
237. Death: The Musical Part I

Miguel stood in front of Doughnut. Behind Doughnut is the American Flag, bright as it can be.

"What?" asked Doughnut.

"I have another deal for you!" smiled Miguel.

"Which is?"

"If you join us, we will give your country an industrial makeover!"

Doughnut facepalms. "That's still what a colonizer does, asshole!"

"Look... Trumpet? I am tired! I am so tired of trying to help your country!"

"Why are you so obsessed with helping our country!?"

"Because if Stefan somehow survived and lands on your country, and you choose to keep it as a secret, we're all dead! Because if an alien creature lands on your country and you keep it a secret, we're all dead! Because-!"

"Those are not the reasons!"

Miguel facepalms and paced left and right.

"What is the reason, President Reaper?"



Miguel sighs. "'Should...'"

"And why is that?"

"Because the reason why the world has problems right now is because of me! Because every Stand-User Josuke and Lord fought is because of one action that changed everyone's fates. I fought Salvi... I was never meant to fight Salvi, Trumpet... Now people are dead because of me! Eradicator... Stefan... Monster Emperor... All because I fought Salvi! I need to redeem myself!"

"You don't need to redeem yourself anymore, JoJo... You already proved yourself as a hero..."

"But look what I've done! I got so many people killed, Doughnut! People are dying right now because of me! Only I can show them the way... The way for a better world! I have to be better... So I have to make this world better!"

"Really, now?"

"I'm a Superhero! I have to save the world!"

"So... here you are... trying to search for a purpose..."


"This melancholy... It stems not from the fact that you're a Superhero... You see... When your goal was to plant a hundred trees and you already planted them, set a new goal for yourself and make a thousand more... You lack any purpose... The world doesn't need you anymore, Miguel JoJo. You are no longer the hero of this story."

"I didn't say that I am the hero of this story! I said that I need to do something for the world! Something bad will happen, Trumpet! And I have to be there to protect it! Because only I am powerful enough to protect this world! Only I can save this world! Only I can make a world above suffering!"

"You're starting to sound like the same villains you killed, JoJo."

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"


"You know... The irony of your name... 'The Reaper...' Each action you've had has consequences for yourself and others... You quite literally reap what you sow... Actually... figurative sense... Is it literal or not literal enough?Whatever!You're broken, Miguel JoJo.A foolish warrior that the world doesn't need... A weapon with no purpose... Meant to be thrown away... Get it, Miguel JoJo? We don't need you anymore."

"Yes, you do..." Miguel JoJo argued.

"Prove it. Show it, Miguel! Show me the worst thing that's happening in your little utopia?"

"The Southeast Asian Wars!"

"And did you fix it?"

"N-No... But-!"

"No... In fact... You caused it, Miguel. The only reason why the five fucking continents on this Earth are having wars since you have brought down the borders! You can't just change everyone's beliefs just like that! People think differently because there are 7 billion very different people in our world alone! What about the Deep Sea Wars in SB-129? The Galactic War in C-138? The War for Independence in TAWOG-5311? The Glass Wars of AT-1278!? What, Miguel!? What can you alone do about it!? Nothing! Because YOU CAUSED IT!!! And do not bullshit me! I know you're going to keep doing it because you believe in your cause SO GODDAMN MUCH!!!"

"What do you suggest I do, then?"

"Two words! 'Give up!' Go home, Miguel... Home... Please... Give up... The world doesn't need you..."



Miguel trembles and bows his head, walking away.







Miguel, in his office, reads some articles alone at home at night. The kids are at their Grandfather's and Miguel is alone in the farmhouse. Behind him is a withered and dusty Philippine flag.

"Having trouble there?"

A humanoid red-skinned man with sharp features appears before Miguel. He has a black suit with a bowler hat and a cane. He has red eyes, pointed ears, a pointed chin, a pointed nose, and a red tail.

"Hello, there!" smiled the creature.

Miguel backs away. "Shit!"

"Hello, there!" sneered the man.

"Have you lost purpose?" asked the man, orbiting Miguel's head. "Have you lost an argument? Feeling down? Feeling awful about yourself?"


"Well step right up to the internet! It has everything you ever need, Miguel JoJo! Everything! Ngahahahaha!!!"


