
Jesus sent me

A Christian fanfic that I hope I don't go to hell for making this God plz forgive me!!! A boy named Levi goes on a trip to Los Angeles for a week because he won a lottery, he eventually sacrifice himself for a little girl who's was about to be run over by a van. He ends up meeting Jesus anddddd......well you'll have to read the story to find out, and who knows maybe you'll meet celebrities or people you know or may not know. Note: I don't judge or discriminate against your religion, this is just for entertainment purposes. Anddddd remember Jesus Loves you even if you don't believe in him :) insta: joyboy_2023

Joyboy2023 · คนดัง
7 Chs

Chapter 2

Levi Duncan was a luminescent eighteen-year old from Cape Town, South Africa. He was a slight, spindly creature with a shock of wild black curls and deep, expressive eyes. He rarely left the confines of his parents' house, but he had an inner strength and a latent confidence that manifested itself in the form of a mischievous glint in his eye. He was an artist at heart, and spent most of his time drawing and painting, or dreaming of faraway places.

Levi had entered a lottery to win a week-long trip to Los Angeles and, much to his surprise, he had actually won. He was overwhelmed with excitement, and yet a strange, nervous energy had been bubbling inside of him. He had never been on his own before, and he found the prospect of being away from home simultaneously exhilarating and terrifying.

He spent the next few days packing his suitcase with all the necessities, and a few treats for his upcoming trip. He tried to stay calm, focusing - however hard it was - on the task in hand, but his mind kept wandering back to the idea of being in a new country all alone.

Levi tried to push the nerves aside and focus on the adventure that lay ahead. He daydreamed of the Hollywood sign, of the golden beaches and palm trees of Venice, of the bright lights and the never-ending nightlife. He wondered if he would make any friends, or if he would be too overwhelmed to even strike up a conversation.

When the day of the flight arrived, Levi put on his best outfit and tried to put on a brave face. His parents drove him to the airport, both of them doing their best to stay composed in the face of their son's anxiousness. When they pulled up to the terminal, Levi's dad embraced him in a tight hug and his mother gave him a kiss on the forehead. They both knew the journey their son was about to embark on.

At last, Levi stepped out of the car, suitcase in hand, and made his way toward the check-in desk. He glanced back at his parents one last time before he turned and entered the airport, a nervous spring in his step. He was filled with excitement and anxiety, but he was determined to make the most of this opportunity.

He queued up at the check-in desk, trembling slightly, and handed the woman behind the counter his ticket. He watched as she fed his details into the computer and handed him a boarding pass, wishing him a safe journey. He thanked her and made his way to the security checkpoint, his heart pounding in his chest.

Once through security, he realised the enormity of his solo journey. He had never been to an airport on his own, let alone a foreign country. He was suddenly grateful for the airport's familiar sights and sounds, from the announcements of boarding times, to the swirling aromas of the food court.

With a deep breath, Levi made his way toward the gate and waited for the flight to be called. He watched in awe as people from around the world gathered together, each of them with their own stories and experiences. He marvelled at their different accents and attire, and their many different reasons for travelling.

When the announcement finally came, Levi stepped onto the plane and found his seat. He took one last look out the window at the world below, and a sense of anticipation coursed through him. Then, with a mix of excitement and nerves, he fastened his seatbelt and watched as the plane took to the sky.

He was off to Los Angeles, and the adventure was just begin-