
Jean Fonti

Tragedy of life, luck and fortune, life and little deaths of life. Romance and making love. Fortune and misfortune of life and war and success in the life of Jean is the main story of the character here. Her being sole heiress of the properties and the pursuit of lust and love. In times of despair and fortune.

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1 Chs

The Sole Heiress


Franz Rica Jean Fontiveros

Chapter I

Childhood Years

In this world of technology and modern age, one click in your phone you could discover so much and know so much about the beautiful places, things and different perspective in the internet. We see things that gone viral in the world through the screen we have, and the windows of the world we have in our hands, our cellphones and other had IOS and others had android preferences. Jean has always been adventurous in her life. She lived in a big mansion and cabin unfinished constructed in the country side of her country in the Pacific, with 7107 islands named in the map as Philippines. Wherein there are a lot of forest trees, and animals lurking like the deer and also the eagles and forest snakes and more. She always had been so happy with her life as the only child and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fonti of the St. Nicolas village. She had friends nearby, wherein the only thing she thought of doing is having fun with friends, with her cousins and her dogs named, Whitey and Blacky. Whitey is his dad's dog and the dog always had been with her when she plays dolls, goes to the farm and the she often plays with her childhood friends. And there are horses that are colored white and black. She is so fascinated with the world could offer. With what world she is living, she is contented.

And all she had is a peaceful family with her dad as a military high ranking officer and her mother as a teacher in a school near them. She is still young kid, at three years old she is the only daughter that survived. Until in a blink of an eye her dad went to a military mission, all love you of her parents become just a distant memory to her when the radios and newspapers have been a long term talk of the town. Her dad at her age of 40 years old was ambushed and was killed in action, in the creeks of mountains of the countryside when they got an operation for an engineering water project. All of it was gone. She saw her dad in a coffin with his medal of valor. Covered in a white suit of a military man come to just a childhood memory of the past tragedy. It was the worst childhood experience she had.

The tragic past happened and her mom is also pregnant with her father's youngest baby. The baby died in the womb and miscarriage begun to her mom. She was in a very lucky position in life for 3 years of being born but after that her dad died. She was moved to the city with her mother and had lived in an apartment there for almost 16 years. And she move on in the past. She tried to, but she keeps looking to her classmates, why do they have a dad? And she does not. But she always had cute little memories with her father, in the countryside. She was reluctant of telling that because these memories only left tears and pain in her heart.

Her mother was the one who got affected. She was in a post-natal depression. She eats so many sweets. Have been in a workaholic mode and have been in a moving on stage after her husband died. Her two miscarriages have been their guardian angels in their journey of moving on. She was so sad seeing her mother always crying in despair of the grief of her husband's passing. One time they got a happy family and peaceful life and the next days they are in the city moving on in the tragedy. Years passed by Jean become a teenager. She falls in love have been in a very difficult stage of adjusting to her new environment. "I was once a little girl, running in the countryside's streets and playing with my dogs and here I am now in a different geographic location", said Jean. It was so sad story but we do not have any choice but to continue to life. Life is full of surprises. One time you are happy in a peaceful setting, and the other time you will be down in depression because of what happened.

But Jean did not let it happened, that depression will live in her life. She tried sports, ballet, all the arts could offer her. And the schools events she wanted to discover. She discovered her own potential. She dance and sung in choirs and even represented her school in various competitions. She entered the athletics, and also went to run for student council. She experienced what it is to earn money after all the years of her moving on with her father's lost. She made her mama proud she becomes consistent honors student in her high school years. She entered a theatre group that show cases Disney movies into live acting and even had the problem in acnes. But maybe because of the stress and the void she had having no complete family she had put all her stress and her pressures in the school activities and even had been in different competitions to make her mama again proud over and over again.

