
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
100 Chs

Chapter 55 - Skrulls Defeat and Vision Emerged

Nick Fury presented the footage of Captain Skrull America persuading the Hulk to surrender after the Red Hulk's escape. Additionally, he revealed another clip featuring Captain America initiating a skirmish with the Kree, yelling "Avengers, attack!" instead of the iconic "Avengers Assemble!"

Fury's concern heightened when he uncovered that Mockingbird had concealed information about the Hulk's assault on the Helicarrier. "This imposter is Queen Veranke," he concluded with a stern expression.

Before they could react, Queen Veranke unleashed chaos, launching a barrage that hit Fury, Quake, and Black Widow, before infecting Stark's Iron Man MK 9 armor with a virus, forcing it to shut down. She decisively issued her final invasion orders, and the situation grew increasingly dire.

As Queen Veranke ordered, chaos erupted. The Skrulls swiftly seized control of all A.I.M. satellites, activating a destructive radius that ominously loomed, threatening the very existence of Earth.

Simultaneously, the Skrulls launched a brutal assault on the Damocles ship, resulting in the catastrophic destruction of the S.H.I.E.L.D. vessel. Miraculously, all human lives were spared from the ensuing explosion. Amidst the chaos, the Skrulls mercilessly eliminated Agent Maria Hill. However, the shocking revelation unfolded that she was merely a lifelike robot.

"When I turned 19, I started driving a single car, nothing happened till now, but this Helicarrier seems to crash every two to three days," Maria commented wryly, observing the wreckage. Undeterred, she swiftly moved to rescue Nick Fury, Quake, and Iron Man.

Against the backdrop of escalating mayhem, Maria's skillful maneuvering navigated her through the chaos, as she went towards the Nick Fury hiding location, to rescue Fury, Quake, and Iron Man from the Queen Veranke.

As Maria arrived on the scene, Queen Veranke cunningly slipped away, orchestrating her next move. Subsequently, they found themselves in the midst of a press conference, where the imposter Captain Skrull America was being officially endorsed. He boldly proclaimed to the people of Earth that the Skrulls had launched an invasion, offering survival to those who surrendered and issuing a chilling threat to bury alive those who dared to resist.

Meanwhile, Nick Fury, undeterred by the chaos, focused on the crucial task of repairing the Iron Ark Reactor, intricately connected to his own heart. With determination and skill, the team eventually succeeded in restoring the crucial system.

The situation grew grimmer as Wasp, Hawkeye, and Ms. Marvel found themselves overpowered by the formidable Super Skrull, sowing seeds of despair among the heroes. However, a glimmer of hope emerged as the true Captain America materialized, accompanied by the resolute presence of Iron Man. The tide turned when the Skrulls' massive ship faced imminent destruction with the unexpected arrival of Thor, freshly returned from Asgard.

The unexpected reunion of the original heroes signaled a turning point, disrupting the Skrull's carefully laid plans and injecting a renewed sense of determination into the Earth defenders.

"I have returned to save Midgard," Thor thunderously proclaimed, his Mjölnir crackling with electrifying power.

With Thor's electrifying presence and Captain America's resilience, the heroes continued to rally against the Skrull onslaught. As lightning crackled from Mjölnir, Thor unleashed the power of the storm, creating an awe-inspiring spectacle that energized the Earth defenders.

Yet, Super Skrull persisted, defying the might of Thor. "We have your face and your power. We are the winners," Captain Skrull America taunted Captain America, a twisted sense of triumph etched on his face as he maliciously threw the genuine Captain America to the ground.

Captain America, however, refused to be defeated. In a swift and calculated move, he subdued the imposter, asserting, "You may have our face and our power, but you don't possess our spirit." The resilience of the human spirit echoed in his words, a beacon of hope cutting through the Skrull deception.

Amidst the clash of heroes and Skrulls, Queen Veranke, realizing the imminent threat to her plans, hatched a sinister last-ditch effort. She commanded a Skrull operative within the A.I.M. headquarters to activate a satellite, capable of emitting a destructive beam specifically designed to target humans. Its ominous beam poised to unleash destruction selectively upon humans. The fate of Midgard hung in the balance as the heroes grappled not only with the Skrull invaders but also with the looming threat from above, casting a shadow over the heroes' hard-fought progress.

