

Back when fishes soared through the heavens, tigers laid eggs, trees prophesied, and chickens twerked; the destiny of all creation rested on the shoulders of a young boy, named; Ji Min! Our MC had been chosen by prophecy to become the Omni-Being; a peerless existence who was not only omnipotent but omnipresent and omniscient as well. As the forgotten cornerstone of the very foundation upon which all creation was laid, our MC was able to meet the requirements to be chosen as the herald of the forgotten True Spirit. But as fate would have it, our MC ended up transmigrating into the body of a little kid who had a soup of chronic diseases. So, in a world where the strong ate the weak, drank their blood, and picked their teeth with their victims’ bones, what would become of our dying MC? How will he survive in a world where Qilins are treated as pets and Dragons are made to play catch? A world where overlords grill their meat with tribulation lightning and drink lava?

The_Primal_Scribe · แฟนตาซี
94 Chs

Ji Min's Vampiric Tendencies


Sensei threw out a mouthful of what seemed like a mixture of green, grey, red, and black fluids.


He groaned once again as terrible abdominal pain sent him curling into a ball.

Suddenly, another torrential wave of migraine washed over his brain, causing him to grab his head with his other hand and roll around in pain.

Sensei lay there suffering through the recurring pangs of pain that shot through his body at regular intervals; every hit he had incurred all through the day started resurfacing one after the other, and in different parts of his body.

He kept twitching and arching at different angles as several grunts of different tunes kept bursting out of his mouth; he felt like his brain was experiencing a CAT-5 brain-quake.

But just as the pains were about to push him past his tipping point, several scuffling sounds floated into his ears as Little White, and his minions arrived with several carcasses.

The Gecko, Flaming Lizard, Abyssal Medusa, and some rodent carcasses were all brought before Sensei who crawled himself toward the closest carcass around him which was that of a rodent.

Grabbing the open wound with both hands, Sensei ripped the rodent open, allowing its entire gut to fall to the ground before targeting its heart and sinking his fangs into it.

All of Ji Min's blood cells had been lost due to bleeding and should have died if the tranquil poison hadn't created substitute poison cells that replaced them.

But now, even the poison cells themselves were spent and if he failed to find a way to generate some functional life cells, then he would inevitably die.

Thus, he sucked several mouthfuls of blood out of the rodent's heart and veins before dropping the shriveled organ on the ground.

Then the moment the rodent's blood flowed down his throat, his starved body began to convert everything within the blood into cells just like a vampire being awakened from its slumber.

The poisoned part of the blood was converted into poisoned cells which kept his heart beating whilst the clean blood was converted into blood cells which were sent straight into his marrows, where they could be reproduced and multiplied.

Sensei looked to the side and bolted towards the gecko and tore its head apart with his claws before sinking his fangs into the first blood vessel he found.

About a minute later, Sensei managed to get two mouthfuls of blood which Ji Min's body greedily absorbed, and this time, all the lingering pangs of pain he was feeling began to gradually subside.

"It's a good thing Ji Tang is being held back by several beasts at the moment, otherwise, I don't know how he would react if he was to witness this scene."

Sensei muttered as he staggered his way toward the flaming lizard, and upon arriving, he made a chopping gesture with his palm and stabbed it through the Lizard.

The moment his sharp claws came in contact with the lizard's scale, it ran into a certain amount of resistance.

"This lizard hide would sell for quite a sum." Sensei appraised as added a little bit more strength to his stab causing the scales to give way as he went wrist-deep into the lizard.

But the moment his hand accessed the innards of the lizard, Sensei flinched slightly as he felt like he had unknowingly dipped his hand into a burning kiln.

"For the effects of your unique ability to remain active and this potent, even after dying quite a while ago, you must hail from a reasonably strong bloodline ancestor."

Sensei mused as he fiddled his way within the innards of the lizard for a bit, looking for something which his hand seemed to eventually grab a hold of.

With a strong yank, Sensei ripped out a rough rhomboid type of gem that was red hot and still seem to contain a tiny blazing tongue of flame.

'Just as I thought; though something might be wrong with this part of the forest due to the appearance of some high-level beasts, they can still serve as a good training dummy for Young Lord.'

Sensei muttered before dipping his hand into the lizard once again, and this time, it was the heart that came out, still containing several mouthfuls of rich and vibrant blood.

He drained the heart of every ounce of blood within it before repeating the cycle with the rest of the beast carcasses.

Little White and his gang kept delivering fresh beast carcasses to Sensei, ensuring that their new master is nursed back to full fitness and optimum physical condition.

As Sensei ingested more and more blood, the green-colored fluids surging through Ji Min's veins began to gradually get replaced by blood, as those shriveled parts of his body began to revert to their normal form.

After getting enough blood to recover considerably, Sensei walked over to the serpent's corpse to check for another beast core.

Upon arriving, he dug his hand into the open wound on the serpent's forehead and tore it apart.

He then drained the rest of its blood, and the rest of the pain he was feeling vanished completely whilst Ji Min's protruding fangs shrunk back into his jaws.

"So, it's like this; beasts in this area seem to form a premature core once they enter the Lord Stage, whilst the grade of the cores is determined by the rarity of their bloodlines.

"I will have to tell Young Lord about this, so he look out for these cores once he starts battling these beasts."

Sensei deduced as he appraised the smooth, grey, rhomboid core in his hand. Then after a little more searching, he also found another core from the spot where the bigger white rodent had met its end.

"These carcasses should still be valuable in such a backwater area continent, but it's a pity there is no way to store them for now." He added as he looked toward Little White and his gang who were already salivating at the sight of so much fresh meat.

"Hehe; alright, you can dig in. This way you can perhaps evolve a little bit and at the same time be clearing the scene from me so Young Lord doesn't have to be suspected by Ji Tang." Sensei added with a chuckle as all five rodents bolted toward the carcasses.

In less than five minutes, the entire area was bereft of any form of carcass or beast remains. Sensei then looked towards the beasts and fed the flaming lizard's core to Little White.

He gave the one from the gecko, serpent, and green-spotted pumas to the remaining four rodents who he simply numbered from 'One to Four'.

Sensei named the first rodent he turned; 'One' and gave him the serpent's core, whilst he randomly gave the other cores to the rest.

"Perhaps, if you are all lucky enough, your bloodlines would be able to evolve and obtain one of these cores' abilities." He added before returning to Ji Qing who was still out cold.