She made her mama put academic medal and make her mama laugh again even with the absence of her father physically. Her mother never remarried even after years of her husband's death. But her mother become so workaholic to the point of her sanity was all in work and earning money. She forgot about her physical health and mental health. She sleeps at 4 in the morning. She did not believe in hospital treatments because these are just waste of money in her perspective that society is controlled by money makers and oligarchies of investors just to make more money for their pockets. Jean's mother becomes so philosophically inclined with what happened to her. Because almost in this world is controlled and sustained by money. She took masteral's degree and finished her doctoral's degree to the point of becoming the president of the organizations of the principals association. She was the one who also facilitated the USA Marines troop who outreach in the countryside school where she become principal. And she had so much more outreaches, charities and projects collaboration with the school's alumni and alumnus. She is a great mom, a good provider and good friend to Jean. Jean became also a productive student. She was exhausted every day to her life. To the point that she is in academics and in the other time she is athletics ad leading various organizations. She is contented seeing her mom happy for her. She became teenager, went to high school falls in love, secretly. She loves her friends so much. Become the friend of all and a colleague of different faces and people from walks of life. She was care bear of the school with a long hair. She is kind and the same time rude too. We as humans we have dark and light side. She did so much until what happened was also tragic after years of moving on, Her mother had been diagnosed with glaucoma, A disease of eyes with high pressure due to complications of diabetes and high blood. She pushed it forward until Jean's college graduation. She had been retired due to her blindness in her eyes and the complications happened both eyes become blind and she was declared as person with disability. Her mom was in various pain and agony. Every day she experience so much pain and hardships that all of us is experiencing here on earth. These money, pains, tragedy and hate are still there. Society is so mean. The food we eat is so full of chemicals. The food is full of high prices. The Inflation rate is getting higher and we cannot deny the fact that these are all happening. And it affected Jean's depression. She graduated college but it affected her health and mentality, she had so much thoughts that why did it all happened to her mom, what wrong doing did her mom did that she had to experience all those tragedies. From her childhood to her husband's death to her health she was once a beautiful lady but with so much baggage handled. She was once the happy pill who makes other people happy. That is life. We need to survive. We have to be soft to ourselves. Do not pressure ourselves to society's standards." said Jean. We live our lives in our standard of happiness without stepping on others happiness. We have been too rude with ourselves in working too much and why not learn to love ourselves in a new and easy perspective of living our lives so great. That we should invest in happy memories and fun with our love ones. We have to learn how to be happy and living the moment as they said. Life is full of darks and there also gloomy days but not every day is your happy birthday sometimes it is just a sad day and it is ok to be sad all in once. We create our happiness. And that is ok. And I am ok with being just loving to myself being grateful and appreciating what life could offer to me. That is amazing. Right." says Jean. At least I had a great adventure with my mom, we attained so much in our lives and discovered new places in years of spending together with each other, And I love those experiences. These are the memories of my life that I will always cherish, We had so good memories and we become strong in this life that despite what happened to me I am going to live my life because there are opportunities out there waiting for me to be discovered.

Chapter II

Sole Heiress Teenage years

Technology really is a one click away, in this digital age, I discovered tinder dating. In a one click of my finger I discovered that there are opportunities representing my country in California. I went to California after graduation. My mom had loaned to her pension's cooperatives and I went to business and sponsors to investors to have a pitch on my dream representing Philippines in Hollywood stage. I went to Los Angeles and went to see what it is to perform. It was magic. I am so fortunate that I have been in these opportunities. My mother is so proud of me attaining the success of going abroad on my own talent. I had been molded by my University to be as confident as I am right now. I have been to La and discovered that I could offer a lot to the world, I just had to believe on myself. One senator in the Philippines is so proud of me. Of course, my mother was ultimately happy to my new gain and attained success. And I become so happy to that I discovered acting was my passion and my life-long dream, I have attained. All I had to do was be consistent in achieving that goal.

Again society has its standards in marketability of my dreams. People buy what they want to see and hear and that's what I should focus on. Life has ups and downs. It may be difficult at the start especially on money matters but when you wanted it you could definitely attain it. My mother is my number 1 support system. She had gained all her resources and her capabilities to support me and my dreams. I have been truly lucky to be able to have a mother like her like a spoiled one because she did all her best to make me happy too. While in my side I wanted her to be happy too. But sometimes it occurred that she still is sad that my father is not with her seeing the precious memories that we are creating.

