
1. James and The Shining Bitch.

James' life was an average one. He would be awake at 8:00, go to work, drink coffee in the office, go home, order dinner, proceed to eat it and then he would sleep, making the cycle repeat over and over again. And while he wouldn't exactly do all that every single day, this was basically the summary of James' entire life. He thought that he would reach for the stars and become one of the most renowned humans ever in human history, however that was far from the truth as he was stuck in this never-ending loop that is life.

Just as he was eating dinner, he felt tired, like he hasn't slept in a long time. He started to feel a bit wobbly, and before he knew it, he was already asleep, little did he know, that this sleep will be the last sleep he will ever get in this world.

And just as sudden as the drowsiness happened, he woke up. However, he did not wake up in the small, cheap apartment that he called his home, instead he woke up in a void, a void with no color, his feeble mind could not comprehend a world with no color, and thus he started to go mad, to go insane. But this madness was cleared by the soothing light that came to him. He was entranced by the light.But his trance broke as the being who emitted such pure light started talking in a voice, the most soothing voice he had ever heard.

"Who are you?"

The voice gave him relief, a feeling that all will be okay.

"James Andong, Ms?"

"Do not ask my name, mortal. As your feeble human soul can never truly understand my name, just one mention of it will make your soul crumble to pieces."

If it were any other person, the voice would've entranced them much more deeper, making them obey the words of this being. However, James was not any other person, he had his fair share of manipulators that tried to swindle him with many tactics. None of them have ever succeeded.

So why can this being control him?

The answer is...

It can't.

The moment it said that sentence, James knew all he needed to know about the being.

The being was a classic swindler, beautiful on the outside, but the inside is a foul mess that needs to be rectified.

James started making mental defenses and replied.

"What do you want?"

"Is that the way mortals talk to Gods these days? You should be happy that I am not sending you to the pits of hell right now, but let us get straight to the point, the reason why I've harvested your soul was because I wanted to make an experiment."

The way it said the word 'Gods' irritated James, He thought,' You're not a god, you're just a shining bitch! And did she say 'harvest my soul?' The nerve of this bitch!', however, he did not speak these thoughts aloud, and wanted to go straight to the point.

"What experiment?"

"Fufufu, straight to the point eh? No matter, have you ever seen these souls?"

Suddenly, three orbs were flying between them.

One was a yellow orb that had glory hardwired in it, it wanted to seek attention and fame.

Another was a red orb. But instead of glory and fame, it was sorrow and hatred, hatred on itself.

The last was a green orb. But unlike the previous orbs, it produced an aura full of malice and intent.

The three orbs combined and went inside James.

All James felt at that moment was pain.




The pain was gone. The only thing keeping him sane was The Shining Bitch's audacity to do this to him. HE already wanted revenge.

"AHAHAHAHAHA, it worked! It really worked. Your soul is now 2/3 God. You now have the powers of Gilgamesh and Archer from Fate and Coil from Worm! You're my masterpiece! Ahhh.... Such a relief! Now, I'm going to double your powers x20, and also give you all the treasures in the world, especially since you won't be in Fate, your powers can't even be replicated, copied or taken away, even if reality was warped! AHAHAHAHAHA! Now, come on, praise me!"

"... you."

" What?"

"I said, fuck you. You hear me, bitch!?"

"Oh..... But I don't think you understand. You are now my champion. Now, don't worry. You'll come to praise me soon enough, but for now let's have you dropped into another universe. One where Jojo and DxD perfectly coexist as one!"

"Wait, what?"

"Oh yes, however the timelines in Jojo will be pushed forward a little bit and DxD will be pushed backwards! Isn't this grand?"

"No, no!"

James was an avid reader of Jojo, so it was clear to him that he would be dropped of in a world where people that could destroy universes itself exists, as for DxD he only ever reads summaries from the web as the story was interesting, if not for its harem and ecchi genre.

"Oops, it seems our time is up, now it's time for you to go, bye bye!"

"Wait, no!"

But it was too late. The 'floor' in which he was standing on started emitting light. The light devoured James. When the light resided, he was no longer in the void with The Shining Bitch any longer. Instead, he was now on a bed, looking at an unfamiliar ceiling.

As James stood from the bed, he started to analyze his surroundings.

"I'm in an apart...ment?"

As he was thinking about where he was, he stumbled across a mirror. What he saw on the mirror was a 4 year old, with Gilgamesh's appearance and Shirou's hair, he also felt something, right in his very core. He tried pulling it out when suddenly, a golden man with basically Gilgamesh's and Shirou's armour combined. James could feel great power from this golden man.

Yes, that golden man is a stand, James' stand! And that was when James realized,

"Why can't I just get a break?"


Stand Name: Hey You

Stand User: James Andong

Strength: B


Range: C

Durability: A

Speed: A

Ability: Unlimited Babylon Works: The Power of Gates of Babylon and Unlimited blade Works combined. This ability possesses infinite treasure from the earth and other earths and planets. It also has some treasures that the original bearer of the ability didn't get. It is still growing till this day. This ability has also been boosted x20, however the items inside the treasury has its power multiplied more than x20. The user can also bring the target to The World of Babylon, boosting every single ability the user and stand has by x100, and as time goes on it will increase.

Timeline Split: Just like Coil, this stand ability can split the timeline 40-50 times if the stand user tries hard enough, the user can also collapse the timelines that the user deems inferior.

Mystic Eyes of Death Perception: This is the most powerful type of MEoDP. The user can basically see the weak points in a structure that if traced by even a pen, it will be destroyed. The user can also see the points of death and life.

Sha Naqba Imuru: It's basically Clairvoyance but better.

Yeah, chapter one is done! Now, for those who think, is this a power fantasy? Well no shit, Sherlock. Of course it is! But you would be mistaken if you think he'll be the strongest. The will be other added stand users that can actually beat James. Andong can rival Ophis, great red, and The World Over Heaven. But how will he deal with the inevitable point that is the Made In Heaven Calamity? Find out next on this fanfiction. If you want to critique, feel free to do so! I really want to improve, and if you see the plot starting to not really make sense, just go ahead and tell me! Phew, Now that that's done. If you wanna support, please give power stones! Bye bye!

Tommiliciouscreators' thoughts