
VØⱠɄ₥Ɇ 4, ₱₳Ɽ₮ 5 - Respite: Family Drama.

6042 words


A?N Do not skip this POV.

Cue the confetti cannons and the harmonious "awws" from the crowd. Congratulations are in order, of course! 

Why, might you ask?

Because I've got a juicy scoop for you. Brace yourself for a whirlwind of events that even Shakespeare would raise an eyebrow to. Okay maybe that is an overkill, but the event is of "universal" importance. An importance that cannot be bated a blind eye to. 

I got engaged to Eris. 

Huh? No reaction? 

Let me repeat myself. 


It was all fine and dandy but there is a problem. A "no-sleeping-together" decree has been imposed on us. Of course, if Hilda was alive or Philip had any semblance of his former self, he would've let it happen, but that is not the case. Hilda was dead and Philip had changed. Sauros too was busy with Philip plotting something. 

Devious of course. No way those 2 geezers are planning something good. 

Anyways, I tried to sneak up on Eris and we made out a little, but she told me to hold everything up to when I turn 15. That is a reasonable age since one is considered as an adult when they reach 15. It was kind of unfair too since we were now bonded together, but then again, I wasn't a scum like Paul, so I wasn't going to force myself on her.

And now there are a few important things to consider or debrief about. 

First, there is infighting between the royal siblings. 

The number one contender for the throne is the first prince---Grabell Zafin Asura. He has the backing of many nobles, with the most noteworthy of them being the Boreas Greyrats. Since I was engaged to Eris now, it was more like I had married into this family instead of Eris marrying into mine. 

And while as much as I hated this, by extension, it was now compulsory for me to support the first prince's cause to ascend to the throne. After all, Saint Ranked Magicians are a rarity. Yes, your boy is a rare gem, fufuf. 

Anyways, back to the main topic. It seems like the [Water God - Reida Reia] was a close friend of the assassinated prime minister [Darius Silva]. Since the second prince and the second most close contender to the throne, [Helfaus Asura] ordered an unidentified [North Emperor], who is most likely the same guy I fought with, the Water God killed the second prince. 

It was an act of pure vengeance. It is said that she killed each and every member of the royal squadron, painting the castle in red. And when she was done, she drained the prince of his lifeblood and left a message, written in the prince's blood on the wall of his bedroom. 

'I will kill you, masked North Emperor.'

She was at large as of now. On paper, she was deemed to be arrested and executed immediately by law, but once a person achieves the rank of "God", it somehow nullifies the laws on them. After all, all those in the "God" region are country level threats. It was quite apparent from the fact that she sneaked into the castle, killed the prince and the squadrons were alerted only after all that. 

Ok, so here comes the more important and new NEWS since I have told this already before. 

Eris talked about how she was weak and wanted to protect me. While I appreciate the gesture, I can already see where this is going. The plot where the female lead goes away to train, leaving the guy alone behind. I don't have a problem with it but at the same time the fear of being NTR'd haunts me. 

She is my future wife. Although, someone like Eris who is as headstrong as one can get, is least likely to cheat. But call it a virgin's desperation or something, I can't help but worry. 

The final thing and the NEWS with the highest gravity is a mission. 

A mission from the first prince himself. Grabell Asura. 

He wants to assassinate his sister, the second princess----Ariel Anemoi Asura.

And he wants me to do it. After he heard that the granddaughter of the head of Boreas Greyrats has married an exiled member of Notos Greyrat who also happens to be a Saint Ranked Magician, he immediately moved in with the task. 

Of coruse, this was also a means of testing Boreas Greyrats' loyalty after the attempt of ditching all the blame on them by Darius who was supporting Grabell. Phillip seemed against the idea, but Sauros said that it was a test for me to prove that I was able to take Eris' hand.

Not sure how prince's ambition decides it, but a mission is a mission at the end of the day. 

