
Jesus sent me

A Christian fanfic that I hope I don't go to hell for making this God plz forgive me!!! A boy named Levi goes on a trip to Los Angeles for a week because he won a lottery, he eventually sacrifice himself for a little girl who's was about to be run over by a van. He ends up meeting Jesus anddddd......well you'll have to read the story to find out, and who knows maybe you'll meet celebrities or people you know or may not know. Note: I don't judge or discriminate against your religion, this is just for entertainment purposes. Anddddd remember Jesus Loves you even if you don't believe in him :) insta: joyboy_2023

Joyboy2023 · คนดัง
7 Chs

Chapter 4

"I should call an Uber to take me to this hotel cause apparently this hotel is very high class and I don't have a car right now" Levi said as he was scrolling on his phone while reading the description of the hotel. The Uber driver arrived a few minutes later, and Levi was soon on his way to the hotel. When he arrived at the hotel, he couldn't believe his eyes - it was breathtakingly beautiful! The lobby was filled with luxurious furniture and decor, and there were crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling that sparkled in the light. He felt like he had stepped into an alternate universe - one where everything seemed perfect and nothing could go wrong.

After checking in, Levi went to his room to relax for a bit before heading out for dinner. But when he opened the door, what he saw took his breath away - there was a large king-size bed draped in silk sheets, a marble bathroom with gold fixtures and a shower stall made of glass. There were even fresh flowers placed around the room, adding an extra touch of elegance.

Levi couldn't believe that this place was real - it felt more like something out of a fairytale than reality! He thought back to all the amazing things that had happened today - from meeting the model to arriving at this luxurious hotel. It all seemed too perfect to be true...but somehow it was.

And as Levi finally lay down on his plush bed and drifted off into sleep, he knew that no matter how incredible this day had been, tomorrow would be even better!

The next morning, Levi woke up feeling rested after getting plenty of rest the night before. After brushing his teeth and taking a quick shower, he dressed in a white button down shirt and navy pants. He then looked through his wardrobe to see if anything caught his eye but ultimately decided to wear a black suit, knowing that it was one of his favorite outfits. As he walked downstairs, he saw a large mahogany table with fresh flowers placed in front of it. Sitting on one end was a silver coffee service with matching china and sugar tongs. It looked like someone had just finished preparing breakfast. On top of the coffee cups were a variety of pastries and other breakfast foods, which was enough to keep anyone satisfied until lunch.

"I wonder what I should do today?" Asked Levi as he was about to grab him a plate and have breakfast at the high class cafeteria with everyone else in the hotel. "Do they provide breakfast here? Should I eat alone or should I join some people and share food?"

"You can stay at the table if you want, it's your choice," said the Chef who was walking around probably trying to see if everyone is enjoying the food. "We also serve different kind of drinks, so why don't you ask for one of those?"

"Okay thanks," Said Levi. "I'll come by your station once I decide what to order."

The Chef smiled. "Thank you.

"Wait a minute, isn't that the model from the airport??" Asked Levi as he saw the same model from the airport checking in to the hotel at the counter.

"Oh yeah!" said the Chef as he grabbed a pair of scissors and began cutting the lollipop stick out of a cream puff. "She just came in yesterday, she'll leave today though. She only comes here for fun, we never see her again after that."

Levi thought to himself. "That makes sense. Do you know her name? How old is she? Is she famous?"

"Her name is Jenna Alexander, she lives in Germany and is 24 years old. You probably won't recognize her because she rarely does photo shoots anymore since her modeling career started quite recently, but if you see her again, ask for her autograph for me," said the Chef.

"Can I ask you a question sir?" Levi Asked.

"Sure thing" said the Chef

"What is a OnlyFans model I'm keep on hearing about?" Levi asked the Chef.

"Ahh well…" The Chef began and then looked down. "I guess it depends on whom you ask. The models that come here to enjoy our services aren't necessarily celebrities; they're just pretty girls who are usually curious about life and want to experience new things."

"But they are still famous right?" Asked Levi.

"Well yes, some of them are…but many are just normal people who come here to explore their own personal interests."

"So you mean most OnlyFans models are Just models who come here to indulge themselves in fantasies?"

"Yes, exactly," the Chef nodded. "They come here not to show off their beauty, but to escape the everyday world. They are there for us to give them fantasy fulfillment. And they really seem to enjoy the experience; I've never seen anyone here not having fun!"

Levi was speechless for a second, "Wow that's so interesting…I think I get it now." Levi thought.

"So where are you from? You don't sound like you're from around here." The Chef asked

Levi shifted in his seat, trying to come up with a response. "I'm from a small town in South Africa," he finally said. "I came here to try something new."

The Chef smiled. "That's the spirit," he said. "I think you'll find that this place has a lot to offer."

Levi nodded, but his mind was still on the models. "So what kind of fantasies do they have?" he asked, unable to resist his curiosity.