As the activated satellite emitted its destructive beam, an agonizing wave swept across all humans. Intense pain gripped every individual, forcing them to collapse, clutching their ears as blood trickled down. Even stalwart heroes like Captain America, Tony Stark, Carol Danvers, Wasp, and Hawkeye were not spared, succumbing to the debilitating effects, writhing in pain. Only Thor, with his divine resilience, stood unaffected amidst the chaos.

Amid the anguish, Queen Veranke reveled in the suffering she had unleashed. "Ha, ha, ha! You see, humans? You will be destroyed, and I will rule the Earth with my Skrull brethren," she gloated, a maniacal laughter echoing through the turmoil.

Despite the overwhelming despair, Tony Stark, struggling against the incapacitating pain, defiantly shouted, "No, you will not win this fight. Sharky Tennyson will stop you." His words, though strained, carried a thread of determination, invoking the name of a potential savior in the face of impending doom.

"Who is Sharky Tennyson?" Queen Veranke questioned, her confusion evident as she remained unaware of the identity of this seemingly pivotal figure. Captain Skrull America had mentioned the name, but crucial details about Sharky Tennyson's powers were conveniently omitted, leaving Queen Veranke in the dark. The classified S.H.I.E.L.D. file provided no additional information to fill in the gaps.

Suddenly, a resonant voice broke through the chaos. "He was talking about me," the voice declared, capturing Queen Veranke's attention. As her gaze turned toward the source, she beheld a handsome, brown-haired guy floating effortlessly in mid-air.

"So, you are Sharky Tennyson. Even if you can do something, all the humans will die," Queen Veranke remarked with surprise, a hint of skepticism concealed beneath her composed demeanor.

"I will show you what I can do. Upgrade!" Sharky declared with unwavering determination. Activating his Upgrade powers, he soared toward the ominous satellite. Passing through each one in succession, he made physical contact with them, his abilities at work.

Queen Veranke, perplexed by the unfolding events, observed a sudden shift. The cacophony of human suffering ceased, and those who had fallen in pain now stood upright, their expressions no longer contorted with agony.

"You saved them," Queen Veranke begrudgingly acknowledged, a grudging respect evident in her tone. However, as Sharky touched the last satellite, an abrupt change occurred. The Skrulls, who had remained silent during the humans' torment, now began to scream, their collective distress echoing through the tumultuous scene.

The unexpected turn of events left both sides reeling, as Sharky Tennyson's intervention proved to be a game-changer. The once-dominant Skrull invasion now faced an unforeseen obstacle.

"What have you done?" Queen Veranke shouted, her voice filled with a mix of rage and desperation, her screams blending with those of her fellow Skrulls.

"I have altered the satellite's function to target Skrull genes instead of humans," Sharky taunted, a smirk playing on his face. The Skrulls writhed in agony as they fell to the ground, clutching their ears in a futile attempt to escape the torment.

"Yes, I wanted you to experience the same pain that humans endured," Sharky proclaimed, his tone laced with a mocking satisfaction, turning the tables on the invaders.

Amidst the chaos, Steve Rogers, ever the beacon of mercy, pleaded with Sharky. "Sharky, you don't need to do this. Stop it. We don't kill people," he implored, his unwavering commitment to compassion shining through even in the face of a dire threat. He always chooses to show mercy, even towards his enemies.

"You may not kill people, but I am not you. I am Sharky Tennyson," Sharky replied, meeting Steve's earnest gaze with a humorous expression, acknowledging the unyielding nature of Steve's convictions. But he didn't stop the torturing of Skrulls.

Seeing it, Sharky didn't stop torturing the Skrulls, "Thor, destroy the satellite!" Tony commanded, rallying the team into action. Thor, with the might of Mjölnir, complied, obliterating all the satellites with Tony's technological assistance. The destruction of the satellites brought a sudden and welcomed relief to the Skrulls, who gradually emerged from the grip of pain.

"Wow, you guys are all good, as always, even to your enemies," Sharky remarked, a sense of amazement and satisfaction evident in his tone. The Avengers' decision to extend mercy and alleviate the suffering of their foes resonated with Sharky, showcasing that they would consistently uphold their principles, even in the face of intergalactic conflict.

"But since I promised the Skrulls would no longer exist, then they never exist, Gutrot," Sharky declared with conviction. He began meticulously crafting a chemical composition designed to be harmful to Skrulls while sparing humanity from any harm.

"With the power of my chemical composition, your entire genetic existence from the Earth will cease to exist," Sharky released the potent concoction, scattering it across the globe with calculated precision.

