

I walk out the door and say


after saying this my mom says

"goodbye, be safe on your way to school today"

you're probably wondering why I simply answered with 'bye' when I would usually say something much longer, well today is special and the reason that today is special isn't due to the fact that it is a special day to put it simply something special is happening on a day that isn't very special in other words

"i'm so tired"

that was the reason for my reaction, of course staying up late was the reason for my being tired though the other reason was due to the flashback of seeing my brother commit suicide

"ahh, no matter how hard I try they just keep coming, will these stop after I save them"

I though this to myself as I walked on to the bus which would take me to the school

"so, how's club"


I heard two students talking and as I heard them speak I thought

"hmmm… I don't think i've joined any club yet"

I tried to look back on my memories before Saturday and of course before going back in time although no matter how hard I thought I just couldn't remember joining a club in my high school years yet

"alright, today… i'll join a club"

I said that with some determination in my eyes as the bus to school got there and as I was getting off Ren said

"hey man, I was waiting for an hour where were you?"

To that question I said

"i'm tired so I decided to take the bus today"

to this Ren said

"well, I guess that's fine if you're tired but you could've found some way of telling me"

"how could I have done that, it's not like I have a phone"

"well… umm… oh I know, a carrier pigeon"

after he said that I made the face of a man who had just heard the most stupid thing ever though to this remark I responded

"sorry to break it to you but, carrier pigeons are extinct"

and after that Ren said

"aww really, well that sucks"

to this I stated

"well, lets go"

and as we were walking to school I felt my head hurt so I rubbed it

"you ok?"

To this I responded

"yeah, i'm fine"

and as I said this I could hear words flowing through my mind, very, very strange words

"no, not again don't make me lose someone again"

"why, why is this happening and why is it happening to you"

"maybe I could've stopped this"

those were the thoughts plowing through my mind and as I was thinking them Ren patted me on the back and said

"hey, we're at the stairs you should probably hold the railing since you said you were tired and also that you had a headache"

to this I said in agreement


after I stated that I was okay with that decision Ren helped me walk up the stairs which looped several times to reach the destination of the floor which was for 1st years and as we were walking through this hallway I saw my classroom and I said as I let go of Ren's arm and said

"it's, fine, I can walk from here"

Ren replied to what I said with a voice that sounded like the type of person who was both worried and the type of voice that sounds like the type of person who is trusting the one right in front of them


after that Ren and I walked in to our classroom and I sat in the seat that was at the very front to the left of the class as the teacher walked in to the class and said

"well, it's time to start class, everyone take out their notebooks".

A few minutes later someone walked up to me and said

"hey, how's it going Tooru?"

To this I replied "uhh, do I know you?"

"Do you not remember me, it's Hinabi we were friends when we were kids"

the person right in front of me just as she said was my childhood friend Hinabi Ito who had deep black hair and brown eyes she was also dressed just like your traditional Japanese woman most of the time though right now she was wearing a school uniform that had the logo of

"kashinagi academy, wait she's at my school, since when"

after widening my eyes I had this as the one thought that was running through my mind and then before I could speak Ren walked beside me and said

"hey, Hinabi when did you come to our school"

to this Hinabi puffed her cheeks and said

"i've been here this whole time"

to this I thought to myself

"huh, wait has she"

after this memory's hit me like a truck and I remembered the moments where she was there

"you were with Aki-nee!"

To this the teacher said

"could you please quite down some students study, y'know"

to this I made the most passive-aggressive face possible and said something with that same amount of energy

"yeah, i'll be sure to shut myself up right now"

to this the teacher simply turned his head the other way

"I guess saying that's out've the window"

after Hinabi stated this I simply said

"what are you talking about? What were you gonna say"

to this Hinabi stated

"I was gonna say that you were more mature and calm then when we were kids but I guess i'm sorely mistaken after seeing you make the most passive-aggressive face I think i'll ever see anyone make"

to this I thought to myself

"I guess even when i'm an adult I haven't matured, i'm still the same kid that I always was just a little more serious is all"

as I though this I said

"well, you should probably get back to your class now"

to this Ren said

"yeah, it's kinda weird that you stumbled in here at this time specifically it's like you were watching to see when Tooru wasn't sleeping"

after this Hinabi said while blushing

"w-wha, no"

and ran off to this show Ren said

"I mean there's really no point in even waiting for you to wake up, in fact I gave up after Saturday because you sleep like a log"

to this I said with a little anger in my voice

"hey, i've just been up studying unlike someone"

this was a half-truth the reason i'd been going to sleep late was not because I was studying very hard, while I was it was during the day, the true reason I wasn't sleeping is due to the fact that i've been thinking of way's to save Aki and everyone else so


The thought just struck me, something important something that I absolutely should've thought of before

"w-what about, Hinabi"

the one person who I, no matter what couldn't remember a thing about, the singular person who I had fully forgot about until she had just recently revealed herself to me

"when and how… did she die?"

