
Jasper Snow- The Lost Titan

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”

AtlasDemigod24 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
12 Chs

Chapter 2


His voice snarled angrily. His black eyes were still swirling with an infinity of emotions. But layered underneath all of the anger, was the sadness, and the eyes themselves looked broken. Though none could see as he was very guarded at keeping his emotions in check. But seeing his traitorous sister was to much for him to handle at the present moment in time.

Snow swirled around him, nipping at his cloak, frost coated all of his weapons. He gazed at the goddess of the hunt, who was frozen in shock, her silver eyes wide, mouth agape. The rest of the hunters were not faring any better than their mistress. Most had froze at his proclamation, most had turned to Zoë, waiting for her to deny the utter blasphemy and lies the man spoke before them.

But said daughter of Atlas was on her knees, staring at Perseus longingly. Her black eyes so much like his, but without the anger and the broken shine in them. Her eyes were coated with a layer of tears. Her facial emotions showed she was having a battle within herself.

Perseus laughed loudly, snapping everyone out of their stupor and turned their gazes to him. His laughter was uncontrollable, though to a well trained ear like Artemis and her huntresses, they could tell there was no humor or any emotion within his laugh.

Finally the goddess of the hunt narrowed her eyes, and aimed her bow straight at his head. She opened her mouth to speak, but the insufferable male spoke first, abruptly cutting her off, and fueling already to her rage.

"I see, you have not told them of your older brother." It was a statement, and he pouted as if he were a kid. "Are you really that ashamed of me?" He asked Zoë with a raised eyebrow. The lieutenant of the hunt opened her mouth to speak, tears still rolling down her copper cheeks. But Perseus cut her off with the raising of his hand. "It was rhetorical. As I already know of the answer, little sister." He snarled as sister was used as a cuss word. Zoë' eyes flashed dangerously.

"We are twins." She snarled out angrily. Trying in vain, to bicker with him like they used to, like family who loved each other and teased each other. Reminding Artemis of her arguments with Apollo. But she still could not believe the events happening. She turned to her most trusted hunter, one of the eldest and certainly the best she had ever had.

Perseus on the other hand, was furious to say the least, but he kept the emotion from being visible. She had the nerve to bicker with him as if nothing had changed, as if he had forgotten all that she and their other siblings had done to him. His hand consciously gripped the sliver handles of his hunting knives. Awaiting any sign of danger from the sexist goddess and her feminist group. His voice was barely above a whisper, but all could hear his words and the rage that were not so hidden in his words.

"I do not care." He snapped angrily. Immediately shutting down any chance for a argument or any bickering between the two twins. Zoë' face immediately went downcast as he rejected the little bickering they used to always do, which showed how much they truly cared for each other.

"He is really your brother?" Artemis asked in shock. Zoë said nothing in return, and only nodded her head. All of the hunters and Artemis gasped, they had already suspected it was true, but for it to actually be confirmed was shocking to say the least.

Artemis herself was hurt, her most favored huntress, who was like her own daughter, her own best friend had kept something of this magnitude from her. She was pained, and as she could see from the other hunters faces and emotions, she could say they felt the same.

The other demigods of Camp Half Blood had cautiously approached Perseus. Warily eyeing him as if he would harm them, even though he had saved the life of one of their allies. Perseus turned his head to the side and looked at the demigods with a quizzical look. He was now completely ignoring them. Making Artemis' anger reach the highest point possible. She still had her arrow aimed at his head, and with his attention elsewhere, this was the perfect time to end someone who disrespected her and harmed her huntress. She let the arrow go.

Zoë' eyes widened drastically, fresh tears pouring out of her face. "No, brother." She screamed. Artemis was once again shocked. Why was she helping someone who had harmed her? She thought confused.

Perseus did not even cast a glance in the direction of the arrow, and Zoë' heart felt like to was going to shatter, she had just found her brother after millenia of being separated only to be killed by her mistress. Suddenly the arrow froze, before dropping to the snowy terrain.

His gaze was still on the demigods from camp and the demigods who were to be rescued. His eyes scanned them, thoroughly examining each and every one of them. The demigods were staring at him in awe, unable to comprehend words, as Artemis herself was awestruck.

Finally, the son of Atlas spoke. "Ah, I see. Children of Hades. No wonder such a powerful monster was onto your presence. It is rare children of the Underworld to be born. You should feel very unlucky." That threw everyone for a loop. "A child of Zeus, what a shocker." He drawled, after looking upon the teen with raven black hair and electric blue eyes, which was all he needed to tell her parentage. He looked at the grey eyes of a girl with blonde hair, and his stomach twisted into a knot. "Daughter of Athena." He choked out. He pushed the painful memories down. His gaze fell upon swirling sea green eyes like a violent hurricane. "Son of Poseidon. What a group of demigods."