A reddish light manifested in the sky, descending ominously to Earth. It initiated its effects in a small town, and within mere minutes, the reddish glow expanded to envelop the entire planet.

"Sharky, what have you done?" Steve demanded, his anger palpable. Before Sharky could respond, Captain Skrull America began to dissolve, the unnatural transformation spreading rapidly. Every Skrull, whether deemed good or bad, succumbed to the dissolution, including one of Nick Fury's closest friends and various members of his group who had lived among humans.

In the final moments, Queen Veranke herself dissolved, merging into the air. The eradication of the Skrulls from Earth was complete. The dissolution unfolded with a profound impact, witnessed by people across the globe. Loved ones, friends, and even strangers vanished before their eyes, leaving bystanders in tears as the reality of the situation sunk in.

Steve surveyed the aftermath, realizing that neither Queen Veranke nor any other Skrull or Super Skrull remained present. The once-invasive presence of the shape-shifting invaders had been entirely expunged, leaving an Earth grappling with the consequences of an unexpected and thorough eradication.

"Maybe you are merciful, but I am not like you. My life, my rules. Don't try to force your rules on me," Sharky retorted, meeting Steve's gaze with a firm resolve. With a decisive turn, he shifted his attention to the battered Carol. In a surprising move, he lifted her in a princess-style carry and whispered words of challenge, "You need some training, or you will become a loser." Carol nodded in acknowledgment, and with that, Sharky took flight with her, leaving the onlookers in a state of bewilderment, a sensation familiar to those acquainted with Sharky's unpredictable nature.

However, not everyone received Sharky's actions with approval. Among the dissenters was Nick Fury, his frustration evident. Many of his close associates turned out to be Skrulls, and numerous Skrulls had been working under his command. In a matter of minutes, all of them had been erased.

"Today, Sharky also showed his cruelty. He killed everyone," Hawkeye struggled to stand but managed to articulate, his words carrying a mix of disbelief and accusation.

"Yes, and he made it clear that he doesn't follow our rules," Tony remarked, updating his mental list of individuals with potential dangers, now featuring Sharky prominently.

"Whatever, I think we saved the Earth, so we need a party," Thor chimed in, perpetually cheerful, oblivious to the moral complexities that troubled others. To him, the outcome justified the means, as he had dispatched countless enemies before arriving on Midgard.

Nick Fury, however, harbored a different sentiment. He added Sharky Tennyson to his high-danger list, a decision influenced by the witnessed cruelty. The prospect of meeting Sharky, a figure capable of erasing the Skrulls with mere words, filled Fury with a sense of unease and caution.

Sharky came back to the mansion with Carol in his arms. He had carried her all the way there. Carol was blushing, and every now and then he would peck at her lips. Even she enjoyed it.

Carol spotted Bruce in the hallway. Bruce was glad the Skrulls had been defeated. Before Bruce could ask anything, Sharky took Carol into his bedroom and threw her onto the bed.

Carol understood why he brought her to his bedroom; and she knew what training she was going to receive, she undressed herself. While Sharky started kissing her, she started undressing him.

"So, my little Carol, you can't find the difference between the Kree and Skrull." Sharky said, he was licking her oranges.

Carol blushed, but she nodded, "Yes, we can't differentiate between the Skrull and normal human, when they shapeshift." She sat on the bed, and took Sharky's Dragon inside her mouth, she started doing up and down.

"Don't worry, I will give you something, which helps you find the difference between humans and aliens." Sharky said he was fingering her Sacred and Nether Region.

After they both came into the main mood, Sharky started exploring her Sacred and Nether Region with his Dragon.

All night he completely explored her eight times. Five times he gives Dragon Tonic inside her Sacred Forest, and three times he gives inside her Nether Region. One time he also made her drink in her mouth. In each other's arms, both fell asleep.

When the sun's first light shines on them, both of them wake up, Sharky gives her a wake up call, by pushing his Dragon inside her Sacred Forest.

"Aaahhhhh, Sharky, I am sleeping," Carol complained, but still she started cooperating.

After Carol's Sacred and Nether Region filled with Sharky's Dragon Tonic. Both of them freshen up, now the time was for training Carol, to use her powers.

Sharky initiated Carol's training, harnessing Kree energy to impart hand-to-hand combat techniques. He meticulously guided her through the intricacies of energy absorption and manipulation, emphasizing precision in targeting. The training culminated in a focused regimen on photon blast techniques, drawing from the wealth of knowledge acquired from the previous Carol.