"Come on! I know you want it! Watch it, JoJo! Watch it! W̷̧͉̱̠̲̙̼͚̰̐͐͌͂̍͐̍̈́̂A̶͚͎͖̞̾͌̊̈̌͒̇͆͠T̷̨̧̢̧̢̫̘̻͚̙̻̙͓̀̂̇̎̅̓̈̂̈́̈́̕͝C̵̹̹̱̝̔̃͛̀̃ͅH̸͕̟̲̔͒͋̍̽̌̇̔͐͘͝͝ ̸̢̯̹̮̞̼̰̭̘̹͋̿̅̕̕T̶̼̖̫̺̭͓͗̊̈́̏́̈́̽H̸̡̢̢͇̯̥͖͕̱̙̤͉̤̱͗̓͌̉͜É̶̡͚̭̺̯̠͕̞̠͕̩̝͎͆͜͜ ̶̢̡̼̳͙̦̮̦̩͔̪̎̐̅͊̔͑̊͌̂͝͠͝F̵͚̺̹͍̉̈́͋͗̐̀͑͌͜Ư̶̢̥͐̈́̎͂C̸̡̨̧̝̯͎̩̜̤̏̽̉K̶̨̼̜͔͖̬̮͇̘̝̗̤̳̹͉͑́̈́͐̌̓ ̴̢̦̟̫̦͓̠̱͛ͅŌ̴̡̻̥̩̱͍̮̥̼̓̓̂͂͂̈́̒̚͝͝Ǔ̴̡̡̢̞͖̋̐̊̌̈́͊̆̏̚͝T̶̮̬͇͇̜̙̟̪͊̓̋͂̿̇̍̆͂͜͜Ț̷͕͎̈́̆͐̿̆̾̆͘A̵̛̳͗̒̑͝͝ ̶̘͖̺̎͗̄̄͛́̈́́̇͝͝I̸̛͈̖͙͈̯̱̖̎̐̒͌̓͋̈́͘̕T̸̤͙͈̭͒̈̚!̴̛͖͚̺̺̰̯̲̯́̋̌͒̏͂̓͛̆̕͜͝͠!̷̨̧̡̻͚̣̠͎͇̠̮͙͒̂̅̈̅̈́ͅ!̷̢̧̢̡̠̩̬̼̮̮̫̲͙̒͐̓̔̓͆͆̅̚͘͜"

"Watch what!?"

The creature shows him a video of a baby panda sneezing and the Mama Panda getting surprised.

"Whoa!" Miguel swiped more. "Wait... What are y-?"

"I'M DEATH!!!" he sneered.

"Hay Naku... Here to assassinate me, hm?"

"Not at all! Just watch, Miguel JoJo!"

"No! I know that you're trying to trick me!"

Miguel is revealed to be talking to himself in the mirror.

"Death" Miguel: "Come on! Just a little time!"

"Normal" Miguel: "No!"

"Death" Miguel: "Pretty please?"

"Normal" Miguel: "Why should I!?"

Death Miguel began dancing as he prepares his pitch.

(villain song begins... You could listen to it and read along with the lyrics...)

"Welcome to the internet!Have a look around!Anything that "brain of yours" can think of can be found!We've got mountains of content!Some better, some worse!If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first!

Welcome to the internet!Come and take a seat!Would you like to see the news or any famous women's feet?There's no need to panic!This isn't a test, haha!Just nod or shake your head and we'll do the rest!

Welcome to the internet!What would you prefer?Would you like to fight for civil rights or tweet a racial slur?Be happyB̵̺̜̱̪̭͖̯̞̼̦́̍̇̇͒̅̓̕e̸̟̝̗̯͎͍͋ ̷̢̳͈̘̎̀̽̑̒̓̊̀͊̋͐͐̾͜͝h̶̨̳͍̣̞͇̓̌̈̚͜o̷̠̣͇̞͍̥͝r̵̢̧̤̖̟̗̱̜̗̬̫̺̰̥͕̈́̆͒̈́̏̎͘n̶͕̙͓̖̅͆͝y̷̧̬͚͓̪͉͔̭͍͔͓̺͕͑͌̌̈́͒̅́̓͆͆͂̚͜!