Currently, I was laying on my bed, extending my hand in the air as I continued to look at the round, silver ring on my left ring finger. I gave Eris a ring with a magic stone on it. It didn't have a hidden property, but it was a red gem, just like her eyes. It did cost me a shit load of money, but you don't get engaged again and again. 

The thought of Sylphie crossed my mind a lot of times but I am engaged to Eris now. I shouldn't be unfaithful to my husband. Yes, you heard me right. Eris the husband in our relationship while I am the terrified maiden who fears for her chastity every night.

The door opened with a subtle creek, and I sat up.  In the door frame, Eris was standing in her black nightdress. Her hair was left completely loose, granting her a wild but charming beauty. She was really a rather unique form of beauty. Once you see her different sides, it becomes really adorable.

"Hello, Eris." I greeted, tapping the bed by my side, motioning for her to sit down. 

Silently, without a word, she walked over and sat down with a plop. For a while, she didn't say anything. A few moments of silence lingered like a static mist between us, but it was a comfortable silence.

Her head tilted and fell on my shoulder. Coiling her hands around my arm, she brought it close. 

Damn it.... it's touching her "you-know-what!"

"I might leave tomorrow evening." She dopped the bomb and the Excalibur that was slowly being released by the Lady of the Lake into the real world, disappeared back into its origins.

Never knew a single sentence was able to morph Excalibur into a Chunchunmaru. 

"Oh...." I blurted out. I wasn't sure what to say. Sure, I loved her a lot. She was my fiancé. However, I wasn't sure how to react or reply to this. I just accepted it, just like how any docile, well-behaved wife would.

"I--I'll miss you; you know......" Her voice trailed off, her ears bright red. 

Oho? Don't say stuff like that Eris-chan. I might go feral. 

"But..." She spoke again, her voice resolute, ".......I don't want to see you die again." Oh, so this is what's bothering her. 

I wrapped my arm around her waist and brought her closer in a side hug, kissing her forehead. I saw her bite her lip, fighting to hold in her tears.

"If you want, I can bite them for you." I tried to joke, hoping to alleviate the tension. But the colour from my face drained as she looked up, visible anger on her face. The meme soundboard ran in my head in that small instant.

'Oh shit, not good.'

"F-Fine. But because I am going tomorrow, only that's why!" 

Hohoho. Seems like I am in luck. The excalib--

Wait, don't be a horny dog, Rudeus. There are things I want to ask her before I, you know, I mean, she devours me. 

"So, uh, Eris, where would you be going?" I asked as she folded her arms and let out a snort. 

"Ghislane knows about it. I have no idea." She spoke, her voice too loud. 

"Oh, so wh---" 

"What the hell! You talk so much!" She spoke and pushed me to the bed. Placing her knees on my arms, she pinned me to the bed. 





Ah, am I getting raped? 

Maybe I am. 

The realisation dawned on me when I felt my shirt unbutton and fall on the floor, followed by Eris' sight. She wasn't wearing any innerwear. 

No wonder they were bouncing so much. 

Looking at Eris, I took in her expressions. She was huffing. Not the "out-of-breath" huffing. The "I-am-horny" huffing. 

I won't go into details, but she raped me all night and squeezed me dry. 

It felt good. 

I think I have a new fetish of being dominated and being at the bottom. 

Dear God......



"You could've simply informed me!" Nanahoshi chided, her expression marred by a subtle frown, her palm meeting her forehead in an exasperated facepalm.

"Hm? I was actually about to tell you, but you jumped to conclusions," Julian responded nonchalantly, his gaze averted as he settled onto the floor, positioned beside his mother's chair. Zenith's gentle touch graced his scalp as she lovingly massaged his hair.

"Master Julian, the carriage has arrived," Eva's voice cut through the exchange as she stepped onto the balcony. Her hands were folded in front of her, an almost imperceptible smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. Her gaze flickered to Nanahoshi, a playfully sardonic glint evident in her eyes, igniting a simmering frustration within her.

