
This is all your fault!

*time skipped*

Jennie's POV

When I woke up I really have a bad headache. I decided to get up and went straight to the kitchen to get a cold water. I sat down and drink the water, when I'm fully awake my eyes got widen and realise that I was not at home. I was really shocked and a little bit scared wondering where am I. I notice that I'm wearing a pair of pajamas, so I thought maybe I was on my friends place. I decided to get back in the room and I saw someone sleeping on the couch. When I checked who was it, I saw Lisa that was peacefully sleeping. I kneel down to look closer on her face, she was like a baby.

Lisa: *shookt*

Jennie: good morning 😊 sorry if I wake you up 😅

Lisa: *get up and sit* n-no, did you sleep well?

Jennie: *nod* I have a headache earlier but it was lighter now.

Lisa: *stand up and hold Jennie's arm to help her to stand* come on. I'll make you some juice and cook our breakfast, *pull a chair for Jennie* just sit there 🙂 just a minute.

Jennie: I'm okay, you don't have to do it. I'll go home now.

Lisa: ssshhh just a minute okay? let's have a breakfast first before you go home, okay? ☺️

Jennie: o-okay, thank you.

Lisa: *smile and put on her apron* *quickly make an apple juice and handed it to her* drink this first and I'll cook some breakfast for us.

Jennie: 😀 thank you, take a sip *watching Lisa busy cooking their breakfast*

Lisa: *notice Jennie was staring at her* was it good?

Jennie: um 😊 *nodded and suddenly notice again her clothes* ahmm btw did you?

Lisa: ah yeah, I changed your clothes last night but don't worry I didn't see anything 😅 I closed my eyes while putting on your clothes.

Jennie: 😏 are you sure? *check her underwear and notice that it was still the same so Lisa was telling the truth that she didn't see anything*

Lisa: y-yes of course, I swear! *raising her hand as a promise*

Jennie: why you didn't change my underwear? *pout* 🤭

Lisa: *shookt* yah! *blushing -continue cooking-*

Jennie: *chuckle* I'm just kidding. Lisa thank you again 🙂

Lisa: *put food on the table* not a problem 🙂 let's eat now.

Jennie: *put some food on Lisa's plate*

Lisa: *blushing* thank you 😊

Jennie: ahmm so Lisa are you leaving alone here? Your unit is quite big for you and there's more room.

Lisa: uuhh... yes uhm well that room is for my parents when they visit here and the other room is for the guest. Rosé and Jisoo frequently using that room whenever they were here.

Jennie: so why you didn't let me sleep in your guest room? you just let me sleep in your room and you sleep on the couch *guilty* 🙁

Lisa: coz you're special *suddenly said* 😳

Jennie: *surprised* I'm special? *teasing Lisa*

Lisa: yah,uhh no n-no I mean... coz the guest room was quiet messy since Jisoo and Rosé stayed there lastweek when we had a movie marathon and I haven't clean it up yet.

Jennie: okay 😏 and btw where are your parents and siblings?

Lisa: I'm the only child and my parents were in Switzerland now.

Jennie: okay hehe sorry I have a lot of question.

Lisa: no it's fine 🙂 *continue eating*

Jennie: aren't you going to ask about me?

Lisa: hmm why are you still single? *what the heck Manoban, can't you control yourself? -thinking*

Jennie: *chuckle* why? haha is it a requirement to be in a relationship at this age?

Lisa: *shy* no, I mean because it's impossible that no one is courting you.

Jennie: why is it impossible? haha

Lisa: b-because you're too pretty, cute, sexy, smar..

Jennie: well no one dare to court me unless you were the brave one *teasing Lisa*

Lisa: m-me? *aiisshh why such a dork Lisa when it comes to her? -mouthed-*

Jennie: *chuckle* I'm done 😊 can I stay here till afternoon?

Lisa: sssta-t-t-tay here till afternoon? yeah s-sure, stay as long as you want. *excitedly gather the plates to wash it*

Jennie: let me do the dishes since you were the one who cook *stops Lisa*

Lisa: no you're my guest, so you should have to relax there okay?

Jennie: *pout* but I want to wash the dishes.

Lisa: *can't resist her* o-okay but you don't really have to, it's really okay for me but if you really want to, okay.

Jennie: yeyyy ☺️ *few minutes later* ouch!...

Lisa: *quickly check her* w-what happen?

Jennie: *gummy smile* got yah! 😂

Lisa: aissshh you're such a... you'll pay for this *grab Jennie's right wrist and tickle her left side*

Jennie: yah! *laughing* *throw the sponge from her left hand to stop Lisa from tickling her*

Lisa: *tickling her until Jennie lean her back at the bar counter*

Jennie: *outbalance* *stare on Lisa's eyes and lips and then she close her eyes*

Lisa: *hold Jennie's back to protect from the bar counter* *her heart beats madly and her knees were shaking* *clear her throat* you go and wash yourself, I'll finish washing the plates and I'll take a bath at the guest room later. You can borrow my clothes, feel free to get it in the cabinet, okay?

Jennie: *back in her sense* o-okay, *blushing*

After I took a shower, I decided to wore a big shirt and cycling only since I will be staying here till afternoon but I don't feel like going home till tomorrow 😂 why I feel so comfortable in Lisa's place than our own house? *suddenly remember what happen earlier* *looking at the mirror* aiisshhh why did I close my eyes and expect her that she will kiss me? it's so embarrassment Jennie, what if she feel awkward after that? what will she think of me? aaand why is she like that? most of the time she will make me feel that I'm special, that she cared for me though she was a gentlewoman to everyone especially on us her friend, am I the only one who feel this way? why do I feel like I like her? what if she's just really sweet and caring? and nothing special right? I'm just putting a malice *pout* argh I hate you Manoban for making me feel this way! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, why are you like that? *cursing at the front of mirror*

Lisa: *clear her throat* any problem?

Jennie: *startle* yah! you scare me! *hold her chest*

Lisa: I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you *scratch her head* it's just that I saw you staring seriously at the mirror 😅

Jennie: *embarrassed* 🙄 I-Im okay.

Lisa: *chuckle* alright, I ordered some snack and prepared the living room. Let's watch some movies 🙂

Jennie: alright Manoban, I hate this feeling and I can't hold back my feelings and aand this is all your fault! *serious tone*

Lisa: h-huh, w-what? have I done something wrong?

Jennie: yes! you have done something wrong with my feelings! and I don't care if you didn't feel the same way but I have to say this, I think I like you! I never felt this before and it is new to me. *blushing* I-I don't know if I'm just too malicious to put malice in everything that you do to me but this is really all your fault. I think I'm going crazy after this but *hide my face with my hair* but if you didn't feel the same way just pretend that you didn't hear anything and forget about it but please don't change just continue being nice to me and I wont bother you.

Lisa: 😱😱😱 *feeling great but at the same time nervous* *walk closer to Jennie* *stroke her hair and caress Jennie's face* *slowly kiss her passionately*

Jennie: *respond to her kiss and wrap her arm around Lisa's neck*

Lisa: *hold Jennie's waist and pull closer to her*

Jennie: *pull from the kiss and stare Lisa* we're not in relationship yet, okay? you still have to court me 😏

Lisa: not a problem baby 😊 *peck her lips and pinch her nose*

Jennie: yah! *pout*


please feel free to give suggestions and comments ?? I would highly appreciate it, thank you ?

halfalivecreators' thoughts