
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

Mayali1512 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Slithering Sand

What happened made everyone worried but there was a woman who seemed more troubled than the others, they never saw her before, she was walking from one wall to another.

"Who's she?" Jayden asked when their teacher told them she arrived today, and she was a new archery instructor, and her name is Patricia she had big black ringlet curls and beautiful big hazel eyes.

All students somehow spent that entire day locked in the school, after making sure that the rest of the school was safe enough for students they unlocked the classrooms so they can grab snacks or use the restroom.

The thing that was scaring everyone more was the fact that non of those snakes left their places, they didn't even change their positions, the ones who were hissing were hissing with their heads up, and the ones who were slithering in circles, slithered without a pause.

The day passed and the night came, everyone fell asleep some on benches while the others sat with their groups down on the floor and slept with their heads sticking to each other, some of them who were brave enough to enjoy even at this moment played games such as cards, while some of them engaged the bathrooms to do drugs and all kind of bad things students usually use bathrooms for.

What was little left of sound disappeared in the cold plain silence and the silence grew more and more until there was nothing left to be heard except for the hissing.

This made Jayden uncomfortable and he woke up, with his eyes half closed he saw Ms. Patricia wearing a long cape with a hood.

Jayden pretended to sleep as she turned around to make sure everyone is sleeping she sneaked out followed by Jayden.

He tiptoed downstairs and followed her until she reached the main door where the guard was sitting, "You look tired" She whispered and just by her words those alert and vigilant guards fell asleep.

She slowly twisted her hand and the lock turned with the movement of her hand and the door opened in front of her.

Jayden peeked out of the door as she walked closer to the fountain, all the snakes started hissing at her, and she was standing still as calm as if she knew that the snakes would not dare to touch her.

She spread her hands in the air and a soft swirling wind blow started surrounding the trees again, she joined her palms up high in the air and while slowly separating them, bringing them down she whispered something in Latin "Demergat eos in harenae" and all those snakes started squirming, sinking in the ground as if it was nothing more than a running sand.

"You can't hurt people around me, not while I live." She gasped with relief.

Jayden's eyes widened, he didn't know if she was good or evil, all he knew was that she saved the day.

He sneaked back to the classroom before her and in the morning he woke up with gabbling.

He looked around and the students were peeking out, he knew the snakes disappeared but to play along he got closer to take a look, and to his surprise, there were snakes on the ground, but they were dead, with their tongues out of their mouths.

Everything was normal but still weird, everyone decided to go back to their homes, and all of the roads and that entire area were covered with the dead bodies of snakes, everyone was aware of the rain, and there was even news running on channels.

They were calling it a natural phenomenon, and they chose another name for it 'The Poison Rain'.

Jayden knew inside this was just the beginning, so he needed to find Hawkbone before he does anything else.

This was just a show to scare him, and it worked. He needed to find the alpha to stop Hawkbone from doing this again.

That evening Jayden decided to check up on Rose.

When he reached her grandmother notified him about her fever, she was resting, so he had no point staying there, as soon as he left he wanted to look at her just once, so he went around and peeked inside her room from the window.

She was sleeping peacefully, he was still looking at her, but then his eyes stopped on an envelope on her desk.

He knew it was from Hawkbone, he knew he would never be able to gain back the place in her heart that he just lost "I am sorry Rose" He whispered and started running back to his home.

His mother knew there was something going on with Jayden, she saw him rushing toward his room.

She followed her but his door was locked.

"What are you doing Jay?" She asked but there was no response.

After waiting for him on her armchair she saw Jayden coming out of his room with a backpack.

"What are you doing? Are you going somewhere?" She asked.

"I know I did wrong! I know I've been doing wrong my entire life… thank you for stopping me right before I crossed my limits every time, but if you love me just let me go! I am the reason for what happened yesterday, I need to lure him away" He insisted.

"I know you won't stop if I will stop you! But promise me that you will come back in one piece!" She giggled with tears rolling down her cheeks, she kissed him on his forehead right before he left.

Jayden's plan was silly but that was all he got.

That cave in the middle of the woods was abandoned, no one knew it existed. It had nothing inside but just darkness.

Jayden decided to stay there, even just for a night, he had to take his backpack so everyone would think he left, or he went on the tour, but he was actually staying there, he perfectly hid on a branch behind the tree leaves to keep an eye on the path.

Whenever he turned he felt another wolf lurking around. And that's why he was there, to see who's the second wolf.

He waited until he was convinced that no one is coming, he was about to climb down when he heard someone walking on the grass.

He crouched and from behind the leaves he saw someone walking in, after a little concentration it turned out it was Hawkbone.

Even though he was hidden perfectly Hawkbone still felt his presence.

He stopped and turned his face toward Jayden and smiled.

The branch under Jayden's feet kept shrinking until there was nothing to hold him, he fell down.

"How did you know I was here?" He got back on his feet shaking of dust from his pants.

That's when Hawkbone's eyes glowed.