
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

FFAddict · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
230 Chs

Journalling in Marvel - Chapter 186

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"Hehe, confused again, aren't you?"

Tony Stark couldn't help but have a smug grin on his face. For some reason, every time he saw the bewildered look on Zhou Cheng, the owner of the diary that seemed to have everything under control, Tony felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction.

Funny, since he wasn't typically one for schadenfreude.

Tony shrugged off his inner musings and refocused on the diary. Soon, a look of surprise crossed his face.

A battle between Captain Americas... happening inside Stark Tower?

According to the spoilers from the diary, didn't Captain America trick the scepter from Hydra before encountering another version of himself? Could it be that the "Hail Hydra" scene with Captain America also took place inside Stark Tower?

I have to admit, this does come as a bit of a surprise, Tony thought to himself.

After a brief analysis, Tony arrived at a likely conclusion.

Could Loki have been captured inside Stark Tower? Or perhaps nearby? If that's the case, it would make sense why everyone temporarily held Loki with SHIELD, waiting for SHIELD personnel to process him.

Of course, this was a trivial matter that Tony found himself instinctively curious about but didn't care much beyond that. He quickly put it aside and continued reading the relevant content.

"So, apart from Rogers and another version of myself, we also have Ant-Man and Hulk?"

Tony's interest was piqued, and he made a mental note of this crucial information. 

Meanwhile, Tony developed a theory: The reason the Tesseract was stolen so silently without causing any commotion was likely due to Ant-Man. Only Ant-Man shrinking the Tesseract and taking it away could explain how it happened so undetected.

"So, that guy must be Ant-Man?"

Tony's mind involuntarily recalled the image of the middle-aged man in the driver's seat. 

Although it was just a brief glance, Tony had already instructed JARVIS to scan the man. Finding out his identity wouldn't be a problem. The mysterious Ant-Man was about to be uncovered. Tony felt a sense of anticipation.

Additionally, Hulk being part of this "time-traveling team" genuinely took Tony by surprise. 

So someday in the future, Hulk, the big angry giant, would find a way to control his rage? It seemed so. Because if Hulk hadn't achieved clarity of mind, would the Avengers entrust him with collecting the Infinity Stones? Especially sending him to Kamar-Taj? 

If Hulk lost control at Kamar-Taj and destroyed it, wouldn't that be a disaster?

Tony wondered whether the sorcerers at Kamar-Taj could handle Hulk in his berserk form.

With these questions, Tony's eyes returned to the diary, and what he read next deeply shocked him.

Hulk had his soul punched out by the Ancient One?

Wait a minute, does that mean souls actually exist?

Okay, that wasn't the point. The point was that Hulk, even post-Endgame Hulk with his immense power, had his soul punched out by one blow from the Ancient One. Now that was mind-blowing.

No wonder the Ancient One was held in such high regard. The diary placed her among the top-tier cosmic beings, on par with Odin. And her actions certainly lived up to that reputation. Truly, she was a big shot.

"In the Battle of New York, Hulk really had the short end of the stick," Tony mused. "While Stark and the rest faced past versions of themselves, Hulk had to contend with the Ancient One."

"Sure, Hulk was strong enough to pummel Loki and Thor, fought Fenris the giant wolf in Asgard, and even took on Surtur the fire giant. But in front of the Ancient One? He still wasn't a match."

Fenris, the giant wolf? Surtur, the fire giant?

Tony couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Both of these figures were legendary in Norse mythology. Fenris, the son of Loki and the giantess, possessed a power that struck fear into the gods. According to the myths, Fenris was a key figure in Ragnarok, destined to devour Odin.

And Surtur? No need to elaborate. The myth spoke of Surtur destroying Asgard with his fire.

Of course, Tony knew that reality and mythology often differed, sometimes significantly. Nonetheless, if someone like Hulk could battle such significant mythological entities, it underscored his immense strength.

Undoubtedly, Hulk's power was top-tier in the universe.



Thor, who had been suppressing uprisings across the Nine Realms, received an urgent message and hurried back after hearing that Loki had been spotted. Thor furrowed his brow.

Previously, he hadn't known about Fenris, but after a candid conversation with Odin, he was filled in. Fenris was Hela's mount, and per Odin, Fenris was extremely powerful, feared across the Nine Realms.

Even in the vast cosmos, Fenris was an enormously feared beast. Having such a ferocious creature as a mount only highlighted Hela's might. But had Fenris not been killed? How could he reappear in the future?

Could it be that after Odin's death, Hela was resurrected and managed to revive Fenris?

Considering Odin had confided in him about his limited time and his relationship with Hela, Thor reached this logical conclusion. His mood grew somber. So, his father's end was inevitable after all.

But what's with Hulk?

"Why is the Hulk in Asgard?"

"He's clearly a Midgardian!"

"Also, the diary mentioned that the Hulk had appeared on Sakaar and had a gladiatorial match with Thor."

"I have to say, for a Midgardian, the Hulk sure does get around."

"Jumping from one planet to another. Wait!"

