
To the forest


5 years later

a teen age boy was practicing his sword art he was so concentrate that he didn't notice that a beautiful teen girl was watching him while blushing.

that girl is the daughter of his master Kevin her name is Sophia Davies. she his a black hair and eyes.

Gil:finally i breakthrough lvl 7 of sword art. now i can even kill a lvl 4 monsters. and i definitely didn't want to embarrass Sophia in the tournament that will happen in the next month"

says Gil while having a big smile.

Sophia:congrats Gil. you finally breakthrough to lvl 7 it take you 2 years to do that. you are so talented in sword art shame that you don't have a talent if you have a talent you will be one of the top genius"

says Sophia while looking down with a sad face.

Sophia:but don't worry i know you will be one of the best even without a talent so don't let it bother you"

but quickly change the sad face to a smiling one. she is the type of girl that don't get sad easily. and that's what made me love her. but even if i love her and she loves me we will never be together because my state that i'm a slave.

so this is why I'm trying so hard so i can be free and confession my love for her.

Gil:thanks Sophia let's go to meet master and tell him"

i call her with her name when we are alone but when there people i have to say Sophia-same.


we entered a luxury hall it was worth a lot of platinum coin. there where two people inside it a beautiful women looks like a older Sophia. and an almost handsome man.

the women name is Adele Rooney.and the man is my master and trainer his name is Kevin Davies(i don't know english noble names and i know im bad at it)

Sophia:father mother look Gil breakthrough to lvl 7 he is amazing. now can you let us go to the forest so we can get some experience and kill some magical monsters"

said Sophia with a sweet voice so her parents can accept her request.

with a deep thought her father said.

Kevin:alright you can go. but don't go to deep the deeper you are in the more dangerous monsters room around and if you in find any strong monsters immediately run understand that"he said with a serious face and a sharp eyes.

her mother immediately reject her request and argued her husband

Adele:dear why your letting them go its dangerous. don't allow them"

Adele said with a worry expression and a commend voice to her husband.

Kevin:what's make a powerful warrior is the battle between live and death. and they need that experience"says Kevin without backing down to his wife.

Kevin:but Gil you are smart so i can't teach you a lot so you have to figure out how to improve yourself. and protect Sophia with your life.

he said while holding my shoulder. and said with a small voice that only me can hear.

Kevin:come in my room later i have thing to say to you"(he calls a 9 year old to his room in the night is he a paedophile 🤔🤔)

i looked at him and nodd my head.

(noooooo don't accept Gil its a trap)


in the night

i entered a luxury room there i found my master sitting in a sofa while looking at the fire

Gil:master is it about the safety of Sophia"i can guess why he want me to talk alone with him. most likely he wants to give me a treasure to escape but that treasure can take just one.

(he's smart from birth)

Kevin:Gil i won't take much of your time because i don't want her to suspicion anything here take this treasure. this treasure allow one to return to the house immediately and i want you to used at Sophia when you face a danger situation"as i expected. but i will do what he said without any hesitation. because i love this family.

Gil:don't worry master i will do what you order and i hope that situation never occur"i didn't expect that this journey to be a dangerous one.

but little i know that this is the true beginning of the man thats name is Gilgamesh.

next chapter will be absolutely exiting and this the beginning of the finfic i tried to be different than the other finfic

TKOOcreators' thoughts