He turned away from them, as if they were not worth his time, he stared Artemis right into her silver eyes. White snow by now had already covered his raven black hair in a fine film of white, but he seemed hardly affected. Unlike the demigods from camp. He then smiled widely, his white teeth sparkling in the moonlight. "So, little sister." He said without any venom in his voice. For the first time out of his mouth, the word sister did not seem harsh or an insult to Zoë. "Why are you on your knees? And why are you crying?" He asked with a tone that mocked sincerity.

Zoë looked at him with sad black eyes, her tears had finally vanished. Gone from her eyes. But tear streaks were still present on her face. "Because, I... I have missed you." She said, her voice cracking and breaking multiple times.

Perseus' snapped at her in a storm of fury. His rage overcoming him as she spoke such balderdash, especially to him. "Do not ever say that again." He screamed, sounding like a broken little boy instead of the fearsome warrior he pulled off. "Do not ever tell me that you missed me." He now snarled, his voice steadily getting deeper and darker, as he radiated immense power and fury. "You never cared about me. You are the reason I am what I am. You are the reason I am all alone, the reason I cry every night and the reason no one loves me." Everyone went wide eyed at his outburst but he did not notice.

Blinded by his anger, his hands moved to the handles of his scythes. He was about to pull them, when his anger subsided enough for him to regain control. He turned his head downwards, towards the soft, glittering snow. His black hair falling down completely covering his face.

A glistening tear drop fell from his face, unseen by all. As he looked up again. "Well, if this is it. Then I shall take my leave." He said as he went to turn around. But Artemis' voice stopped him in his tracks.

"No, you must be taken to Olympus. A Titan is not allowed to be roaming freely." She hissed in anger. Completely oblivious to what she was implying as Zoë eyes flashed with anger and hurt. All the other hunters, besides Zoë raised their silver bows towards his face.

Perseus, for his part. Seemed unfazed by the amount of arrows aiming for his face, instead he seemed amused. "You do not order me around goddess." He said in a voice of cold steel, with almost no emotion it seemed like a robot. "I could care less whether or not a Titan is allowed to be roaming freely. I have been doing so for millenia. And am not changing just because you Olympians are to paranoid and power hungry for your own good. If I wanted to do something to your oh, so precious rule." He said sarcasm dripping from his voice. "I would have done something by now."

Artemis scowled angrily. "No one had ever dared to refuse and order from her. And this male, apparently the brother of Zoë, actually her twin. Refused to go to Olympus because she ordered him to.

"You are a Titan correct?" Artemis raised an eyebrow, her curiosity overriding her anger for the moment. Perseus nodded his head for a second before freezing. "Then what are your domains, Titan?" She demanded. Perseus laughed again, this time unlike the other which was devoid of emotion, this one was full of amusement and humor. While she and the others were confused. Why was this question so funny?

When they all looked confused, Perseus flicked his hair to the side, out of his eyes. So everyone could see his slow eye roll. "If my dear sister does not have any domains. Do you really believe that I should have them? You Olympians are stupid." He sneered.

Artemis shook violently, before glowing silver, her form flickering dangerously as silver streaks of light started to shoot from her body. "My lady, please don't." Zoë pleaded with her. Artemis turned to her, her flickering form slowing but still not stopping. "I am the cause of his disrespect. Please do not harm him." She said. No, pleaded with her. Artemis glared at her friend for a second, before her form solidified again. But a snort of laughter tore her gaze away from Zoë.

Perseus was on the ground, rolling in the snow as he laughed uncontrollably. All of his weapons had vanished as to not harm him while he seemed to be playing in the snow. After seeing his serious and calm demeanor, this seemed to be an alternate man from whom they had met beforehand.

He stood up, doubled over holding his stomach, snow was on the edge of his nose, across his chest and covering his clothes. He looked up, and grinned a dazzling smile. The demigods and even some of the hunters blushed, which caused him to raise an eyebrow. The hunters tried in vain to cover up the reddening of their cheeks but thankfully, Artemis was completely focused on Perseus.

'Why are you laughing, boy?" Artemis sneered in distaste.

"My sister speaks as if you could actually cause harm to me." Artemis started to seethe in rage. A mischievous twinkle appeared in his eyes. Noticeable to all. "Of course that is impossible, as you are a woman. And I am a man. So it's not like you could actually harm me. Because males are superior." Artemis and her hunters released wave after wave of arrows, half a dozen from each huntress before they could even get half way to Perseus.

The spawn of Atlas merely rolled his eyes once again. Unamused by their futile attempts to harm or more than likely kill him. Their arrows, like Artemis' before, froze in midair and fell to the ground useless. Their eyes were wide, even Zoë'.

"Please Artemis, You going to need to try harder. But of course your weak female arms must be holding you back." He mocked. He had to bite his own tongue to keep himself from bursting into laughter at the look of rage sprawled across Artemis and her hunters faces.

They raised their bows again, and Perseus just shook his head at their idiocy. If the first hundred arrows did nothing against him, or even get close to him, would the next hundred do anything. Probably not.