Be bursting with rage!We got a million different ways to engage!

Welcome to the internet!Put your cares aside!Here's a tip for straining pasta!Ḫ̵̒ḙ̷̊r̸͜͝e̶̘̚'̶̳͐s̸͔̈ ̸̦̇a̶̧̋ ̷̣͛n̶̰̅i̸̥̎n̸̡̓e̴̛̱-̴̰͝y̶͕̑e̷̖͝a̴͍͗r̵̡̈́-̵̢͒ǒ̵̼ĺ̴̢d̶͍̓ ̶͚͘w̷͈̏h̷͙͛o̴̝͝ ̷̩̾d̷̳̍ĩ̸͙e̵̱͆d̵̨̅!̵̛̯We got movies, and doctors, and fantasy sports!And a bunch of colored pencil drawingsOf all the different characters in Harry Potter f̷͙̟̰͌u̴̟̣̫̓͝c̶̗͚̑k̴̮̩͇̋̾i̶̡̛̋n̸̖͙̐̿g̶̜̒̀̐ each other

Welcome to the internet!Hold on to your socks!'Cause, a random guy just kindly sent you photos of his cock!They are grainy and off-putting!He just sent you moreDon't act surprised, you know you like it, Y̷̛͈̲̩̘̣̤̆͒̇̈́Ö̷̢͓̺̙̺͓̹͍́̽͑̓̔̈͑̊̃̀̍̈́Ų̴̳̩͈͕̺̫̒͋͆̉ ̸̠̈́̂͠W̴̢̹͓̼̪̻͔̺̅Ḩ̷̥͇̺̳̬͍͎̖͓̇͌̓̾̓͌͐͜͝O̸̪͑͝R̷̡̲̮̩̞̆̀̾͋͆̌̊͐̿͠E̶̢̧̳̲͔̳̥̊̈̂̽̈́̇̅͋̕ͅ!̷̡̨̳̖͔̪͉͉͉͍͓̝͌!̶͖̲̻̼̲̐͂̄͋͋̋̔́̈́̌!̸̡̱̠͖̬̔͋̈

See a man beheaded!Get offended, see a shrink!Show us pictures of your children!Tell us every thought you think!Start a rumor, buy a broomOr send a death threat to a boomerOr DM a girl and groom her!Do a Zoom or find a tumor in your-!Here's a healthy breakfast option!Y̸͚̌o̴͚͘ũ̸̫ ̵̮s̶̤̀h̷͎͌o̶̹͛ṵ̴͘l̸͉̕d̸̤̈́ ̸̧k̴̠͑ï̵̫l̷̝̍ḷ̷̍ ̸͚̓y̸̱͋o̵͓u̴̝̅r̴̞̄ ̵̖̄m̸̝͝o̸̜͌m̴͉̈́!̷̦̂Here's why women never fuck youH̸̖̋ë̴͈r̵̮̐e̷̥͆'̴͓͛s̶̤͐ ̶̭͌h̶͚̄o̴̪̒w̴̨̋ ̸͔̋y̷̤͑ő̴̹ǘ̶̯ ̴͕͋ç̴̂ḁ̷̚n̷̨͆ ̷̮̚b̴͕̆ṷ̸͝i̵̫̋l̶̨͆d̶̰͛ ̷̫̊à̸̹ ̶͍̒b̷̞͂ọ̶̉m̸͍b̷̲̓!!!Which Power Ranger are you?Take this quirky quiz!Obama sent the immigrants to vaccinate your kids!Could I interest you in everything?All of the time?A little bit of everything...All of the time!!!Apathy's a tragedy!And boredom is a crime!Anything and everything!All of the time!Could I interest you in everything?All of the time?A little bit of everything!All of the time!Apathy's a tragedy!And boredom is a crime!Anything and everything!All of the time!You know, it wasn't always like this!Not very long ago!Just before your time!Right before the towers fell, circa '99!"This" was catalogs!Travel blogs!A chat room or two!We set our sights and spent our nights!Waiting!For you, you, insatiable you!Mommy let you use her iPad!You were barely two!And it did all the things!We designed it to do!Now, look at you, oh...Look at you, you, you!Unstoppable, watchable!Your time is now!Your inside's out!Honey, how you grew!And if we stick together!Who knows what we'll do!It was always the plan!To put the world in your handHahaha... AHAHAHAHAHA!!! WAHAHAHAHAHA!!! WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!

