

Juliet was taken to Mum Abayomi house and she thought it was going to be fun only for her expectations to be dashed and be plunged into a very dangerous situation she never wanted to be. What will she do?

Ayotomiwa_Ajibade · แฟนตาซี
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199 Chs

Episode 80


Episode 80

© Ayo Omolayo

I closed my Bible and stood up to prepare for the journey back to my house. I came to see Mummy to talk about Segun's proposal. I'm glad it was a success and since I was done with that, I had to return to my base. I finish studying my Bible and prayed, before getting up to prepare for my journey. My phone was ringing once again and it was Kayla calling back.

I had the feeling God had spoken to her again, so I picked the call.



"After praying about what you said I went back to sleep and had another dream. In the dream, I saw myself walking down the aisle with a man. I couldn't see his face in that dream. I was about say my vows to him when a woman stood by us, telling me I was getting married to her husband. 

I was shocked because I had the feeling I was getting married to the man of my dreams. And if at all I was, I already know the man I wanted to marry is not a married man. So why was this woman making false accusations?

Suddenly the priest who stood by us touched my shoulder. My face was filled with a lot of questions and he gave a nod. 

'This man belongs to another,' was all he said. I disagreed with him, telling him that I was getting married to Robert Thompson. I also went as far as telling him that we have been childhood friends. I told him how we attended the same secondary school and how I know almost everything about him. 

All the priest did was to repeat those same annoying words. He kept repeating it over and over that this man was not mine. That was how I woke up."

"Wow! This is serious!" 

"Mama, I don't need God to say it a third time. In the first dream I was putting on a shoe that was not my size, but insisted I loved it. Now I was walking down the aisle with a man and the priest was telling me the man was not mine. I don't need somebody to slap my head before my brain starts working.

The message is completely clear. God is speaking about the proposal accepted yesterday. Robert belongs to another lady. I can't fight God and I don't want to miss it in marriage. If God says he's not mine that means he has someone better in store for me. I am ready to give up that relationship and wait for God's will for me.

Mama, thank you for praying along with me. God brought you into my life at the right time. If I had not share this dream with you, I would have taken it as a nightmare or something. I love the way you encourage me to go back to God in prayer. See how God spoke to me clearly. Thank you so much for standing in the gap for me."

"Kayla, please don't be in a hurry! Are you sure it's talking about Romeo?" I asked as if I was not already feeling excited.

"Mama, you don't need to ask twice. Just bring all the pictures together and you will get the message. God is speaking about the proposal. Just as I was putting on a pair of shoes that wasn't my size and now I was walking down the aisle with a man that wasn't mine. What else do I need to convince me of its meaning? It's a clear picture and it doesn't need double interpretation.

I'm calling Robert today to end things between us. I also limits the rate at which we communicate. So I can give him time to get the message for himself as well."

"Kayla, are you sure you can take this decision? It will be a painful decision to take. How are you going to live with yourself when you give up the man you love so dearly?"

"Mama why are you speaking as if God is maltreating me? Does God make mistakes?"

"No! It's just that!"

"Just what ma? Just that you want me to disobey God's instructions, right?"

"No that's not what I meant. I was only trying to look out for your feelings. I know how painful it is to love someone and have God separating both of you. I never imagined such a thing will happen to you."

"Mama, there's nothing in this world as wonderful as obeying Jesus. It will be painful at first, but you will be the one to smile in the end. We have plans and we believe they are the best. But when you give up your plans and allow God's plans to come to play. You realise that all the plans you had earlier were nothing but trash.

God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son. It was a painful thing to do, but he made sure he did it. Today, Abraham have no regrets for obey God's instructions. 

So mama, don't worry about my feelings. Feelings are nothing when dealing with a spirit. Take a look at those who are into diabolical stuffs. They can mix and cut the flesh of a live goat to prepare herbs for fortification and whatever ritual they want to perform. Whatever the devil tells them to do, that is exactly what they will do. They dare not disobey an instruction from their master. Even if the devil tells them to eat faeces, they would. 

It's we Christians that will give all manner of excuses. No wonder why principalities and powers are the ones in charge of the Land. They are serious minded people. No wonder why darkness is taking over the territory. Those people mean business and are ready to do whatever they can to spread darkness. But we Christians look at the way we are misbehaving. Ordinary fasting, we are complaining of stomach pain.

God said pray by 12 midnight, you'll say you're tired. Go and tell that to the native doctor. Let him tell you to wake up by 12 midnight to speak to the oracle in the calabash. Tell him you are tired and won't be able to wake up by 12. What will happen to you for disobeying, will make you never to give excuses again. 

Mama, feelings are rubbish. Obedience is better than sacrifice. I choose to obey my sweet darling Jesus. He will sort my feelings later. Have a nice day."

