
Jesse and the king

Nobody believed in Jesse But slowly Jesse proved to the jungle he is worthy to be the king Jesse goes through many difficulties but he overcomes it.

ellaajayi · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Time goes by fast

3 years go by fast, Tia is 13 now doing every thing she can she has grown to be a stong brave girl but to her father she's still his little princess, ahhh Tia sigh i really miss my sisters, I need to talk to father.

So Tia told her maid to inform her dad she will be coming to him soon.

parents room door opens.

Jesse sees Tia he said oh hi Tia, Michael told me your maid said you wanted to see me. Tia replies, yes father. then tia broke out in tears

Jesse jumped out of his bed an asked what's wrong dear ?

I really miss my sisters, i know what they did was bad and i am upset at what they did but deep down i have to remember they are still my sisters. replied Tia

hmm, I guess you're right. Then he hugged Tia.

Not so far away in a land called Kuvuki the twins stayed little did Tia know her sister's were with the witch and saw everything she said to her father.

Oh poor Tia she does not know what's coming for her. Said Ryan

Yeah ! replied Bryan

Ryan and Bryan's hearts are still filled with hatred for their sister

back at mahaila (Jesse's kingdom )

Jesse sent out palace guards to look for the twins

they hadn't found them but something kept the king excited and happy, Tia noticed this and asked what's going on ? what's making you so happy ?

should we tell her? the king whispered to his wife

yes! replied the queen

Your mom is having another baby it's gonna be a boy!

yay! exclaimed Tia

What do you think we should name him. asked the queen i think we should name him ocean.

Time passed by with no news about the twins, Tia became paranoid and grew worried about the twins so she decided that she was going to escape the palace and go look for the twins herself little did Tia know her selfish siblings now know about her plan. So This evening while every one was asleep Tia escaped through her room window but she left a letter for her parents which said:

Dear father and Mother,

I have gone to search for my beloved siblings, for I am tired of waiting for news from the pala guards I have gone to venture out to find them.

Please don't send guards to look for me I will be safe i promise.

Love yours truly, Tia

The next morning the king and queen came to check on Tia to find she's not there

but then they found the note and read it out loud.

they were sad but they didn't send palace guards out, instead they trusted Tia.