"What is this carriage about now?" Nanahoshi inquired, her gaze flickering between Julian and Eva, her patience visibly waning. 

"I'm taking my mother to her hometown," Julian explained calmly, his tone carrying a hint of resolve.

"Hometown?" She asked with a quizzical look. 

"Yeah. She was born in Millishon. She would like to meet her parents." Julian replied as he bent his neck back and looked at Zenith who nodded in affirmation. "See?" 

"Oh, well I can't come. I have to go back to the school sadly." She spoke with a sullen expression. 

"I wasn't going to ask you anyways but good luck, I guess." He replied and yelped as Zenith gripped his hair in her hands. 

"Oh, Julian?" Recovering from her fit of laughter, she spoke up again. 


"You might want to talk to Perguis. I mean, you know, you killed his familiar. He doesn't mind, after all, it can be revived. However, you should get on his good side, just to be on the safe side of things." 

"I have no need for that." Julian spoke in a confident tone as his eyes started to glow in an azure shade, "If anything, I'll like to see him try anything." 

Nanahoshi and Zenith's expressions turned grim but none of them said anything. They knew better than anyone who modest he was. If he was confident, he knew he could avert anything Perguis could throw at him. 

"Are you confident about beating him?" She asked. 

"I don't think things will ever come to his. If anything, if he ever tried to fight me, Orsted will be the first to intervene. No matter how strong his familiars are, they can't beat Orsted." Julian explained with a nonchalant look on his face. 

"Oh.....Orsted has been really busy these days, hasn't he?" She commented. 

"He said I cause too many disruptions, so he isn't sure about anything anymore." 

"Jul....ian. Is Paul...in....Milishon?" Zenith suddenly spoke. Julian looked back, meeting her eyes. 

"Probably. I will find him regardless and send him to your place as well." 

Zenith smiled marginally, cupping his face in her palms and placing a small peck on his forehead. 


The sun began its slow descent in the sky, casting an amber hue that washed over the landscape in a warm embrace. As the golden light bathed the scene, Julian stood by the grand entrance of his estate, his tall form framed against the backdrop of ornate architecture. 

His gaze alternated between the interior of the awaiting carriage and the figure of his friend, Nanahoshi, who stood beside him.

The carriage itself was a work of art, its exterior adorned with intricate carvings that depicted scenes of myth and adventure. Its polished wood gleamed in the afternoon sun, a proof of both opulence and practicality. 

Four powerful horses stood at the ready, their muscular forms a testament to their strength and vitality.

Nanahoshi's grin held a mix of playfulness and fondness as he addressed Julian. "You know the drill, Julian. Keep those fists in check and try not to create too much chaos."

Julian's response was marked by a nonchalant nod, "I won't use my fists."

"No cutting down people without any reason too."

"I can't promise anything, but I'll do my best not to incite any unnecessary mayhem."

Nanahoshi's laughter mingled with the gentle breeze, "Well, that's all I can ask for from a troublemaker like you."

As Julian turned his attention to the carriage, he caught a glimpse of the interior—a space adorned with plush cushions and sumptuous fabrics that exuded an air of comfort and luxury. Zenith, Julian's mother, occupied one of the seats, her expression a blend of tranquility. 

Beside her sat Eva, the new maid, her posture attentive and respectful.

Nanahoshi's expression grew more serious as he met Julian's eyes, his voice carrying a touch of weight. "Take care of your mother, Julian."

"You don't have to tell me that." 

"Fine, fine, big boy. Can't even be considerate in today's times, geez." She grumbled. 

As Julian took a step towards the carriage, his hand reaching for the door handle, a sudden movement caught his attention. Nanahoshi moved forward in a swift motion, her arms enveloping Julian in a heartfelt hug. The embrace was tight and sincere, a wordless expression.

