
Jauary John

John was an exorcist who tries to help innocent people from the grasps of ghosts and other evil entities. He believes that he is helping those people in need, but is that true? Did he really help those people? He didn't want to believe the other way, those who raised him taught that. He has a secret that even he himself doesn't know. What would happen is that those in the opposite faction take advantage of this and try to manipulate everything. The powers that he has will end those innocent people's lives? Did he finally get corrupted according to the enemies? Let's dive into the story of Jauary John and find the answers. { writers note } This is my entry for WSA 2024. Please support me by adding it to your collection and gifting some items, power stones and golden tickets.

minatoflash · แฟนตาซี
242 Chs

Chapter 209

Veronica listened intently, her eyes reflecting a blend of maternal concern and steely resolve. She knew the dangers her son faced in their clandestine world, yet she also understood the necessity of their mission, a mission that demanded sacrifice and secrecy.

Meanwhile, across the room, Priya's gaze fixed upon Milan with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. "What happened out there?" she inquired, her voice tinged with a hint of trepidation.

Milan, ever composed, took a moment to gather his thoughts before recounting the harrowing events of the night to Priya and Natasha, two trusted allies who shared in their mission's purpose. He spared no detail, describing the confrontation, Phoenix's intervention, and the inexplicable vanishing of the missionaries' remains.

As Milan spoke, Priya and Natasha exchanged glances, absorbing the gravity of his words. The shadows of their world loomed large, casting a veil of uncertainty over their shared endeavors.