The hooded man clicks the gun back. Terrell terrified stepped back, putting his hands behind his head. "Please, I don't want to die," Terrell says with a tear in his eyes. The hooded man nods his head, pointing his gun to the ground. Terrell complies and kneels down with his hands behind his head. The hooded man, then turns to Javier, "Put everything in the cash register into the bag, or I'll blow your ass back to Mexico."
Javier quickly complies and starts opening the cash register, emptying it into the robber's bag. Jon watched this with a close eye. He had his phone in the shadow realm, he had already called the police. Jon has been in this situation before and has called the police before, but this time Jon had a bad feeling.
^Are you going to beat him up! We have to beat up the bad guys!
"Shut up Gangsta, I won't get myself killed."
^But we are thinking the same thing, aren't we.
"Yeah. This could be a suspect for the guy who shot my brother, or at least some kind of lead."
^So that means we have to stop him. We got to stop him right? What if Javier gets shot? I can sense the blood lust coming off of him.
"Can you even stop him? All we can do is just go into this shadow world. I can't even summon you out into the real world."
^Have you even tried it before?
"Why would I try it stupid, it would be useless."
^That's not true, since I've been trapped in here since you were a little kid. I've been training!
"Training? What are you a boxer now?"
^Just wait til you see me outta here. I'll run this bad guy to the ground.
"Just don't kill him Tyson."
Jon stares at the hooded man, then after a short while he decides to open up a hole the size of himself. He swipes his hand, opening the hole, he walks through it, catching everyone off guard.
"Where the hell did you come from," the hooded man said pointing his gun at Jon. Jon feels a cold nervous sweat run down the side of his face, his legs trembling, but his eyes determined. "Put the money back," Jon says with a meek voice. "Speak up nigga! Where did you come from boy, or I swear to God I'll shoot your brains out."
Jon stumbles in place, scared beyond all doubt.
^Just call upon me.
His stand whispered in his head.
^You can do it, no we can do it together.
The hooded man pointed the gun, inching closer to Jon. With the reassurance from his stand, Jon loses all of his fear in a moment. "Put away your gun, leave the money here and go on with your day."
"Or what," the hooded man says, putting his finger on the trigger and the barrel of the gun to Jon's nose. "Ga-" Jon chokes on his words, causing the hooded man to give a little chuckle. Jon, feeling embarrassed and irritated, refocused himself, he breathed in and out. He became calm despite having a gun shoved in his face.
"Sir, do you know that it isn't really respectful to shove a gun in someone's face," Jon says using his fingers to form a gun, shoving his finger gun into the hooded man's hood. The hooded man grits his teeth, his eyes gleaming with a killer stare. His finger, that was placed on the trigger, twitched. Jon caught the slight movement and acted quickly.
Jon yells out the name of his stand, his shadow becomes disfigured, then rises up from the ground. A humanoid like being, pitch black in color, rises from Jon's shadow. Only Jon can see the marvelous stand. Barrettas etched on his hands, a scar running from its forehead down through its eyes to its chin. A backwards hat, and sneakers accompanied the look.
Gangsta's Paradise rushes toward the hooded man and punches the man's hand. He drops his gun, Javier and Terrell both surprised, and confused at the man's now broken fingers. The man screams, his hood flying off of his head, he holds onto his broken hand.
"The fuck did you just-"
Gangsta's Paradise yells out a battle cry as he unleashes a flurry of fists at the hooded man. The man falls back, flying backwards to a window next to the entrance of the store. The sounds of police sirens going off echo throughout the neighbor and even in the store.
Jon turns around, his stand retracting back into his shadow. He falls to his knees, putting his hands behind his head, right next to Terrell who was amazed at the work that Jon had did. "Jon, how did you do that, you wiped the floor with him, without even hitting him."
Jon didn't answer, he wasn't even listening, he feared that he made a grave mistake. Would he be getting arrested for stopping a robbery? Will he be found out for stealing?
Before he could even analyze all of the consequences for his actions, the cops had came. Apprehended the hooded man and questioned Javier, Terrell, then Jon in that order.
Javier and Terrell told the police of the great work that Jon did. Described it as though some ghost assisted them. The police convinced from the two, simply asked Jon about the experience. Jon was terrified, but the police calmed him down, hailing him as a hero. One of the police officers offered a ride for Jon and Terrell to go back home. On the ride back they were nervous, but were calm, no fear plagued them. They dropped off Terrell first, then sped their way down the street to Jon's house. It was a smooth ride, but what was said by one of the officers, when they arrived at Jon's house scared Jon to death. "That man was a gang member, you should be careful from now on. You don't want to get into any problems with no gang now."
Jon got out of the police car, with a heavy heart, he stood at the front of his lawn until the police had drove away. He gulped and walked to his front door, he took out his key and opened his door. He stepped inside his house, closing the door behind him, and locking it in the same motion. "Shit. I forgot my bag at Nathan's. I can just go over his house tomorrow. What time is it anyway?"
Jon takes his phone out of his pocket and looks at the time, 8:21 PM. He wiped his shoes on his welcome mat and took them off. He walked to his living room, which was the first room you enter when walking into the house. He sits down on the couch, then lays down. He thinks of reaching for the remote, but he feels too lazy. Instead he closes his eyes, and thinks.
"Gangsta's Paradise. That was my first time summoning it. So this is what a stand is, huh."
Hope you enjoyed the chapter! What do you think of Gangsta's Paradise? If any artist happens to stumble upon this novel and like it. I would greatly appreciate it if you made some art of Gangsta's Paradise.