With his usual straight face, he returned the hug. The afternoon breeze rustled through their hair as they held each other, a brief but powerful moment of connection. (hehe)

As the embrace began to naturally ease, Nanahoshi stepped back, a warm smile on her lips. But the smile shifted into a playful pout as he took a step back, her hands on her hips. "You know, Julian, you're getting ridiculously tall."

"Aren't you just incredibly short?"

"Say what?" She asked, her brow twitching. 

"Uh, I can't help it if I'm growing."

Nanahoshi rolled her eyes dramatically, her playful demeanor intact. "Growing? More like towering over everyone. I mean, seriously, I used to be able to give you a proper hug without having to jump."

  "Are you complaining?"

Nanahoshi let out an exaggerated sigh, her hand theatrically placed over his heart. "Oh, absolutely. It's not easy being vertically challenged, you know?"

"I'll take that as a compliment, then."

Nanahoshi's lips curved into a satisfied grin. "Good. Now go, before my neck starts hurting from all this looking up."


She snorted and took a step back, waving goodbyes at him. Julian also stepped into the carriage and ordered the guy to move.

As the carriage continued its journey, the sound of hooves against the path beneath became a rhythmic melody, carrying with it the promise of new horizons. But there was something he needed to look forward to. 

His maternal family. 

It was going to be a real pain in the ass for him to keep his identity secret. 


And so, they at last arrived.

Before them laid the capital of the Holy Milis country—Milishion.

A breathtaking city adorned with lush nature and safeguarded by the embrace of seven towering spires.

In a realm of breathtaking natural beauty, where the Blue Dragon Mountain stood tall and noble, a serpentine river gracefully wound its way from the mountain's heart, meandering leisurely until it reached the expanse of a tranquil lake. 

Amidst the azure waters, an ethereal spectacle awaited—an immaculate palace, pristine and white as the driven snow, seemed to float like a mirage, its reflection dancing on the water's surface.

Lining the river's edge, a cathedral adorned with resplendent golden accents caught the sun's warm embrace. Its towering spires reached for the heavens, an architectural marvel that seemed to bridge the gap between earth and the heavens. 

Nearby, an Adventurers' Guild, its walls imbued with a shimmering silver sheen, stood proud.

Yet, the city's allure did not solely reside in its waterside wonders. A ring of seven majestic towers embraced the cityscape, creating a protective circle that enfolded the heart of the settlement. 

Surrounding this sanctuary, a vast meadow stretched as far as the eye could see—a sea of vibrant green that seemed to breathe in harmony with the rhythms of nature.

And then, as if a deep sigh of contentment escaped from the very soul of the land, came the realization—a whisper of awe, a sentiment captured in a moment of introspection:

"Dignity and harmony, It exemplifies the two; making it the most beautiful city in the world."

Yes, that was the sentiment, the cherished thought etched in memory. Despite the years that had gently slipped by, the words remained vivid, as if painted on the canvas of the mind.

All of these descriptions were derived from the book---[Walking the World], by Bloody Kant.

Inside the cozy carriage, Julian's unwavering gaze was locked onto the scenes unfolding beyond the windowpane. His eyes took in every aspect of their surroundings, meticulously observing each passing detail. 

Despite the relatively secure environment, Julian's sense of caution remained keen, his instincts reminding him to be prepared for any unexpected twists.

Seated beside him, Eva attended to the slumbering Zenith with a gentle demeanor. Zenith's serene form was peacefully resting, oblivious to the nearing end of their journey. 

Noticing their approach to the destination, Julian used a subtle yet decisive motion to communicate to Eva. It was time for Zenith to rouse from their restful sleep, as they were on the verge of reaching their intended stop.


It was indeed one of the most beautiful cities I had seen. In both worlds. 

Milishion's beauty was evident even when approached from the southern direction. The tall towers and sturdy walls ensured that only essential sights come into view. 

