
The Hall Of All Beginnings

"That's right, I can clearly remember that we had a full moon on the first day of this month, and since a moon revolution takes 27 to 28 days, then we should truly see a blue moon tonight," Daniel said in wonder as he watched the mystical scene unfold, firsthand.

"Alright kid, the time has come for us to make our move." Legion declared whilst placing his palm on the thin barrier separating the light and dark parts of the soul world.

Then he urged Daniel to do the same, and the moment this happened, Daniel felt a part of his current body detach from him and flow towards his palm where it collided with a part of Legion who had detached his own much earlier.

Then after a few struggles, the two energies merged, and Daniel's cold body which was beneath the ocean floor began to radiate in a mysterious glow, and in the next moment, his eyes snapped open.


An explosion rocked the ocean floor scaring the living daylight out of the beasts living within the deep.

Afterward, a purple-looking flame flared to life on Daniel's palms causing the water around it to boil aggressively, and the stronger this flame flared and burnt, the hot bubbles of air began to gather around until a massive bubble of space was created on the ocean floor.

Then like a massive vertical pipeline, the bubble of space continued upwards until it got to the surface of the ocean, right beneath the position where the blue moon would peak.

"Alright, now I would need your blood and a portion of your soul," Legion spoke as Daniel felt a portion of his detached soul leave his body and mix with his cold blood.

Then he watched the blood begin to gradually regain its life force until it got to a stage where it began to change its color from black to red and finally golden.

The moment this happened, Legion in Daniel's body crouched to the ground before using purple flames to raze the seaweeds around the spot they were standing on, and Daniel saw a massive ancient runic formation appear right before his very eyes.

"We've placed this formation here since the moment this planet birthed its first life," Legion answered Daniel's unasked question.

"For this ritual, we will need the supreme energy of the moon, which is the moment when a blue moon appears; the purest energy of the sun, which is when the black sun [Check Polar day on Google] appears, and finally, the life energy of a planet."

"To obtain the life energy of this planet, we will have to visit a place on this planet that is similar to your planet's core; it would serve as the focal point of all existence," Legion explained as he continued with the ritual.

The moment he finished his explanation, Legion placed the golden blood at the center of the formation, and it was also at this same moment the blue moon reached its peak.

The moment the blue moonlight fell on the drop of blood, two strong and thin beams of rainbow-colored light reflected off the surface of the blood towards two opposite directions of the formation, and after streaking through the mazy runes on the formation, they then connect.


The ocean floor shook violently as an unprecedented suction force surged out of the drop of golden blood hovering in the middle of the formation.

Daniel watched in shock as a heavy, thick and immensely potent pillar of light descended from the blue moon onto the formation, before being gobbled up by the golden blood at the center.

"How long would this last? It would cause a lot of ruckuses all over the world." Daniel commented;

"We will need a day's worth of the energies of each of these phenomena. Moreover, only Divine Realm experts would be able to notice this, so you don't need to worry. Furthermore, I have cast an illusory formation on the entire oceanscape."

Legion answered as he and Daniel returned to the soul world where Legion summoned two mirrors out of the thin air, one was white with golden engravings and the other purple with demon-green engravings on it.

For a few minutes, the surface of these mirrors churned like a sentient liquid, and then two different faces appeared on each of them.

On the left, was the head of a monkey with golden hair and red eyes making it look almost human; he was sporting an amused smile and gave a chuckle or two now and then, whilst he had a thin branch in its mouth.

On the other mirror, the head of another figure that also looked almost human appeared; he had yellow hair that looked sentient and seemed to be flowing as gently as a spring.

His eyes were flaming with demonic-green flames and finally, a purple pentagram on his forehead with a black eye at its center.

"Sun, Yama, I have begun on my end; how is it going over there?" Legion asked the figures whilst Daniel simply watched on like a child on his first day at school;

"I have gone to the temple of the ten thousand gods and collected a tiny bit of each of their divinities, all I need is a fraction of his soul, so I can merge it all."

Without waiting for another second, Legion placed the surface of the mirror on the thin barrier once again, and Daniel, knowing what to do, placed his palm on the surface of the barrier.

Then just like with Legion, he felt another portion of his current body flow through the barrier straight into the mirror, but nothing else happened.

The silver mirror with golden engravings returned to its placid state and it seemed like the monkey had left, but Legion didn't take it away but instead turned to face the other figure on the second mirror.

"Yama, is everything ready on your part?"

Legion asked the other figure who simply nodded and passed him three stones; one black, one blood-red, and a purple-green stone;

"The devils' race, the asuras race, and the ghosts race have made their contributions," Yama responded before glancing at Daniel.

"Yama, are you prepared?" Legion asked;

"I've prepared for the worst, and both of you should do so as well; they won't show us any mercy," Yama responded with a deep sigh.

"We shall meet at the Hall of All Beginnings," Legion responded;

"Yes brother, I pray we all make it, and then we can finally take a break," Yama responded before his mirror turned placid once again, but this time, the mirror vanished leaving the white one hovering mid-air.

Legion grabbed onto the stones in his hands, closed his eyes, and then heaved a deep sigh.

A few minutes later, the white mirror rippled and this time, the monkey produced three stones of his own; one white, one silver, and one gold stone.

"The angel grace, the divinities of gods, and the compressed halos of celestials," Legion said in a quiet voice before taking them from the monkey.

"We shall meet at the Hall of All Beginnings," Legion muttered as Sun responded with a playful nod and chuckle, followed by the mirror vanishing from sight.

"What is the Hall of All Beginnings?" Daniel curiously asked;

"It is exactly what its name implies, in every sense of every word."

Legion responded before looking towards the golden blood which was still absorbing the light energy of the blue moon like a parched throat gobbling up water.

"It's time to leave, the second phenomenon is about to begin," Legion said as they vanished from the bottom of the sea.

When they reappeared, Daniel found himself in a landscape that was covered in utter darkness, and asides from the strong winds that whipped about and the crunching and cracking sounds that floated into his ears, he had no idea whatsoever about where they were.

"We are currently standing on the highest point of the northernmost point of this planet." Legion pointed to the sky, and right there, hung a sun that was just about to go completely black.

After walking for a bit, purple flames rippled out of Daniel's body, clearing away the frost that had accumulated in the area, and there, Daniel saw another runic formation that looked just as ancient as the one on the ocean floor.

They repeated the same process, and this time, a pillar of black light descended from the skies, with a level of heat so intense that it blurred the space around the formation.

After ensuring everything was running smoothly, Daniel's body vanished from the spot and appeared at the mouth of an excavation volcano;

"Another ritual site?" Daniel asked when he felt an intense level of heat ripple out of the volcano.

"Yes. Beneath this volcano lies the geocentric core of this planet, and the only spot where the forbidden eclipse will converge." Legion answered with a nod.