
Jack of all Trades: The Legendary Artificer

Pioneers... people who were transmigrated to a new mysterious world of wonders. