu was looking at the goat with an interest. "I don't know. Maybe we should ask Ryu-san if he wants anything, so that he will forget the goat." said another Vice Admiral as he also noticed it as well. "Oh! I been wanting to know" asked another man that was sitting by the first man. "Why do the Fleet Admiral keeps a goat in his room?" asked the man.

Hearing this question from the man. The other two man shrug their shoulder as they also don't know the answer. Noticing that the conversation was not going anywhere. The three Vice Admiral decided to stops talking and turned to looks at Ryu and the Goat. But the their surprised, the scene in front of them was shocking.

{Timeskip - 5 minutes ago}

Ryu was place a bowl of stew in front of the Goat as it was looking happy and starts t eat the stew immediately. Seeing that the goat was eating the stew, Ryu smiles and decided to reach out into the air again and suddenly a rope, two to three metal stick, about ten to twenty piece of wood and spices appeared in both of Ryu hands.

Placing down the things, Ryu walks forward to the goat and looks at its body. "Good meat" sighed Ryu and holds the rope in his hand. Moving his hands quickly and tie the Goat in a few seconds without letting it notice.

After finishing tying the Goat, Ryu placed an apple in the Goat mouth to avoid it from crying. Looking at his work, Ryu smiles and placed the wood down on the floor and starts a fire. As he started the fire, Ryu placed to metal stick by the side of the fire.

Grabbing a metal stick and tying the rope again as this time the goat was tying to the stick. Ryu took the metal stick and placed it on above of the fire. The Goat struggle, but it was no use as Ryu tie the rope was nicely and tightly.

{Timeskip - Present}

The three Vice Admiral was shocked and looks at Ryu in horror. Instantly, they stands from their seat and rushed toward to stops him. "RYU_SAN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" shouted one of the Vice Admiral.

"Dinner" answered Ryu. "PLEASE RELEASE THE GOAT BEFORE SENGOKU-SAMA COM BACK!" said another Vice Admiral as the other one nods his head. Ignoring the three shouting and protesting, Ryu was now concentrate in roasting.

Seeing that Ryu was ignoring them, the three Vice Admiral was worried as they knew that they could not wins against Ryu and it will be bad if Fleet Admiral came back and saw the scene. Secretly, they hope that the meeting was going to be long, so they could somehow stop and fix the situation.

However, luck was not on their side as they were thinking of a way. The floor slides open and a man entered the room. "Why am I smelling like something is burning?" asked the man or Sengoku as he entered the room.

He turned and looks at the three froze Vice Admiral. "What happen?!" asked Sengoku and looks at the three, while the room was slowly being filled with people. "Oh!" said Kizaru not in a very shock or surprised voice.

However, hearing the voice of Kizaru. Tsuru and the others except Sengoku, who was asking and looking at the three Vice Admiral turned to looks at Kizaru direction and they were stunned. Tsuru , who has returned from being shocked and stunned tries to called for Sengoku. "Sengoku" called Tsuru.

"What?" asked Sengoku and turned to looks at Tsuru, who was pointing at a certain direction. Turning and looking at the direction that Tsuru was pointing. Sengoku was shocked, stunned, and surprised. "AH!" screamed Sengoku as he saw the scene. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING RYU?!" shouted Sengoku.

"Hearing the question from Sengoku, Ryu turned and looks at Sengoku. "Dinner, Why?" asked Ryu. "DINNER YOUR A**!" shouted Sengoku and rushed toward Ryu.

After a few minutes of fighting and calming down. Ryu was sitting on a sofa and was being tie. While Senogku was sitting in his seat, looking at Ryu as he wanted to kill him. "Cough" Tsuru noticed the tense and cold atmosphere in the room as it was starting to annoy everyone.

"Ryu" called Tsuru. "Huh?" Ryu turned to look at Tsuru. "Apologize to Sengoku" said Tsuru. "Why?" asked Ryu and looks at Sengoku then Tsuru. "WHY?!" Sengoku stands from his chair and slammed his fists on the table. "You are just now trying to kill my goat! And you got guts to ask why?!" shouted Sengoku.

"Then, who told you to put your goat in the room? I don't it was your. This is not my fault!" answered Ryu and turned away. Seeing the reaction of Ryu, Sengoku was now like an erupting volcano, but there was a meteor on top and stops its from erupting as he didn't know what to says to Ryu.

"Ryu" called Tsuru. "At least respect your elder" said Tsuru in a stern voice. "YEAH!" shouted Sengoku. Hearing the word about respecting your elder. Ryu couldn't holds it and laughs out loud. "HAHAHAHA! Elders?! HAHAHAHA!" laughed Ryu.

"What are you laughing for?!" shouted Sengoku, while the other like Kizaru, Zephyr, and Garp who was beaten by Tsuru and Sengoku was annoyed by Ryu laughing. Ryu looks at Tsuru and everyone else in the room. "So, you are now telling me to respect your elder?" asked Ryu.

Sengoku and the others nodded their head and looks at Ryu as they were thinking about what he is going to do. "Oi! Garp!" called Ryu and Garp turned to look. "I gives you one of the folder about my document. Open it and read it for me!" said Ryu and smiles widely.

Everyone in the room turned to looks at Garp, who took out a pack of paper from a folder. Without waiting or looking at Ryu, Garp decided to read it out loud. "Name: Ryu! Occupation: Chef. Born in West Blue!" Garp read it out loud and everyone nodded their head at the word of him.

However, as they wait for Garp to continue reading. There was only silence in the room as Garp stops reading. "What's wrong Garp?" asked Zephyr, who was sitting beside him, but there was no reply from Garp.

Tsuru felt that something was wrong and decided to walks to Garp to look. Reaching Garp seat and saw that Garp was holding the paper as he was shock. Tsuru decided to snatch the paper away and read instead.

As Tsuru snatched the paper from Garp, Kizaru and Zephyrs stood up and walks to Tsuru to looks at paper. Again there was silence as none of the three speak or move. Feeling impatience, Sengoku shouts at them. "What is going on?!" shouted Sengoku.

Tsuru walks toward Sengoku and pass the paper to him as he took hold of it. "What the matter with this paper?" asked Sengoku and looks at the paper. Without hesitation, Segoku jumped from his seat and shouts out loud. "AGE: 134!" shouted Sengoku.

"WHAT!?" Everyone in the room shouts and stood up as they turned to looks at Ryu, who was now smirking at them. "No! This might be wrong!" shouted Senogku. "Go and get someone to test if this is real?! NOW!" shouted Sengoku.

After a few minutes of waiting, a man returned and walks to Sengoku. "How is it?" asked Sengoku. "It is real!" said the man."Sengoku, Tsuru" called Ryu as the two turn to look at him nervously. "Would you be nice and Respect! Your! Elder! Kindly untie this rope for me" said Ryu and smiles at them.

Feeling as their face was slapped, Senogku and Tsuru lower their head and try to avoid looking at Ryu. Sengoku waved his hands and suddenly a man walks toward Ryu and untie the rope. Free from the rope, Ryu sits on the sofa and looks at Sengoku with a smirk as the whole room atmosphere turned tense.

Feeling the tense atmosphere again, Tsuru coughs and looks at Senogku. Seeing the look from Tsuru, Sengoku turned to looks at Ryu. "Anyway! Ryu!" called Senogku. "Yes" answered Ryu. "From the meeting with the high up. We have decided that the Rank of Vice Admiral is too small for your strength." said Sengoku.

"We have decided and with the order of the high up. That you! Ryu, will be the fourth Admiral!" said Sengoku and smile at Ryu as the others people in the room claps and smile at him. "The what?!" Ryu was surprised and looks at Garp, who was trying to holds his laughs.