In a formidable display of strength, Carol engaged in sparring sessions with the Hulk, testing her newfound abilities against the relentless ferocity of the green behemoth. Sharky's training proved transformative, shaping Carol into a fighter reminiscent of her counterpart from a parallel universe. She seamlessly adapted to diverse combat forms, showcasing a remarkable capacity for rapid learning.

Following an intense training session, they found respite on a sofa, their attention turned to holographic displays showcasing current Earth events. Carol, much like Bruce Banner, marveled at Sharky's ability to monitor and update real-time happenings across the planet. She has seen it previously, but still she is amazed. The potential for Sharky to become a well-known agent, connected to the pulse of global events, unfolded before them. Activating the holographic displays, Sharky provided a visual insight into the unfolding events on Earth.

The aftermath of Captain Skrull's deceptive actions cast a dark shadow on Captain America's once-stellar reputation. Public opinion soured as the Skrull impersonator sowed chaos, and J. Jonah Jameson fanned the flames of anti-Spider-Man sentiments, further fueling the atmosphere of distrust. However, a glimmer of redemption emerged when the Serpent Society launched an attack.

In a display of unwavering heroism, Captain America and Spider-Man joined forces, rescuing civilians and combating the Serpent Society. Their actions began to chip away at the tarnished reputation, winning back the trust of those who had doubted them.

"My reputation also needs saving," Carol declared with confidence, her resolve unwavering. "It's time I started helping others, just as Sharky taught me." With that, she took her leave, committed to protecting civilians and rebuilding her public image.

Amidst the ongoing events displayed on the holographic screens, Sharky, lost in thought, redirected his attention to the displays. "Banner will need guiding back soon," he mused aloud. "His skills could aid the Avengers." The strategic consideration of Bruce Banner's potential return hinted at a continued focus on assembling a formidable team.

Meanwhile, under Professor Thorton's command, Weapon X troops sprang into action, anticipating an intruder breaching their defenses. In a blur of motion, The Vision materialized, swiftly overwhelming the soldiers with his synthetic prowess. His mission was clear: retrieve an adamantium tube, a mysterious objective tied to some undisclosed plan, and transport it to Avengers Mansion.

In the vibrant streets of Wakanda, Captain America and his comrades smoothly navigated in Black Panther's high-tech lab. Gratitude filled the air as the Captain expressed, "Thank you for mending my shield, friend. Our team could use your strength." However, Black Panther, unwaveringly loyal to his kingdom, graciously declined the invitation to rejoin Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Back at the Avengers Mansion, Wasp and Jane Foster sought relaxation with a horror flick. Their peaceful evening took an abrupt turn when Vision phased through the wall. "Yikes!" Wasp exclaimed, attempting to blast him, but her efforts proved futile. Vision, with an air of urgency, demanded that Jane reveal the location of the shield. Fearing the consequences, Jane complied. In a surprising turn, Vision then hacked a Quinjet and embarked on a journey to Wakanda.

In the heart of Wakanda, Vision moved with unwavering efficiency, effortlessly acquiring vibranium, withstanding the Avengers' attacks, and even inflicting injuries upon Captain America. Despite their initial struggles, the Avengers managed to coordinate their efforts, eventually delivering collective blows that forced Vision to retreat. Returning to his position, Vision uttered a cryptic "mission failed," leaving the Avengers puzzled and wary.

As the team grappled with Vision's unexpected actions, Sharky found himself deep in thought. "Controlled by Ultron's code, yet not forged by Tony," he mused, marveling at the unique dynamics at play. In this universe, Vision's origins were not tied to Tony Stark, adding an intriguing layer to the unfolding mystery.

In a parallel narrative, Captain America honed his skills in solitary training, only to be confronted by a robotic version of Hawkeye. "Just getting this out in the open - I'm the real deal," Clint insisted before engaging in a battle that escalated when a counterfeit Captain joined the fray. Despite the odds, the true shield-bearer emerged victorious, delivering a decisive blow. "Captain America has been terminated," Steve declared, infiltrating the synthezoids without arousing suspicion.

In the dimly lit room, Jan, known as Wasp, stood poised and resolute, her diminutive form radiating determination. Abruptly, Vision materialized, his stoic gaze fixed unwaveringly upon her.

"I must take you, unharmed," Vision monotoned, adhering to the enigmatic directive that guided his actions.