Artemis contained her look of rage and raised her hand. "Wait, do not fire." The hunters froze with a scowl on their faces. She lowered her bow, and switched her grip to her left hand. She looked Perseus straight into his eyes, for a second, Artemis could see the shattered and broken looking onyx black eyes. But she brushed it aside as a flash of moonlight that twinkled in his eyes.

She raised her right hand. "Well, boy. We shall see if you are still smiling when you are a animal." She snapped her fingers, loud and powerful. Overcoming the loud hissing of the wind. Nothing happened to Perseus. Her eyes widened.

He smirked smugly. Despite Zoë protests, she charged forward. Finally done with the arrogance and sexist remarks of the demi Titan. Her bow vanished from her hands, and in it's place, two long silver hunting knives appeared in her hands.

Immediately, two silver hunting knives appeared in his hands. Almost the exact same as Artemis'. Who's silver eyes went wide from shock at the sight of the blades. Both of which were glowing violently in silver light, on the hilts were emblazoned pictures of the crescent moon. Each shining in a silver and yellow color.

Perseus' body seemed to glow silver just like hers. His eyes flashed silver, as she attacked him. She tried to overcome him with her speed and agility. But the son of Atlas was easily keeping up with her footwork. Perseus seemed to be holding back even, which shocked her immensely. Even though he was like Zoë and not even fully a Titan. He was just as strong and powerful as one of the main, original Titans. Born straight from Ouranos and Gaea.

The two clashed knives in a shower of silver sparks, the auburn haired goddess tried to kick him in the gut. But he swiftly jumped backwards, breaking free from the deadlock and dodged her blades.

Perseus ducked as a silver knife flew over his head, the wind from the arrow parting his dark hair. He scowled at the dishonor of the hunters. But before the huntress could fire another arrow at him. His sister smacked her roughly across the face, sending her sprawling in the snow.

This shocked everyone, even him. Artemis froze, the hunters all turned to their lieutenant. Thoughts rushed through Perseus' head.


Why would she defend him?

His silver knives vanished from his hands, the silver flash that appeared in his eyes vanished and they returned to the former broken obsidian black. He swiftly turned around. Reaching up, he gripped the edge of his hood. He pulled it up, covering and shadowing his whole face.

Perseus started to walk away. His head pointed downwards. When he heard a heartbroken sob from behind him.

"Brother wait." Zoë pleaded as she reached her arms out towards him. Artemis seemed to forget to want to kill him and looked at him curiously. Perseus paused momentarily. Without even turning around. He spoke, softly, but at the same time cold and harsh, if somehow possible. With an undertone of malice and ice.

"Goodbye, I wish we are to never cross paths again." Perseus said as he continued to walk towards the dark forest line. Zoë sent out one last final plead and sob out towards him.

"Please, Percy. Your my older brother." She screamed through the wind. Perseus froze once again. His legs trembled slightly, but he refused to look at his sister. Knowing he would be unable to resist to help her with the heartbroken look she would have across her beautiful face. Even though he could not see it, he could imagine the face and it made him want to comfort her. But he steeled his resolve.

"I was once your brother. But that was long ago. You have forced my hand, you were the one who claimed us to no longer be family. And I am upholding your wish. Goodbye, Zoë." Perseus said before he finally reached the edge of the forest and vanished into the darkness.

Zoë, immediately upon his departure fell to the ground and let loose a heart wrenching sob. She put her face into her hands and openly sobbed, not caring for everyone who looked at her. Her brother never used her actual name unless he was upset with her, angry at her or severely pissed at her. Which had only happened on few occasions. Even when she turned her back on him, he had still called her his little sister.

She was trembling, her heart was almost shattering into pieces. She had never once, ever thought her brother would say that to her. They were no longer family. The words pounded into her skull, ripping her apart from the inside out.

This was her fault, all of her fault.

"I am sorry." She screamed at the heavens in the loudest voice possible, praying that in some way shape of form her brother would here her desperate plead.

She palled her hands into fists and rubbed her raw red eyes which were bloodshot. Before she started to slam her fist into the hard packed snow. Suddenly she was ripped away from the snow and pulled into a tight embrace.

She was shocked, it was the huntress she slapped. Keeping her from killing her older brother. Phoebe, who's golden hair glowed in the moonlight, her light blue eyes shining bright, she gave Zoë' shoulder a soft squeeze and smiled softly at her.

She was pulled into a hug and started sobbing deeply into her shoulder. While Phoebe rubbed her back soothingly and spoke calm words to which she mostly tuned out. Though the one part she heard was that she had been in a similar situation and lost her brother, whom she loved deeply.

Perseus gazed at his twin, longing to be family again, though he knew that would never happen again. He knew what was going to happen. And he knew what he must be doing.

His broken onyx eyes stared at his sister one last time, before he clenched them tightly in pain and misery. He let lose a small sob, his eyes filling with tears before he vanished from his spot. His final words gliding through the wind.

"I am sorry my little sister. But it must be done."