The Chef chuckled. "Oh, they have all kinds of fantasies," he said. "Some of them want to be pampered like royalty, while others want to be swept off their feet by a handsome stranger. We try to cater to each person's individual desires."

Levi leaned forward. "And what about you? Have you ever had a fantasy fulfilled here?"

The Chef grinned. "Well, let's just say that I've had my fair share of adventures," he said cryptically.

Levi was about to press him for more details when he heard a commotion outside. He got up and walked over to the window, where he saw a group of women getting out of a limousine.

"Looks like we have some new arrivals," the Chef said, following him. "Let's go give them a warm welcome."

As they stepped outside, Levi couldn't help but feel a little starstruck. The women were all stunningly beautiful, and they moved with a grace that seemed otherworldly. He watched as they made their way towards the entrance, their laughter ringing out like music.

Suddenly, one of them looked up and caught his eye. He felt a jolt of electricity shoot through him as he met her gaze. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before.

The Chef noticed the exchange and nudged him playfully. "Looks like you've caught someone's attention," he said with a wink.

Levi shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He knew that he had to focus on his work, but something about this place was starting to make him lose his grip on reality.

As the models entered the building, Levi couldn't help but wonder what kind of fantasies they had in store. He had a feeling that he was about to find out. Levi stepped out of the hotel with a full stomach and a sense of adventure pulsing through his veins. His eyes scanned the streets for any interesting shops or attractions he might come across. That's when he spotted it- a small shop that sold maps of the city.

He couldn't resist the idea of navigating the city like they did in the old days, so he made his way towards the store. As he approached, he could see a variety of maps on display in the window. He entered the store and was greeted by an old man behind the counter.

"Good morning, sonny," the old man said. "What brings you in today?"

Levi replied, "I'm looking for a map of Hollywood. I'm trying to find the Walk of Fame."

The old man chuckled. "Ah, the famous Walk of Fame. Everyone wants to see that one."

He handed Levi a large map of Hollywood and circled the location of the Walk of Fame with a red marker. Levi thanked the old man and began to make his way towards his destination.

As he walked down the crowded streets of Hollywood, Levi was amazed by the glitz and glamour that surrounded him. People were dressed to the nines and flashy cars cruised by with their windows down, blasting music.

He eventually arrived at the Walk of Fame and was taken aback by the sheer number of stars on the ground. He searched the crowd for someone to take his picture with his favorite celebrity's star.

Suddenly, a woman with a camera approached him and asked, "Do you need someone to take a picture of you?"

Levi grinned. "That would be great, thanks!"

As they were snapping the picture, the woman struck up a conversation with Levi. "What brings you to Hollywood?"

"Just some sightseeing and exploring," he replied.

The woman nodded. "That's always a good reason to come here. My name's Maria, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Levi," he responded.

After chatting for a few more minutes, they parted ways and Levi continued to wander down the famous streets of Hollywood. He felt like he was part of something big, like he was standing at the center of the entertainment world. It was a feeling he wouldn't soon forget.

Levi stepped out of the hotel with a full stomach and a sense of adventure pulsing through his veins. His eyes scanned the streets for any interesting shops or attractions he might come across. That's when he spotted it- a small shop that sold maps of the city.

He couldn't resist the idea of navigating the city like they did in the old days, so he made his way towards the store. As he approached, he could see a variety of maps on display in the window. He entered the store and was greeted by an old man behind the counter.

"Good morning, sonny," the old man said. "What brings you in today?"

Levi replied, "I'm looking for a map of Hollywood. I'm trying to find the Walk of Fame."

The old man chuckled. "Ah, the famous Walk of Fame. Everyone wants to see that one."

He handed Levi a large map of Hollywood and circled the location of the Walk of Fame with a red marker. Levi thanked the old man and began to make his way towards his destination.

As he walked down the crowded streets of Hollywood, Levi was amazed by the glitz and glamour that surrounded him. People were dressed to the nines and flashy cars cruised by with their windows down, blasting music.

He eventually arrived at the Walk of Fame and was taken aback by the sheer number of stars on the ground. He searched the crowd for someone to take his picture with his favorite celebrity's star.

Suddenly, a woman with a camera approached him and asked, "Do you need someone to take a picture of you?"

Levi grinned. "That would be great, thanks!"

As they were snapping the picture, the woman struck up a conversation with Levi. "What brings you to Hollywood?"

"Just some sightseeing and exploring," he replied.

The woman nodded. "That's always a good reason to come here. My name's Maria, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Levi," he responded.

After chatting for a few more minutes, they parted ways and Levi continued to wander down the famous streets of Hollywood. He felt like he was part of something big, like he was standing at the center of the entertainment world. It was a feeling he wouldn't soon forget.

Suddenly a bright light shine at the corner of his eye as he looks towards it and sees a almost like humanoid light bulb standing on a nearby roof. He rubs his eyes to see if his not hallucinating