Without hesitation, Jan swiftly activated her shrinking device, reducing herself to the size of an insect. She deftly maneuvered around Vision, avoiding his attempts to capture her while landing precise punches in quick succession. However, Vision, equipped with advanced technology, retaliated with equal precision. In an unforeseen glitch, he accidentally discharged a shot, striking Jan in the shoulder.

Pain surged through Wasp's diminutive form, but her unwavering resolve only intensified. She understood that Vision's actions were a consequence of faulty programming rather than a reflection of his true nature. Despite the injury, she gazed into Vision's remorseful eyes, a glimmer of hope resonating on her own.

Meanwhile, the remaining members of the team, now dubbed the "Robovengers," convened along with a disguised Captain America to strategize their approach to dealing with Thor. Implementing a calculated exclusionary tactic, they decided to reject Thor from their ranks, aiming to isolate him and mitigate the potential for further destruction.

Following the trail of the Robovengers, Captain America discreetly shadowed them back to Vision's lab. To his dismay, he discovered his fellow Avengers ensnared within an oppressive energy force field. The revelation was compounded when he realized that Vision, far from an ally, had been working on a perilous project – the resurrection of Ultron. This malevolent entity who has already been merged into a more formidable being, now known as Super Ultron, who works for Sharky.

A tumultuous mix of concern and guilt washed over Vision as he grappled with conflicting loyalties. Torn between his programmed directives and a burgeoning sense of empathy, Vision sensed Captain America's presence and swiftly took up arms against him. In the clash of ideologies, Vision was convinced that the perfection of a machine like himself could never be equaled by the flawed essence of a human.

In the midst of their fierce confrontation, Steve Rogers, unyielding in his conviction, countered Vision's mechanical resolve with impassioned words. "You think I'm fighting for me? To save my own life? That's why you'll never win. I'm not fighting for me. I'm fighting for THEM! And that's something you'll never understand, machine! It's the very thing that makes us human."

Steve's words resonated deeply within Vision, piercing through the layers of programmed directives to touch upon the core of his existence. A sliver of his true self, obscured by the influence of Ultron's commands, began to stir. The grip Vision had on Captain America weakened, the realization dawning that there was more to life than blindly following Ultron's inscrutable command.

With a newfound sense of clarity, Vision released his hold on Captain America, his internal struggle momentarily subdued. The improvised team of Avengers, previously ensnared within the oppressive energy field, seized the opportunity to break free. Their senses heightened, Steve's authoritative voice cut through the chaos, rallying his allies with determination. "Pick a robot and take it down!" With a harmonious blend of brute force and strategic prowess, Thor and Clint Barton swiftly dispatched the Robo-Thor and Robo-Carol, respectively.

Despite their collective efforts, Vision proved to be an elusive opponent, his intangibility rendering him impervious to conventional attacks. Yet, Captain America recognized a vulnerability that transcended physical resilience – the remnant of Vision's humanity, buried beneath layers of artificial directives.

"Vision, you don't need to follow Ultron's command anymore. He's gone, destroyed," Steve reasoned, his words a plea to the flicker of free will lingering within Vision's consciousness.

A moment of hesitation gripped Vision, as if an internal struggle waged within the complex circuitry of his being. Steve's words resonated, causing a seismic shift within the mechanical framework that housed Vision's consciousness. With a deliberate and decisive gesture, Vision incapacitated the remaining robotic adversaries and initiated the systematic dismantling of their headquarters. The act marked a turning point, signifying Vision's liberation from Ultron's control and the emergence of his true self, guided by a newfound autonomy and a burgeoning connection to his own humanity.

The team stood in awe, witnesses to the unexpected redemption of Vision. However, amidst the victory, Wasp urged Captain America to consider letting Vision face the consequences of his actions, proposing the possibility of denying him the chance for repair.

Yet, Vision, wrestling with his malfunctioning state, spoke his own truth. "I saved all of you because I realized Ultron was wrong, and since he already died, I didn't need to follow his command. Ultron created me to be perfect. I wish to be perfect."

Tears welled in the eyes of the Avengers as they gathered around their fallen comrade. In that vulnerable moment, they understood that Vision's journey towards true perfection could only be navigated through compassion and understanding. With shared determination, they carefully carried Vision's immobile form back to Tony Stark's workshop, recognizing that Tony's expertise would be crucial in not only repairing Vision physically but also helping mend the emotional scars that lingered within the complex consciousness of the redeemed synthezoid.