What captured attention was the pure, silver-toned palace that sparkled brilliantly in the sunlight. Its beauty was so striking that it overshadowed everything else. The uncluttered and straightforward design of the palace and its surroundings emphasised the principle of simplicity at its finest.

Milishion boasts four entrances, each providing access from different directions. Presently, our entry led us through the adventuring district. The entrance to the Adventurers' District on the south side was the closest.

However, the choice of entrance holds little significance at this moment. Being in such proximity, it's sensible to opt for this entrance. Instead of traversing through the bustling heart of the city, taking a side street might prove quicker, allowing us to bypass the congestion of traffic.

"It's incredibly beautiful," Eva chimed in, her words filled with wonder. As I continued to take in the sights around us, she held onto mom's hand, peeking out of the windows with sheer delight twinkling in her eyes.

"Keep your attention on our objective," I advised, noting her deep absorption in her environment.

"Yes, your highness," she responded with a touch of theatricality, thumping her fist against her chest, which caused...

Moving on. 

Zenith's residence was located in the [Aristocratic District]. 

While this area exhibited a distinct bias against individuals of the demon race, particularly Zenith's family, I believed Eva would likely navigate it without issue. Her appearance leaned more towards human, with her silver hair and red eyes standing as unusual but rare traits. 

Throughout my years of adventuring, I had yet to encounter a demon with such a visage, nor had I come across any stories about one. 

Which was a good thing. 

Finding a peaceful resolution with Latreias, void of any conflict or violence, would be the ideal outcome. 

Based on the information shared by Orsted, it was likely that my grandmother will try to forcefully separate Zenith from me and potentially even have me imprisoned. 

The notion of taking her life, especially in my mother's presence, was something I wished to avoid. However, if circumstances were to escalate drastically, I might be compelled to take decisive action. 

Nonetheless, my primary goal remained focused on ensuring their complete compliance with my directives, without any negative consequences affecting either party.

After a considerable span of the carriage's rhythmic clatter against the road, reminiscent of the ancient Roman paths from my world, we eventually reached our destination: the Latreia residence-----Zenith's home---former of course. She was a Greyrat now. 

Zenith was actually a noble. Her parents' residence stood as a grand edifice, just as I had envisioned.

The entrance featured an expansive gate, flanked by two imposing lion statues. A lengthy path of smooth, stone paving stretched from the gate to the front door. 

A fountain adorned the center of this path, adding to the visual spectacle, and an intricately shaped green lawn completed the picturesque scene.

Inside, the mansion was a vision of white splendor, almost as if it had been reverently placed there. Its presence exuded the air of true aristocracy, aligning perfectly with what I had imagined such a dwelling to be.

Nestled within the Aristocratic District, the residence was surrounded by other prestigious abodes. The ambiance here shared similarities with the aristocratic quarter of Asura. In a way it holds an atmosphere of integrity, but it should be identical in extravagance.

I donned an outfit fashioned after a style from my previous world. 

It comprised a rather simple black shirt crafted from gentle fabric. Leaving the top two buttons unfastened, I paired it with a simplistic grey coat. Beneath, I wore black trousers and matching shoes. The sight of me in this ensemble seemed to captivate Mom, Eva, and Nanahoshi, who appeared quite impressed.

Despite its regular nature, even Orsted expressed admiration for it, inquiring if he could obtain a similar suit. I had never imagined someone like Orsted showing interest in such attire. Nevertheless, I decided that I would fashion a suit for him at a later point.

Curiously, his curse appeared to hold no power over Zenith. She exhibited no sign of fear whatsoever. Admittedly, she had been taken aback initially when he suddenly appeared before her, but any unease had quickly subsided.

Eva couldn't help but let her curiosity get the better of her. She tilted her head upwards, then sideways, and repeated the motion in every possible direction as she assessed the mansion. A playful remark escaped her lips, "Well, it's smaller than yours!" She accompanied her words with a slight snort of mockery. "I was expecting something even grander."