C̶o̶u̸l̷d̴ ̸I̶ ̵i̸n̶t̵e̷r̷e̶s̸t̶ ̷y̷o̵u̴ ̸i̴n̶ ̵e̶v̷e̴r̶y̶t̴h̸i̴n̷g̷?̴̷A̸l̶l̷ ̴o̶f̴ ̴t̸h̷e̴ ̵t̸i̴m̷e̷!̴?̴̴A̴ ̷b̸i̶t̶ ̷o̷f̵ ̶e̵v̴e̸r̸y̵t̸h̴i̶n̴g̶!̷?̴̵A̸l̶l̸ ̴o̶f̸ ̸t̸h̷e̷ ̶t̴i̴m̴e̸!̸?̸̴A̸p̷a̷t̵h̸y̶'̸s̷ ̵a̶ ̷t̵r̴a̷g̸e̸d̸y̵!̶?̷̶A̸n̴d̷ ̷b̴o̷r̵e̷d̸o̶m̶ ̸i̶s̸ ̶a̴ ̷c̸r̶i̷m̴e̵!̴?̸̵A̴n̶y̸t̸h̵i̵n̵g̵ ̴a̸n̵d̵ ̵e̶v̷e̴r̶y̵t̵h̶i̴n̶g̵!̵?̷̶A̶l̸l̵ ̵o̸f̸ ̴t̷h̷e̵ ̵t̸i̶m̴e̶!̷?̴

Could I interest you in everything?!All of the time!?A little bit of everything!All of the time!Apathy's a tragedy!And boredom is a crime!Anything and everything!And anything and everything!And anything and everything!

And all of the time..."



"Tell me?" sneered Miguel. "Why do you always say that? 'Hay Naku...' What does that even mean?"

Miguel rocks back and forth staring blankly into nothingness. "No, thank you..." Cartoon stars begin forming around Miguel, orbiting him. Cartoon birds begin flying around his body as he stares into the lights. "You know... all I wanted? All I wanted was people to respect me... Back then... Before I became a Superhero... then President... then a Dad... Before I was a Crusader... I was an assassin... I was just a fat kid who was bullied by everyone for being different... Beaten... Bullied...But then... people did need me... and everyone praised me...No one's here right now... Because they don't need me anymore... and I'm back from where I started... No... worse...I hate myself... because I'm not me... I'm a fusion... My father experimented on me... Damn... He's not even really my father... He fused his own child with Salvi's son to create me...They thought I was weird...I would pretend ballpoint pens are swords and pretend that my hands were pirates and my fingers were little arms...I would pretend to be an Autobot and pretend to be a car by tucking myself into one... I would act like I was somebody...Jessica... I loved Jessica so much... But she never requited her feelings... Because I was a nobody... She only ever liked me because I became somebody... Someone who fought for others... How awful... No one ever loved me... Anne? I still can't say 'I love you,' to her... Because I refuse to believe that someone out there does love me...That's why... after all that... I say, 'Hay Naku...' or... as Americans say... 'Good grief...' because I desperately want to catch a break from all the pressures of life...All I want is people to be grateful for me... for what I do... For the whole world to approve of me for once... For the whole world to say that I'm good enough...I want them to stand for me in ovation... and sing for me... To get their hands up and cheer for me... pray for me... Love me... accept me..."

(This is a really good and creepy song... Watch Bo Burnham's Inside... I haven't even watched it yet, but I read the story... Yeah... I'll watch it... XD...)

Miguel psychotically shakes his ass while in his underwear and sings his ode to sadness. He grabs hold of a knife and licks it, sexually slicing his skin with it as the blood flows down his body. He then pretends that the knife is a microphone, holding it up to his mouth.