The success that I am attaining, So what I did is I brought her to the hotel and made her a happy birthday memory with me. I bought her all she wants all she needs. Brought her to the dermatologists, Let her be test medically and let her be medically diagnosed. She was diagnosed with kidney failure. It was the again the worst experience ever. She later died with so much pain and she had become so weak. Died at February 22, 2021. She was the best and wonderful mom you could ever asked for. She was also a great auntie to my cousins and I adore her for that. She was the best thing that happened to me and I can assure you that I fall in-love too that time to a guy who I only knew in digital app. Tinder, Pandemic and lockdown happened. His name is Steven, I love him so much, I made him poetries, songs and poems and even in a vlog. I love him to the moon and back and he is like a care bear of his town. He is full of charm and humor. She is tall as the oak tree in our countryside. He made me laugh so much even my mom asked why am I laughing alone in the side and the corner of the room. I said the boy I have been in dating from tinder. He is great, he is so funny. But we are too young. 23 years old. Young couple and youngsters in love who never seen each other in real life. Funny to think I fall in love with a guy that I never seen in real life. Our love was sadistic and romantic. We like hurting and inflicting pain to each other to point of death threats because we wanted our love to be more 'til everlasting depth of love. Even after death kind of love. Not just until death but even after death kind of love where we already see each other in fires of hell and in the gates of heavens kind of love. To the point that my attention diverted that my mother died, I forgot her ongoing dialysis, my mother died knowing I was in love with someone I never seen in real life, Later that time. I moved on again like the routine I did, when I was young. I am still moving on to my father's death. This feeling is familiar. The experience of moving on again is familiar. The tragedy that is familiar. My mother's death created so much depression to me that I had inflicted to much mad ness to Steven and I know that boy I talked online, I really love him this deep.

I am hoping still in depth love even after death. And Gates of heaven set us apart. And fires of hell set us apart. It was truly an experience of a lifetime.

The experience was a tossed of a coin like a fortune of life. I never even expected that these will happen to me. To fall in-love in a boy far away from me, I wish of so much more fortune but falling in love is a chance of life time. Knowing who truly loves you despites of having so much insecurity.

I hope we are still deeply in love with each other. Such a fantasy like what my parents have showed me.

He is the love of your life that still loved each other 'til death to as apart. I still believe on these fantasies. And that survival is just not the only problem I have to deal with because to live is to love and that is the sweetest and the best thing to do in life. Like Ed Sheeran have said in his song. Loving can hurt, loving can mend your soul, but it is the only thing I know when it gets hard. I know I could hurt sometimes, but it is the only thing that makes me feel alive. Maybe that is the reason why I had move and I wanted to see my mother happy, the love that made me still alive. The love I felt in that guy is strong that even I never seen online but I had developed some feelings to him for real. Feeling of love is the precious thing to experience.

Chapter III

Society's Standard

The peacefulness we wanted. We all wanted to be love without the change of it. For it resembles a sad reality that we are really living in this world. We all wanted happy memories always and I think that is also sad to think that this love could be destroyed by people that surround us, by the environment that adheres as not to be happy. Happiness is the pursuit of life and the end of happiness is the presence of sadness or anger or void feelings of being just contented. For stability and youth is kind of skeptical. But this will make you tell the society that fuck society's standards and validation. I am happy of myself and the world could offer to me without someone who constantly criticized me. Now, I wanted to be happy in the pursuit of that happiness I wanted to learn that self-love is the most important thing, not the validation of the family. Fuck society. I will never fit in to u nor belong. I am extraordinaire, I love being me. I am the combination of my parent's 'til death to as part love. And though there are no perfect marriages or love because temptations existed in the world. We always just remember that and grateful at least in this life time we have experience how life is with parents love. I can survive with society's fuck up validation and standards. And internet's social media and technology could offer. I had been matured by the life and the world itself. I can be who I want to be. I can fly with flying colors and reach the heavens in the sky. I will be full of dreams and dreams will be true If I manifest on it. The universe hears so are my powerful words are. Anything could happen in a split second.