As Zenith gazed at the house, her expression bore a tinge of melancholy. It was hard to decipher her emotions—perhaps a trace of regret lingered for her decision to flee her home, or perhaps nervousness stirred within her as she anticipated the upcoming encounter with her mother. 

On the other hand, her eyes could also hold the shimmer of joy, the kind that makes one tear up, reflecting the happiness of finally reuniting with her mother after a prolonged separation. What did those blank eyes of her conveyed at this moment?

Who knows. 

Orsted's departing words echoed in my mind, "I don't recall much from the loop, but what I do remember is that your grandmother is quite a wench. Approach with caution." As I stood on the cusp of meeting her, those words left a lingering unease. It was hard not to feel a sense of apprehension now that I was actually here, facing the prospect of encountering her.

Old ladies with an attitude. Truly horrifying. 

As my thoughts swirled, a group of individuals began making their way toward us from the mansion's direction. It wasn't solely the previous guards; among them were people who bore the appearance of both maids and butlers. Twelve individuals were rapidly approaching in a coordinated manner.

The maids formed two neat rows along the edge of the path leading to the gate, while the butlers positioned themselves at the forefront. Their formation resembled a respectful greeting arrangement—a practice frequently employed in the Asura kingdom.

However, my attention was caught by Eva, who had seemingly entered a state of heightened alertness, her mana charged with fire. Anticipating her intent to cast a spell, I discreetly whispered her name and gestured for her to remain composed. 

She swiftly understood, and the spell she was conjuring dissipated.

As the guards opened the gate, the butlers executed a deep bow, a synchronized movement followed by the maids who similarly lowered their heads. In unison, they addressed Zenith, "Zenith-sama, we warmly welcome your return. Our hearts have been eagerly awaiting this moment."

Their collective genuflection was a pre-informed gesture, as I had already communicated Zenith's impending arrival.


Zenith's expressions underwent a subtle transformation, a minute shift in expression that accompanied her nod and the upward tilt of her chin. It was a telltale sign— She's got it---the nobles' signature condescending gaze. Although, I think she's being less condescending and more in "character" as a noble. 

"Julian-sama, Oku-sama is eagerly awaiting your presence. Please, this way."

I acknowledged the butler's words with a nod, choosing not to reply verbally. 

This seemed to appear to be interpreted as a form of rudeness on my part, as a slight offense flickered across his expression. Meanwhile, the maids' eyes seemed to appraise me with a mix of curiosity and bemusement, as if I were an odd statue dressed in peculiar attire. 

Perhaps my choice of clothes wasn't the wisest?

Regardless, the butler remained composed, bowing respectfully before me before pivoting gracefully on his heel to lead the way. His lack of words directed toward Eva didn't escape my notice. 

It made me ponder if he regarded her merely as a maid, despite donning the garb of a servant himself.

Oh well, never mind the small details. It's not like Eva is not a maid. 

Amidst my contemplations, we proceeded along the extended stone path, eventually entering the entry hall of the mansion.

As anticipated, the interior exuded opulence, adorned with tasteful furnishings and sophisticated decor. While the mansion's exterior might not have been as imposing, the interior made up for it. This was especially evident when compared to the residence that Orsted had organized for us.

"Please wait here," the butler instructed before departing.

We were ushered into what was known as the drawing room. The couch was positioned to face a vase at the room's far end. A maid stood attentively along the room's edge. Despite waiting for a considerable length of time, Oku-sama did not make an appearance.

Turning my attention back to the present moment, I gestured for Zenith to take a seat, then occupied a spot beside her. A glance revealed Eva standing beside a chair.

"You can sit down if you'd like," I suggested.

"A maid's duty entails being vigilant and available at all times. That's what you taught me," she responded tersely.

"Fair." I replied succinctly, and then looked away. Her dedication to her role was evident, which was commendable. This would do. 

"Tense?" Zenith inquired, her voice carrying a hint of strain.