"Get your fuckin' hands up.Get on out of your seats.All eyes on me, all eyes on me.Get your fuckin' hands up.Get on out of your seats.All eyes on me, all eyes on me.Are you feeling nervous?Are you having fun?It's almost over...It's just begun...Don't overthink this...Look in my eye...Don't be scared, don't be shy!Come on in, the water's fine!We're goin' to go where everybody knows...Everybody knows, everybody, oh...We're goin' to go where everybody knows...Everybody knows...Get your fuckin' hands up...Get on out of your seat...All eyes on me, all eyes on me!'Ey, come on, get your fuckin' hands up!Get on out of your seat!All eyes on me, all eyes on me, yeah!Heads down, pray for me!Heads down now, pray for me!Get your fuckin' hands up!Get on out of your seat!All eyes on me, all eyes on me!"Miguel licks the tip of the knife and lets the blood drip from his tongue, woging into his beautiful Aswang self."(Stops singing) You wanna hear a funny story?So, uh, when I was a kid... I was rejected by every known girl and bullied by everyone... (audience laughs)So I was beginning to have, uh, severe panic attacks around people...Which is not a great place to have them.... (audience laughs)So I... I quit, and I didn't talk to girls nor did I try new things for the last five years...Trying to improve "myself" mentally...And you know what?..I did!I got better!I got so much better, in fact!That on June of 2026...I thought, "You know what? I should start talking to people again!""I've been hiding from the world and I need to re-enter!"And then, the funniest thing happened... (audience laughs)He sings once more. While singing, tears drip from his eyes. He woges back to his human self and sobs psychotically."Are you feeling nervous?Are you having fun?It's almost over...It's just begun...Don't overthink this...Look in my eye...Don't be scared, don't be shy!Come on in, the water's fine!You say the ocean's rising like I give a shit!You say the whole world's ending, honey, it already did!You're not gonna slow it, Heaven knows you tried!Got it? Good, now get inside!We're goin' to go where everybody knows...Everybody knows, everybody knows!We're goin' to go where everybody knows...Everybody knows!Come on, get your fuckin' hands up!Get on out of your seat!All eyes on me, all eyes on me!Hey, come on, get your fuckin' hands up!Get on out of your seats!All eyes on me, all eyes on me, yeah!Heads down, pray for me!Heads down now, pray for me!I said get your fuckin' hands up!"He stops singing and screams..."Get up, get up!I'm talkin' to you, GET THE FUCK UP!!!"

Miguel punches you... the reader, with Star Platinum, and holds up a knife to your neck. He continues to sing psychotically."Get your fuckin' hands up!Get on out of your seat!All eyes on me, all eyes on me!Ay, fuckin' get your fuckin' hands up!Get on out of your seat!All eyes on me, all eyes on me, yeah!Come on, heads down, pray for me!Heads down now, pray for me!I said get your fuckin' hands up!Get on...!All eyes on me, all eyes on me..."

Miguel drops to the ground, unconscious.

Miguel wakes up a few hours later... He takes out his inhaler, shakes it, and puffs it in his mouth, breathing in.

"I'm starting to have asthma again... I wonder why... I'm hallucinating... I'm... seeing things... Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?STOP TALKING!!!"

Miguel growled. "My pills! What? What was I doing again? Fuck!"

Miguel steadies himself as he stands from the couch. He enters a room, the kitchen. It's a mess. Dishes and foods are all over the place. "What? That doesn't make any sense... I don't remember what I was doing..."

Miguel sees Jessica's room. He laughs softly. "In the end... I got Anne... In the end..."

Miguel, in his underwear, with his small beard and long hair, begins dancing psychotically like a ballerina, though, elegantly, beautifully, and perfectly, as he does aerial spins and spins on his toes.

"Nice guys finish last,That's why I'll treat you like trash,It's not what I really wanna do.But, you only date bad guys so,I'll give it my best try to,Treat you the way you want me to."

Miguel imagines himself as a rapper. He takes out a hat and a microphone. He raps while riding a car to Las Vegas with shining lights surrounding him.

"I never open a door,Or pull out a chair.You can tell me how your day wasBut I don't really care.And if you ever get cold,You'll just have to hack it,Cause I'd be cold tooIf I gave you my jacket.Like whoa, you ain't sittin' upfront,The front is for the homies you can sit in the trunk.I never answer my phone,Whenever you call itAnd when the waiter brings the billI never reach for my wallet."

Miguel transforms into a nicely-suited man with a top hat and cane.