Thinking of this, Thor's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Did I bring the Hulk back to Asgard when we appeared on Sakaar together?"

Even someone as simple-minded as Thor couldn't help but make this obvious guess.

"But whether it's true or not, I really don't know," Thor admitted.

"And then there's the fire giant Surtur."

"Surtur is the ruler of Muspelheim amongst the Nine Realms, a famous existence throughout the Nine Realms. Even before being defeated by my father Odin, his fame was almost on par with Odin's!"

"However, I clearly remember Odin telling me he had killed Surtur five hundred thousand years ago."

"But now it looks like Surtur isn't dead?"

"No way, the fire giant?"

Suddenly, Thor's eyes widened as if he remembered something.

"Odin once told me a prophecy about Ragnarok, where Asgard would be reduced to ashes in a great fire!"

"Destroyed in scorching flames."

"And now, I know Surtur isn't dead!"

"So could it be that Surtur is the one who brings Ragnarok to Asgard?"

"Does that mean..."

"One day in the future, Surtur will invade Asgard and destroy it?"

Thor's complexion became extremely serious all of a sudden.

"And if my guess is correct, does it mean I've found a way to stop Ragnarok?"

"Wouldn't it just require killing Surtur completely?"

Thinking of this, a glint of determination flashed through Thor's eyes, feeling incredibly excited.

"Asgard can be saved!"

["The Ancient One has too many ways to crush the Hulk."]

["Not to mention she could knock Hulk's soul out with a single palm, banish him to an alien planet with a random space portal, or trap him in a mirror dimension."]

["And her most powerful weapon is the Time Stone!"]

["Hulk is a child in front of the Ancient One!"]

["Oh, wait, it's actually the green giant Banner."]

["Who would've thought that the Hulk and Banner would fully integrate?"]

["Hulk's body with Banner's consciousness, combining Hulk's strength and Banner's intelligence, this must be the most perfect form!"]

["But unfortunately, in front of the Ancient One, it's not even worth mentioning."]

"So these are the methods of the Ancient One?"

Even someone of Tony's caliber couldn't help but marvel internally.

"You have to respect the big shots!"

"Even Loki needs the Tesseract, an Infinity Stone, to open a space portal."

"But the Ancient One can do it effortlessly."

"She could even casually open a portal to another planet!"

"Another planet!"

"Keep in mind that Earth struggles just to send missions to the Moon."

"So does this mean that what Loki painstakingly tries to do, the Ancient One can accomplish without any effort?"

"As for the mirror dimension, based on its name, it's space within a mirror?"

"Does a space inside a mirror really exist?"

"From a scientific perspective, from a materialistic point of view, obviously it doesn't."

"But what about from a top-tier sorcerer's perspective?"

Tony couldn't say for sure.

"So does this mean the Ancient One also has the magical ability to trap people inside mirrors?"

"Like in some movies?"

"Of course, this is just Tony's speculative thinking."

"But regardless, the mirror dimension must be an extremely powerful skill."

"There's no doubt about it."

"And combining that with the Time Stone..."


"Isn't the Time Stone with Doctor Strange?"

"But judging by this diary's tone, during this period, the Time Stone is still with the Ancient One."

"Does this mean that in the future, the Ancient One will pass the Time Stone to Doctor Strange?"

"The specifics are unclear; Tony can only make some guesses."

"But one thing is certain, the Ancient One with the Time Stone also possesses control over time!"

"In other words, the Ancient One can manipulate both time and space!"

"This is practically unbeatable!"

"And let's not forget she can manipulate souls too!"

"Doesn't this mean the Ancient One effectively possesses the Space, Time, and Mind Stones simultaneously?"


"You have to respect it!"

"Now the question is,"

"Since the green giant Banner and the Ancient One are so mismatched in power, how did he get the Stone from her?"

"After all, the diary states that the Avengers' operation to collect the Infinity Stones was a success!"

"And Hulk and Banner fully integrating was completely beyond Tony's expectations."

"So is this how Hulk controls his anger?"

"Is this why the Avengers decided to involve Hulk—no, Banner—in the time-travel mission?"

"To be honest, Hulk's body combined with Banner's consciousness is, in some ways, the most perfect form."

"Nick Fury will definitely love it."

"But what did Banner or Hulk go through to undergo such a drastic transformation?"

"Hopefully, Banner won't turn into a big green musclebound figure all the time, and won't revert back to that mild, gentle man—well, old man?"

"That would be quite terrifying."

Tony couldn't help but shudder.

"If it were me, I would never want to turn into such a figure."

["If it weren't for Banner's eloquent persuasion, convincing the Ancient One to willingly hand over the Stone, the Avengers' mission to collect the Stones would have failed."]

["Well, maybe not just persuasion; mainly, the Ancient One believed in the future Doctor Strange."]

["Or rather, the future Doctor Strange also believed in the Ancient One!"]

["Doctor Strange saw over 14 million possibilities in the battle against Thanos, with only one where the Avengers win."]

["In that one possibility, Doctor Strange saw the Infinity War's defeat and the Endgame's comeback."]

["But did he see the Avengers' time-travel mission?"]