"Not particularly. Would you like some water?" I asked, noticing the roughness in her voice.

"Yes," she responded, nodding vigorously. Her behavior occasionally resembled that of a young child. 

Gesturing to Eva, she retrieved a bottle of water from the bag she had prepared and handed it over to Zenith. Without hesitation, Zenith began chugging it eagerly. While it might have appeared somewhat unconventional considering her noble status, the situation called for it, so such concerns were set aside. 

Like I always say, never mind the small details. (wink wink)

Amidst my contemplations, the door swung open. Stepping in was an elderly woman with a mixture of blonde and white hair, her demeanor betraying signs of nervousness. Accompanying her was a portly middle-aged man sporting a lab coat and a beard.

It didn't require any inquiry to discern the identity of the person I was looking at. The elderly woman was unmistakably Zenith's mother, and therefore my grandmother—Oku-sama---Claire Letreia.

The elderly woman continued past me, not sparing a glance, partly because I did not talk. She positioned herself in a spot that provided her a clear view of Zenith's face. Stopping just a step away, she regarded Zenith's visage with a profound seriousness. 

It was supposed to be a poignant reunion.

However, as I held my breath, Claire's voice sliced through the moment, icy and unfeeling. "Indeed, this is my daughter.... Andel!"

As Claire uttered those words, the bearded man by her side moved into action. He passed by me, reaching out to grasp Zenith's hand. With a calculated movement, he then touched his hand to her expressionless face...

An involuntary surge of energy coursed through me, propelling me forward as my hand clamped around the man's neck, hoisting him off the ground. "This is not the conclusion we reached to. If you seek answers, have the decency to address your daughter face-to-face," I asserted, my voice resolute. 

Zenith appeared tense, her expression reflecting the internal struggle she was enduring, while Eva maintained an outwardly composed demeanor.

"Keuk....." The man grunted in my grip, trying to fight but the strength seemed to sap out of his limbs. 

"What's happening here?" A woman who looked quite a lot like Zenith, and me, entered. She was wearing a thick armour and a sword strapped to her hip. She looked at me and, in an instant, tried to unsheathe her blade. 

With the man's neck still in my grip, I moved closer to her and placed my hand on the tip of her hilt, pushing it down. Her eyes widened as she tried to comprehend when I arrived in front of her, "Let's not draw family's blood here." I spoke, looking into her eyes as she stared with an exasperated look, unable to move and slowly removed her hand from the hilt. 

"S-Stop all of this....." Zenith's voice ringed in the room as I felt my grip on the man loosen. "Julian....come back." She scolded as I left both of them and took hurried steps back. The woman who looked like Zenith was a [Water God Style] user. From the way she drew her sword, it was painfully obvious. 

"This Zenith is the real one. However, she called you Julian. My grandson Julian died in the Teleportation Incident. While it would've been good to have him alive instead of that other good for nothing twin, how will you prove you are real or not." 

"Mo.....ther!" Zenith protested. 

Hmm. Rudeus? Good for nothing? Well, she isn't entirely wrong. 

"And why is Rudeus a good for nothing?" I asked as Zenith inched closer to me. 

"Instead of meeting us, he met his drunk of a father and left immediately. He is just like his father. Unrefined and unbefitting of the Latreia." She spoke, raising her chin. 

"Neither Rudeus, or me or mom are Letreias. We are of Greyrat blood and mother is a part of Greyrat line now. Associating us with your name is offensive." Zenith clutched at my arm as her nails dug into my skin. It hurt but I kept my gaze at her. 

She looked back with an equally fierce gaze. 

"Have you fooled our daughter?" She asked again, trying to steer conversation into the prior path. 

"You do not have to believe me. I have talked with mother beforehand. I am here to drop her and disappear for some time." 

"Some time?" 

"My business relationship with Dragon God demands me to be alongside him. Once I have taken care of a few things, I will be back to take her. However, I want my existence to be a secret until then. As you know, I am presumed dead." 