Right now I am travelling to forget what happened to me, but even to the happenings that I continued to forge that is what life really is that you should accept the fact that life is full of pain and hurt and sadness and inflation and full of gas price high pike and full of sad realities. Every day in a split second, there are babies and sperms that did not have the opportunity to be in alive but you are here, loving someone who also won in the sperm swimming competition. You are so fortunate. Life is series of competition and it depends on you if you will be a great swimmer because and the end of the day it is an experience of a life time. Live every moment and be appreciative. Right now I went tinder dating again. I went back to what I felt right. I become a productive career woman writing, encouraging myself to be productive and be amazing person that I want to be. I wanted to be someone I could proud at the end of my life. That my future off springs will thank for in the future that I did not fucked up in my youngster life. I did the most extreme memories and things that I could do. I am happy that I found someone special right now.

That someone I never expected to come to my life in this digital world. Who also have dreams, like mine. Who wanted to create something awesome. Also have the pains of life and the tragedy of it. The hopes and the little wins are a great memory to remember of. That the world had so much sadness and negativities already just that I should appreciate what really is I have right now. Because and the end all I wanted to do is to remember the happy memories when I grow old. And I would share it to people that wanted to read it and wanted to know it because I do want to keep all my experiences in my own. But to touch the hearts of the people that never had the chance to encourage themselves that even to all the extreme they have experienced in life there are still hope and light and the end of the tunnel. There is always hope. And that hope and love makes me continue my life. And makes me strong and that I could create something spectacular too and could be a good investment to my future as well. My passion, my love, my joy, the peace, kindness, my goodness, faith, these are the fruit of the spirit of God if you are a Christian. You would know that it existed. I appreciate my parents as of the moment I am writing this because I was left by a humble and happy home that one day I could still live in even no matter what happens I have a happy home full of memories and things left. That ever corner is a safe space for me to remember. I love my parents for creating me. For it is the experience of life that I still thankful of that and I have felt love and inspired to be someone I thought was unattainable but clearly not really unattainable because everything is achievable in God's grace and hard work and perseverance. I will know and I manifest that someday I will see that human even not perfect, I am going to love him for him. Because no one is perfect and if you are a perfectionist you won't attain something special and be forgiving in someone's mistakes. For in life not everything is perfect as we see in movies. Movies portray unrealistic desires that the directors and script writers only write due to fictional society's standards that are really measured to the point of directing it and making it a work that will be happening over and over again until it become a marketable piece of art to marketed in the world and turn again into money. Life of contentment is not like that, Life of simplicity and contentment is full of happiness and just fun that despite of lack of resources of money we could be resourceful and hopeful that everything will be okay in the help of the divine intervention and love of God almighty. We are the one who shapes our desire so be the one who would control your humility and desires. You are the one who makes your path to destiny so be the one who could be the change you wanted to see. So I lift up myself again and chin up high, loving every moment I have in this world and love the sunsets every afternoon, loving the birds chirping in my windows, the cats I have got from the street and the beautiful butterflies that fly in front of me.

I saw him and we meet, he had some time and I to give some fun and positivity. I love the memories created and I am hopeful in the future that this life that I lived I will be thankful for it when I grow old. Right now I have inherited so many real properties, houses, apartment, condos and will continue to invest in these because I will always tell myself that wise decisions will help me in the future and that it won't be hard for me to sustain myself if I could be the one who needs for it. Truly, being the heiress of my parents and the lovers of life had been truly amazing. I have learnt so much and I will always learn in life. I am young 23, turning 24 this year but I know I could do more. Invest more real estates and more beautiful memories.

