
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

Mayali1512 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Howls of Grief

The preparation for the funeral was completed, the entire town and school were there.

Rose was a good girl, loved by everyone. Her laughter would spread the colors in the atmosphere wherever she went, only grief and a terrible mishap pushed her off the edge of her sanity, she was at the brink of death and only a single hand could have pulled her out of her misery but no one cared.

She was drowning in sorrow but no one helped her out until a huge hurricane blew her off with itself.

People were in shock, even Rita couldn't believe that news, but she stayed neutral neither she was sad nor happy.

After burying her Jayden saw Rose's mother Diana sitting on the ground crying and squirming in pain, she was holding her head, and her eyes were swollen up and red Jayden's mom got close to her and grabbed her with her shoulders, rubbing her back gently.

"I lost both my children to this cursed town Delilah" She held Jayden's mom's hand on her shoulder, and was bawling her eyes out, as she rested her head on Delilah's shoulder.

Both Delilah and Diana knew each other since high school but then Diana moved away right after getting married, because of some reason she had to send Felix here to study.

After Jayden's mom saw Diana's husband grab her away from that place she stood up and turned around and Jayden was not where she had left him.

Jayden went to the lake, he sat on the dock with his legs hanging above the lake.

Even though he didn't see her committing suicide he was still imagining her crying and drowning, when Benjamin arrived, he kept his hand on Jayden's shoulder.

"She came to me, Ben! She came to me…" He lost control over his tears.

Benjamin hugged him to let him have a good cry, maybe he could feel better after crying but he didn't know, there was nothing that will ever make Jayden feel better.

After losing Rose, Jayden's struggle doubled, for a while he decided to skip school, and his mother supported him in this, there was nothing more important for her than the mental and physical health of her only child.

Each night Jayden dreamt of Rose grabbing his collar, sometimes asking "Why you didn't save me?", and sometimes yelling at him "You killed Felix!" while other times he just saw her drowning.

He often woke up turning into a wolf but not completely, sometimes he just watched his nails growing up, sometimes he woke with pain in his jaws and found out his fangs had grown out.

One night his screams reached his mother's ears, she managed to get into Jayden's room, and with some struggle, he finally woke up gasping for air.

"Jayden your… your jaws…" She whispered.

"What happened to my.." He touched his jaws and found out they were hairy, He closed his eyes and sighed.

"It's okay Jayden… It's not your fault" She placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Don't you see? it is my fault!" He grunted pushing her hand away from his shoulder, got out of his bed, and reached the door.

"Jayden…" As soon as she called his name he turned back at her with anger and his fangs were grown out.

"What!" He growled, she was startled she held on to the bed sheet tightly.

Jayden realized he scared her, he lowered his eyes "I am sorry." He said.

She tried reaching out to him again but he stopped her with his hand "Don't follow me" He whispered as calmly as possible, his glowing green eyes in the dark made her more frightened.

He didn't even care about putting his shirt on, he was just in shorts, he started running toward the jungle, and with each step he took he was having flashbacks of Rose.

Sometimes giggling, sometimes showing off to him how pretty she looked, her lowering her eyes while blushing, her listening to him for hours as they talked under the tree, it was torturing him, especially the fact that no matter how much he regrets she will never be back.

He kept running until he even left the jungle behind, he had no wish to prevent his werewolf side from taking over anymore, and it was a full moon, he collapsed down on his knees.

Swan who watched him running out of his house from a distance followed himall the way.

She got close to him and placed her hand on his back.

"Leave me alone!" He growled when he turned his face toward Swan, his jaws were getting wider.

"I never would have had your back if I had decided to leave you alone in your darkest time!" She whispered.

His arms started hurting as his bones started breaking, He growled with pain and faced the sky.

"Bring it in!" She yelled and stepped back to give him enough space, as she knew how suffocating it feels while turning in the early stage.

"It's all my fault!" He was grinding his teeth.

"It wasn't," She said.

"It is! I killed his brother!" The loud noise of bone cracking echoed around the jungle "I pushed her away every time she came to me!" Tears were dripping down from his eyes.

She let his anger boil inside him, enough to make his shifting easier, after suffering with pain for almost an hour he shifted completely.

She wasn't standing in front of a man anymore, it was a wolf with whitish-gray fur, she got close to him, but he was facing the ground, she gently rubbed his back when she noticed tears coming out of his eyes.

She gently rubbed his neck and he looked at her, she stepped back when his eyes glowed, and she covered his mouth "You have green eyes!" She whispered.

She didn't leave him alone, instead, she kept him accompanied as she turned into a wolf herself they both played all night like pups.

This is how Jayden got through half of the night. They were still jumping and chasing each other around when his eyes stopped on a spot.

Swan noticed his behavior and got close to him and realized that he was watching a rose dying in front of his eyes.

He sheds tears whimpering in the end he raises his head to the sky and howles.

Swan sat beside him and she howled too,

She communicated with him "Always remember one thing Jayden… You are not a beast! You are a human! And you are not a bad guy! Not anymore."

He sat while placing his head on both his legs, Swan gently slid her front neck over his head that made him sleep.