The room fell into a hush. I had informed Zenith of everything beforehand. 

"Wait a minute! That means I am your aunt!" The woman beside us spoke as she jumped at me, rubbing her cheek against mine. "Oh, Holy Milis, you have such nice hair." 

What a total 180. Is she ok in her upper compartments? 

"Therese. Have some decency." Claire admonished. 

Oh, so her name is Therese. Aunt Therese. 

"Also, sister!" After jumping on me and rubbing her cheeks against mine for so long, she then jumped on Zenith. 

"Now that I think about it, what is wrong with your hair?" 

"A side effect of mana depletion. It seems it is permanent at this point. Although, I was informed that it might get better over time." I replied. 

"I see."

She suddenly seemed quite gullible. 

"Aunt Therese?" 

"Oh my! You're so sweet, calling me aunt already. Go ahead, talk." She squaled like a high school girl. She's quite odd. 

"Can you take mom and Eva---the maid outside? I want to talk to grandma. Alone." 

She looked up at Claire. 

Claire sighed and nodded. With one last fleeting glance at Zenith, Claire settled down. 

Once everyone was out, she was the first to talk. "Sorry, I recognised you from the start. You look just like her. Although there have been a lot of cases of people pretending to be Zenith or my grandson for money. So I continued to doubt you." 

"Misunderstandings happen. Don't think much about it." I replied. 

"I know that you have a request. Speak up. I have heard so much from you and from how you acted a while before, albeit a bit rude, I think I can look over it. You've been a good son." She spoke and crossed her one leg over the other. 

"I am looking for a cure for mom. I am almost there. Although, I want you to relinquish all thoughts of treating her yourself. If she is ever touched for healing purposed, it has to be me. You can tell dad and others that she would stay in this house until I complete the cure." 

Her face suddenly beamed. "You're as impressive as everyone said. Your sister, Norn never stops talking about you. They don't know about your 'apparent' demise." 

"Is Aisha not here?" 

"The mai--"

I felt my features scrunch. 

"Aisha is here as well. Although, from the way she has been talking, it seems like her mindset and the situation she's been placed in are not matching. We treat people off their appearances. If someone is dressed as a maid, they'd be treated as a maid." 

"So, is she in a maid outfit and is being treated as such?" I asked. 

"Yes, indeed. There was no other reason for me to treat her as such." 

So, Lilia did what she intended anyways. She was my stepmother, so I wasn't expecting much from her anyways. However, all the fault lies with Paul. Even after marrying her, Lilia was treated as a maid. No matter how much she devoted herself to the role, deep down, she would like to be a normal wife as well.

And the same negligence has now been passed to Aisha. 

Guess I will have to deal with it on my own, once I am done with things on my end. 

"I have one last thing to ask of you." I spoke up as I gazed outside the window and looked at Claire from the corner of my eye. "I need you to arrange something for me."


After bidding my farewells to Mom and Eva, I stepped into the corridor of the Latreia estate, its emptiness stretching before me. 

My footsteps echoed against the cobblestone walls. However, the quiet ambiance was disrupted by a sudden gasp that seemed to ricochet off the surroundings. 


"Shhh," I interjected, placing my index finger gently against my lips. The motion prompted her to respond immediately, her tiny hands pressing instinctively against her mouth, muffling any further sound. 

It had been a considerable span of time since I last laid eyes on her, yet the instant our gazes connected, I recognized her without question.

Likewise, it appeared that she shared the same instant realization. Her eyes, a vivid shade of green, widened with a mix of shock and delight, tears gathering at their edges. 

My little sister.

With a deliberate gesture, I knelt down on one knee, my arms stretching open wide. Her reaction was swift and unhesitating as she flung herself into my embrace, her form crashing into my chest. 

It was good to see her again. 

It was good to feel something so genuine. I might end up getting addicted to these feelings.