Chapter IV

Romance Pursuit

No matter how successful you are and an achiever you are you will always be curious of who is your true love and soul mate is. When the notebook of Nicholas Sparks have been infamous in the movie when I was reading novels in the libraries. I always dream of that one true love that will always come back and find its way for each other. Is it the main pursuit of true love or the benefit from each other? Romance is a cliché word for every generation in the society. We are produce through reproduction and through that can we really experience romance in its all high levels or it is just the word you describe to two mammals who reproduce off springs because of the natural phenomena and circumstance that is common to the human race and the animal kingdom we call sex. That even in different species of reptiles, intercourse or what we general known as the act of making an offspring is called love making in the romantic term. Where the male specie chases the female and they create the basic form of the society we called family. And that what we call the society's dictates of standard of living. We have to romantic pursuits and we have types and preferences of our own most especially in the mainstream media we wanted to have that charming, tall, dark and handsome man that will become our knight shining armor but in all honesty does that one stick to man really exist or it is just a fantasy that we usually read in magazines and novels like this. That to the pursuit of it the reality is we keep on trying hard to know who is the real person in that could love us in the end of our lives and will accept our flaws and insecurity a human, I have found the one is the statement that we always wanted to say to ourselves and be contented to that one person the rest of our lives. That true love and the one that will accept our sarcasm and our jokes but also will be serious to stay with us through ups and downs of our fortune in life. That will be there and in hand in pursuit of what we call true love. I think I found the one will talk with me in my most boring hours of life and in my loneliest time of life. That when I do not have money he will help me and if he do not have money I will help him. Maybe that is life as it is. It is full of true love propaganda that could offer you but it is really difficult to see someone that could stay with you at the end of the day. Some boys play some boy pursue for survival and some boys pursue for serious living. But who really is the one that you wanted to share that life with? Is it the one who still continue to hurt you even he knows you got hurt and have been in pain over and over again but still chooses to hurt you and leave you in despair and left you in the air. Is it the one who present himself to you despite of knowing that the one you could only offer is friendship and not love as romantic movies offers in the society. It is the love that offers you to run away with your problems and elope with him on the Queen city of the South and be as stable as possible and practice your profession together and or is the love that offers you wealth and passion to love your own country and explore more of it. There are a lot of love that is offered to you and it is super difficult to choose because you are also full of love to yourself and it is undeniably real for instance that it is hard to choose who spend the rest of your life with. Because there are lot of options that present their lives to you and to spend the rest of their lives with you. Being lock in marriage is a prison that others call hell but others call it opportunity of a lifetime and others call it heaven. But for me I just wanted to be stable and be peaceful and contented of what I have. Give love as much as I can I provide for my self and the one that I w

will love forever. One thing that I need to know that when you love there is no perfect human. They love because despite of its imperfections you will accept him for him and his love. For that is the world we live in. It is not perfect sphere. It is a sphere with more water than land. But it has so much to offer.

Chapter VI

The experience of lust and love

In the medieval time young couple, eloped and find a place to start a family. Make love like there is no tomorrow. I have loved I was in lust. I wanted him for life. I wanted his lips, he rosy cheeks and his arms on me. We make love for nights and days. I love him for him, his words are lustful and his body is a temptation. We had made love until dawn everywhere in places you could as for. I love his blue green eyes, His blond hair and his hair in his pelvic region. It was what I always day dream to touch him every night and love his biceps carrying me. I love his hands as big as his feet. He is white as snow and a baby as the toddler in the kindergarten. He is stubborn as hell. His wants are unlimited. He wants all the positions that I never even tried in my lifetime. The bed is new but it destroyed in just months. He gave me every night, reborn of what we call orgasms that made me moan and the feeling is not the same feeling when I taste my favorite chocolate. But the felling is something I am crazy about. My head was so crazy that veins in my underneath is signaling so much satisfaction in my sexual urges and it made me so addicted to it and I find it every day. I cannot live without it already that I was in deep addiction to it. That even he does not want it anymore I still make the love that I wanted. The happiness that I really want. The orgasm and little deaths reborn I have experience in all positions of the corners of the room we are situated. I had been so into it that I forgot all my responsibilities as an heir. I had been in the rubbing of the perverted region of, the clit and it made me so crazy that I wanted to do it over and over again. It was the most perverted thing I did in my whole life. But these are lust I am experiencing. The loud moans, The hotel reservations and bookings, The dildos and the all the video calls we made are something I cannot forget the rest of my life. It was his moan that his manly and masculinity heart went out. It was the noise that I wanted to hear all my life. And he made me crazy. He is ugly but he became handsome on me because he satisfied me so hard. We make it so hard that I wanted to repeat it over and over again.I love the laying him over me and he made me so fucking lustful for whole year long. It made me satisfied on my fantasies in life that we never even did it in real life. All are digital world. It was the sad thing in their. It is all not real in physical body. I just touch my body and it made him aroused, he got addicted to it. To all my little moans and to all my loud shouts and the noise I did when we are just alone. The pleasure that I called even god almighty to that very moment, like Oh God. I wanted it to be repetitive over and over again. I love him. I love the lust that he is introducing to me. I love and I wanted to do it every day with him in all actions and weather and places and events. I wanted to blow all of his spirits in him and lick and taste all his state of tastes like his sourness and sweetness and his spices. I wanted him all my life. He is the stranger that I wanted to know the rest of my life. All his flaws and his insecurity and I accept him for him. All damn time. He is the one that made me extra little crazy and in-love despite of the lack of resources I wanted to see him and make love with him all my life. He is the one that I wanted and gave me the pursuit of happiness in my life, and my orgasm in sex.