"Nice guys finish last,That's why I'll treat you like trash,It's not what I really wanna do.But, you only date bad guys so,I'll give it my best try to,Treat you the way you want me to."

Miguel is back to rapper.

"And Ima beat you!(ORA!!!)At every competition.Going out with the girlsYou better get my permission.Wait no, i take that back, you can't go,House is on tonightAnd that's my favorite show!Do I look fat in this dress?Hell yeah, you do!Wait lemme speak your languageCows go Moo!"

Cartoon Cows begin orbiting and galloping around Miguel.

The cows sang... "Mooo... Moooo... Mooo... Mooo!"

"Nice guys finish last,That's why I'll treat you like trash,It's not what I really wanna do.But, you only date bad guys so,I'll give it my best try to,Treat you the way you want me to.But behind the scenes, she means the world to me.Wanna tell her that she's beautiful, and show her that she's loved.Hold her hand when she's scared, tell her how much I care...But that won't win her heart because...Nice guys finish last,That's why I'll treat you like trash,It's not what I really wanna do.But, you only date bad guys so,I'll give it my best try to,Treat you the way you want me to.Hoe!"

"I remembered..." whispered Miguel. "When Anne had a boyfriend... And she didn't care about me at all..."

Miguel's younger self begins dancing psychotically. He pretends that a fire extinguisher is a trumpet, pretends the spoons and forks are drumsticks, dances to imaginary music, and holds up a water sprayer unto his head like a gun.

"Life isn't quite what I thought I'd be.When I was a kid on VoIP.I thought when I get older.I'd marry her, I told her.Now I'm 24, and I work in an office.Nine 'til five's not the best, I'll be honest.If I could change a single thing.I'd make it me and not him.

But he's in your bed, I'm in your Twitch chat.I've got the key and he's just a doormat.And even though he's got social skills.That doesn't mean I can't pay the bills.

Anyway, make the most of him.'Cause she moves on pretty bloody quick, oh-oh.Your new boyfriend's an arsehole (woo!).

Yeah, I've met Jared (of course, I've met Jared *sobs*).The one who took you away from me.You hit it off instantly.I know, 'cause you won't stop telling me.I've seen his jawline, shoulders, and muscles.Push against his fashion sense.I've thought about what he looks like nude.I'm not gay, though.'Cause, she's living the dream (living the dream, living the dream).Oh, she's living the dream.From back when we were 17.She's living the dream (living the dream, living the dream).Oh, she's living the dream.From back when we were 17.How on earth could I be savedWhen I'm one click away from insane?I just think that I deserveA little bit of what I earned...I'm not gonna make another scene.The one I made when I was 23.Means I'm not allowed in Disney World...

But he's in your bed, and I'm in your Twitch chat.I've got the key and he's just a doormat.'Cause even though he's got social skills.That doesn't mean I can't pay the bills.Anyway, make the most of him.'Cause she moves on pretty bloody quick, oh-oh.Your new boyfriend's an arsehole.I think about you every day (every day).So how on earth can I be saved? (Can I be saved?).I think about him a lot as well (I think about him).Maybe if he wasn't fine as hell (he's really fine as hell).'Cause, you're beauty.And you're grace (and you're grace).Your telephone calls are my favorite place.And I want you to notice me.With no restraining order, please (Jason Derulo).I want you to care.I want to smell your hair...What?What!?WHAT!?I'm kidding! Sheesh!"

Miguel drops to the ground. His bunion begins to sharpen. His ingrown toenail begins to stab his big toe and sink into his big toe's flesh as puss and blood bleed from it. He begins to sneeze blood, having an extreme allergic reaction to the smallest amount of dust. His skin begins to itch as well. Miguel cries on the floor, unable to move. Miguel tries to stand up but he vomits blood.

"I was right... I'm being attacked by an enemy Stand somehow... Making me think this way... think worse than usual... God, I hate myself... I don't deserve Anne and Anne doesn't deserve me... I'm a terrible father-... SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! STAY FOCUSED!!! THIS IS DANGEROUS!!! THEY COULD ATTACK YOUR FAMILY!!!"

Miguel takes out Star Platinum and Gold Experience. "COME ON!!!"

(Songs by Musicians I love... Wilbur Soot, Bo Burnham, and nigahiga)