
JIKOOK | Rebirth

Shahnaz_Mohammad · LGBT+
2 Chs

2. Unexpectedly

I came back to my apartment. The offer letter is still in my hands and I can't stop looking at it. Ahh! I have always wanted to be a choreographer but my parents thought it as a hobby but not as a profession which can help me earn money, hence they wanted me to be a software engineer and being wanted to be a good son I obliged their wishes.

But I am happy now, even though I couldn't get the girl I wanted , I got what I needed. Hhaah! Who is calling me now? "Hello?", "Jimin it's me". "Hm..Hyeongsunim, what happened? Why are you calling me now? Everything okay?" I bombed her with questions, "calm down, yes I am okay. I called you because me and your brother are going to our new home", "okay?". "I am outside of your apartment, can you return my book? The librarian just called me." "Okay wait " I hung up.

'Tides of Change' the novel's name which she gave me,  she thinks that the antagonist in this novel will look like me if he comes alive, coincidentally the antagonist shares the same name as mine. Remember I said that she is a BL addict, a fujoshi? guessed it right, this is a bl novel. I didn't want to read it but after lending me this novel, she would ask me everyday whether I was reading it or not. The hidden secret is, she is shipping me with one of our colleagues and wants her fantasy to come true. But sorry girl, I know your dirty schemes and won't fall into them.

I came out of my apartment and called my brother, "I am outside where are you?" "At..at the other side, I think you need to cross the roadway" he completed. "Okay" I hung up after giving a single answer, why is he panting? Now, don't tell me they are smooching in the car, in the middle of the highway.

Along the way out from my apartment's parking lot, I kept cursing both of them and also occasionally glancing at the book in my hand. "Stupid book" and here I am, I saw a car on the other side decorated with a single pink ribbon and some flowers sticked near the car's front windshield. My brother came out and waved to me, I waved back and began to cross the roadway. Seeing the cool breeze I wondered what the time is and I looked at my wrist watch. Suddenly my brother's shrieking voice echoes in my ear. "Jimin!?" What happened? I was going to ask him the same question but a truck's horn blew right in my ear and in just a fraction of seconds I found myself flying in the air.

I now remember it, once I heard that if we get hit by a truck we will get inside of a game or go into the past.....or inside of a book. Is this the end of me? I questioned myself before the blackness surrounded me.












"Hmmm", "what happened? Am I not dead?" Slowly I tried to open my eyes from the blackness and I saw a white ceiling. I knew it, I am in the hospital. I wanted to sit and take a look at myself. But suddenly a voice filled in the air, "Don't. Your head is treated just now."

Whose voice is this? Not my brother and nor any of my family has such a beautiful voice, and it definitely doesn't belong to a woman or any of the females in my house. The voice came from my left side and I turned my head to the said side. Huh? There's no one, oh wait there is! But a little bit far, at the end of the bed. Remembering the bed, this hospital's bed is too soft and comfortable, when did the hospitals improve this much? I kept that question to myself and once again I tried to sit up. The other person in the room 'tsked' and came near to me.

Beautiful, handsome, charming, mesmerizing, manly, good looking? I didn't know how to describe him. "Stop it! I already got into trouble because of you." He showed his grumpy look and turned to the other side, "I will tell your butler that you woke up."

Butler? As in the ancient time period? Without waiting for my response he got out and closed the door, in the proper way slamming the door. I looked around...This is not a hospital. What?! This is not a hospital? Then what is this. This time I sat up and rested my back.

The room looks so beautiful and aesthetic with white ceiling, a chandelier hanging in the middle with lamps, the walls with the same white color but a mix of cream, two white classic Chesterfield sofas; one facing the bed and the other facing the door having a perpendicular angle between the both sofas. The bed is in white color and the bedsheet is of the same color as the walls.

While I was observing every detail, the door opened and a thin guy walked in, and smiled at me "How are you feeling now, hyung?" Is he talking to me? And why is he dressed so oddly? Like the shirt he wore can approximately fit two thin people like him at a time and pants are okay but still so loose, if he wasn't wearing that belt I would keep thinking that his pants will fall down anytime, even just the thoughts give me a embarrassment.

"Are you okay?" He started to approach me with a tray in his left hand, holding it like an experienced waiter. "Don't come close to me!" I shouted and scooted back but the next moment my eyes widened because this voice is not mine, "Huh!?...*cough, cough* hm." I tried coughing and rechecking. But it was futile.

"Do you want to have some water?" The guy was standing beside the bed within a respectful distance but my mood was very irritating, "oh just shut up!" I poured my anger on him due to which he startled and jumped a little back. "I apologise, please forgive me", with that he bowed his head down. "No! I mean I am sorry, I am confused and I don't know what is happening?". He beamed again and came closer, "It's okay. You can ask me anything."