"You too!" I said.

I was excited to hear this. I found myself dancing in the room. 

"You dey do wonder eh.

 You dey do wonder eh.

You turned my life around.

Gave me a brand new song.

You dey do wonder eh!"

I sang as I spurned around, my night gown floating in the air.


"Daddy! You're making me shy ooooo!"


"Haaaaaaaa! Daddy! Romeo is not my boyfriend. I don't have any boyfriend! All I have is you!"


"Seriously?" I asked and almost stormed out of the room.



"In 10 seconds, mummy will knock on your door. 

"Okay sir!"

I heard a knock on my door. 

"Juliet! Robert is here to see you! He's seated downstairs."


I started smiling at what daddy said, forgetting mummy was standing in front of me. 

"Why the blush?"

"Oh! Nothing ma! It's just that Daddy was teasing me just now!"

"And that teasing has something to do with your boyfriend downstairs?"

"No ma! I mean yes ma! Like, something related to that."

"Yes! No! Something like that! Madam, I was once a young woman like you and I'm still a young girl till now. I understand when a man comes to visit a girl and immediately she's told he's the one, she starts smiling. I was once in your shoes na."

"Mummy! Was that how you'll smile when daddy comes to visit you at your parent's house?"

"Well, not exactly! My parents lived far away, so we only went out together. I was living at the far end of Lagos and my place was a 3 hours journey. I remembered the first day we visited. It was a funny experience. 

My parents teased life out of us. Yomi was not helping matters at all. I was made to cook that day and as soon as he tasted my food, he told my parents he wants to marry me right now so I can follow him to his house to cook his dinner."

We both burst into laughter.

"Wait! Mummy, you mean you didn't cook for him till you both got married?"

"Why would I cook for him?"

"He's your fiancee na! You'll both get married soon."

"This is part of the mistake many ladies in a relationship make. Just because a man is dating you, you start cooking his meals, washing his clothes and going to his house to do house shores. One day, you'll be sweeping the room when he'll grab your waist and you'll be laughing don't touch my waist. That's how Satan will take advantage of the opportunity given to him.

Before the relationship started, was he not the one cooking his meals? Before you started dating him was he not washing his clothes? 

Just because you said yes to his proposal, you became his house girl. 

Yomi and I made a promise to each other never to visit each other alone. If I was going to his place, I will go with a friend or spiritual daughter. If we needed to see each other, we would schedule a place to meet and go there. 

Be careful Juliet. The bible says every other sin resist. But you don't resist fornication, you run! You don't act strong in the face of the demon of fornication, you tell him you're a coward and run from him. Someone can tempt you to steal or collect bribe and you resist. The money was placed on your table and you tell him to take his money and get out. You can look at a delicious food when fasting and cover it. You can inhale the aroma and tell them you're not interested. You can resist the appetite to devour the sumptuous meal. 

But when it comes to fornication, don't resist, run for your life. Juliet have you used a charcoal stove before?"


"When you put those hot coals and you begin to fan it consistently, what happens?"

"They burst into flames."

"That's how fornication works. If you don't carry your charcoal and run away with it, it will catch fire. At that point, you won't remember it is written, thou shall not fornicate. You won't remember that your body is the temple of God. You won't remember you're a child of God anymore. The only thing you'll be concerned about it putting out the fire. 

So learn how to carry your charcoal and run. That charcoal means your body. Stop bringing yourself into situations the flesh can easily take advantage of. 

When you guys get married, you can cook all the meals you want. You can wash all the clothes you want. But for now, run for your life. 

In the issue of fornication, don't trust any man oooo. Don't even trust yourself. How will I fall for sin? It can't happen! No oooo! Aunty! No ooooo! You'll be shocked at yourself. You'll be asking yourself how manage? How did it happen? Where was my brain? 

When a man or a woman are set on fire, they are no longer thinking straight. It's after the fire quenches and the deed done, they'll start thinking straight."

To be Continued.......

I believe God spoke to you in this episode. Please be careful! 

Proverbs 6:27. Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? 

Verse 28 Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned?

You don't want to masturbate, but you're reading erotic stories and watching pornography. You don't want sin to come back to your life, but you're not maintaining your prayer altar. 

Everything you once overcame, will begin to resurface. 

The death of your prayer life, is the resurrection of your sinful life. Sin and prayer are enemies. The more your prayer life goes down, the more sin will take over. The more your prayer life is on fire, the more you'll disgrace sin. 

Even the Bible says, watch and pray. After praying against falling into fornication, you need to be watchful. Don't throw caution to the wind and ignore the warning bells of the Holy Ghost. 

I believe this message is for someone