After thinking for a few moments it struck me and as my eyes widened I felt despair

"wait, is what I was thinking earlier from the point where she dies, no that was definitely the silhouette of an old man so… who could it have been? I certainly wasn't crying about just anyone and if it was someone i'll meet later who is it and the most important thing is why are they an old man…?"

I couldn't think of a person that it could have possibly been and then I heard a chime of a bell as Ren said

"well it's time for lunch, let's go and do the 'thing' again"

to his enthusiasm I answered with

"how about we just eat on the bench near the fountain instead of going through all of that trouble again, remember i'm still tired so I might fall off the roof"

to this Ren said in a judging tone


and then I heard him whisper under his breath

"we don't even sit on the edge so what's his problem"

after hearing this I half close my eyes and get up off of my chair so that I can leave the classroom. Once we were on the bench at the fountain I said to Ren

"so, how's studying"

to this Ren said

"well, haven't done any"

to this obvious answer I replied

"of course you didn't"

after I had said this Ren replied in a tone as though he were mad at me but also trying to keep his voice down so it came across as a person who is whispering

"hey, what's that supposed to mean"

these are the words that he had stated to me so I had to reply in full honesty

"well… you never study so I had to assume you didn't do it this time"

after I had stated the truth Ren had a comeback that seemed pre-prepared for the moment where I had said this

"well, if you knew then why'd you ask"

the previously stated idea can also be confirmed by the smirk on his face, although I had also prepared a comeback for this moment

"I was just wondering if you had done it yet, also why are you smirking"

after this the smirk completely left his face and I left him speechless, after that event Ren sat down as he and I ate our lunches together I asked the question

"hey, have you joined any clubs yet"

after saying this aloud I said in my head

"it's my 7th day of school so we should probably be joining a club… but I wonder, what club did I join in my original life…"

I was about to ponder on that thought before Ren said

"no, I haven't joined one yet, how about you"

to this I said

"no, not yet"

after this Ren put down his lunch stood up and said

"let's join one then!"

He said this with a lot of enthusiasm


I said this and Ren replied

"what's wrong?"

"I'm just thinking, what club should we join"

to this Ren said

"how about we make our own club"

to this I said

"huh, what would we even call it"

after this Ren stood there for a few seconds before saying the name that he had thought of

"how about… the Tomo club"


I took a long sigh before Ren said

"hey, what's with the sigh"

to this I replied by saying

"what would we even do in this club, and besides it's just the two of us"

after this Ren realized the reason why I sighed and he said

"it's fine didn't you know that this school allows clubs with three people; we can just get Hinabi to join"

to this I said

"well, I guess but still what would we do in this club"

Ren said

"well it's called the 'tomo' club so it'll be a place where us friends can hang out"

after that I said

"sounds dumb but still I guess I can go"

"lets do it then!".

"So you want to apply for this club, huh"

after the student council president said that Ren said "yep"

"I guess we can do it then"

the president most likely answered the way she did after seeing Ren's smile, after this we asked Hinabi to apply and so she answered with

"sure, i'll join your club"

after saying this I said

"well i'm going home, bye"

I left the school building after this and ran home

"you're out of breath, are you alright?"

to the man with short black hair and a mean face but kind eyes I answered

"i'm… fine… thanks… dad"

afterwards I caught my breath and stated in surprise

"wait, dad shouldn't you be at work right now?"

"They let me off early, anyways how was school today"

"well, we made a new club at school… oh also I met my friend Hinabi again"

"oh, you mean your friend from when you were a kid, how's she doing by the way"

"she's doing really well it would seem"

"well that's nice"


"back to what you said earlier, what's this club of yours called"

"oh Ren decided to call it the tomo club"


"hey, why are you laughing?!"

I said that as my cheeks went red and my dad continued in his typical grizzly sounding voice that resembled a villain from an anime

"oh, Never mind"

"what is it!"

"I said it was nothing; your mother has made dinner so go to the table"

after that I said


then we had a nice dinner and I went to bed

"why, not you anyone but you please"

"Tooru, calm down"

"but I don't want to lose another person, please"

"hah… hah… hah"

I breathed heavily as I woke up

"same dream I had earlier, huh"

I went to back to sleep.

Sorry for such a short chapter as I had to rush it to get it out on time

TOTSUKAMEcreators' thoughts