Chapter VII


But in all love stories we cannot avoid the villains and the challenges of the couple. All the dramas was also been experience by Jean. The more the beautiful experience of life is happening to her the more plot twist has been a trade to her. She had the best time of her life in the mansion after 16 years of not living on it.

She renovated it and reconstructed it with her pursuit of preserving the memories and the events that all happened on this place. The beautiful starts and endings happened here, in the Countryside mansion. And it all happened when she graduated went to California and wen home after 3 months her grandmother died. She and her mother had the time to renovate. Make some beautification and fixation with the house. The flowers were there the beautiful furniture and chandeliers where put. The Christmas celebrations are way more beautiful and a fresh start for them as family of two. Of course the giving of gift to kids and neighbors of the most unfortunate neighborhood happened. The blessings are pouring and new opportunity had begun. It all started with the dream and it all become reality. The beautiful creations, good memories happened and every birthday celebrations were celebrated and were fun. We had so much more memories happened. The bonding grew more with my mother and we had a cat and dog and just a very happy life in there. The meeting up of relatives the visitations and the songs. Poetries were made. Making of new memories was embarked in our minds and laughter and beautiful music were so loud. But there are these peple who wanted to be also the star of the story and even in behalf of them they can even make their own story but there are those who really wanted to destroy your life and maybe because it is their happiness. My mother is a sweet person. Full of love and joy and stories to tell but a very sad heart inside when we are the ones who is just talking alone. All the insecurity she had was real. All the pains she experience and the hurt she had since the day she was born. But I had observed that the true villain in this story is the insecurity feeling. The feeling of doubts. Because if you doubt you feel that you cannot manifest some new ideas and good things in your life. The denials and the bad words are the curses. For these words we utter are very powerful. We have to destroy the feeling of doubt. The negativity and the dark side that wanted us to doubt. These are the real villains of life.



I have felt betrayed, cheated and ridiculed. I have been manipulated several times in life. I have been in a status of grief while being on that I was greatly exploited. I am in my humble years of bargaining and loaning from people that I trust and I know. I was an opportunity cost to some. But I had some opportunity cost that I deeply regret, I have been in a point of my life that I have been tempted by the worst things case possible. I have been handling a big amount of money that I should not use in a very not profitable way. But I did it, I had been tempted a little but my conscience had touch my soul not to do it. I love my self but I love my mother more. I have not pursue the Lust that I have been craving for months, I stopped it. The connection ended. And no communication was there already. I was so astonished with great depression, I have chosen to pick being alone than to be with a man who is sick of womaning scheme. He cannot deny himself being a friendly one but he is in denial of being a womanizer. He is indeed one because he cannot cut ties with these females who obviously had some temptations inflicted to him. He was a one who got tempted by a snake kiss, and it destroyed our romantic pursuit. He trusted so much to people and my trust had been gone. All the revenge was made and all the mad love was there. It was the most sadistic love and romance I have ever been in life. I was addicted to blurting out the worst words I could think of. I was so harsh on him and to my dismay it was his doings that made me like that.

I am thsat of a monster and an evil. I am a villain and also a victim, I got victimized by his words that are not real. His faithfulness is non-existent. I got fooled once again. I once believe in his words that are as beautiful as the pacific sea now I lost my trust to anyone anymore. The temptations and all the challenges destroyed us. We had not made it to until the end of life. It was just an illusion of the imagination that I thought will happen. I was hopeful those things will happen. But it did not. We broke up and we end our relationship. We had our separate ways. I was redirected in a new adventure. I was redirected in the new pursuit of romance, I was a high still in the pursuit of happiness. That I ended up finding it to another one. Another one, again and again.

Until these pain and fill the void will happen. I will continue loving myself and continue living even it is hard.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Love_Jean_1204creators' thoughts