
Raidon's Strengh, Part 2

Suddenly a face appeared in one wall. Daijo couldn't see anything on it, due to the dim lighting.

"I'm pretty sure that you're not the owner of that Stand, aren't you!" Jotaro shouted to the face.

Daijo could barely see the grin on the face.

"You are damn right Joestar!" the face laughted, in a creepy, high tone.

"How did you got it?" Jotaro asked loudly.

The man laughed. "I don't know why, but a man gave it to me!"

"How do you know it's not his?" Daijo asked Jotaro.

"I fought it. After we left Hong Kong and fought a Stand called Dark Blue Moon, my grandfather and our friends fought a Orangutan with the same ability. His Stand was called Strengh. He was able to control anything in a giant boat. He even could slide in and out of walls anywhere he wanted to!" Jotaro answered.

"And how are we supposed to fight that thing?" Daijo asked nervously.

"You need to awaken your Stand!" Jotaro replied. 

"But... But how?"

"Don't know! Thats your problem. Just trie it!" Jotaro answered, and made a step toward the face in the wall.

"Whats your name?" he asked him.

"My name is Raidon!" the man giggled. Then he dissapeard in the wall.

"Ok Raidon. I will now come to you! And you Daijo, trie to awaken your Stand!" 

Daijo nodded. But he didn't had a clue how to do that.

"Where are you?!" Jotaro shouted. 

"As if i would tell you that!" Daijo heard the creepy voice.

Jotaro searched the room for an exit. Then he found a door. Slowly, he opened it. Jotaro entered the room behind, and Daijo followed him. The were in a Corridor. Nowhere to see Raidon.

Suddenly Jotaro started sinking in the floor.

"Hey! Mr. Joestar!? What is happening?" Daijo shouted and tried to free Jotaro.

"It... doesn't work!" Daijo mumbled.

Then Jotaro fell trough the floor.

"Mr. Joestar! Hey! Where are you?!" Daijo shouted. No reply.

"Crap!" Daijo said to himself. He opened another door. Bright light burned in his eyes. He stood before the windshield, in a cockpit-like room.

"Mr. Joestar!" he shouted again. Still no reply.

Suddenly the seats flew in the air. They levitated for a breeve moment, then they flew directly at Daijo. He was barely able to dodge the first. The second hit him right in the face. He flew on the ground. 

"Fuck!" Slowly he got up again, just to get attacked by the first seat again. He dodged it again. He slamed the door, and was back in the corridor. 

"How am I supposed to beat this car?" But he couldn't make a pause. The door opened again and the seats flew in the corridor.

"What the..." Daijo tried to dodge the seat, and hit a wall.

"Fuck! That hurts!" Suddenly the seats stopped moving.

'What? What happened' Daijo thought to himself. Then he realised the giant silouette on the door at the end of the corridor, where Jotaro and he entered.

She was levitating and hold a rapier.

"Silver Chariot!" Daijo heard a voice, with a slightly french accent.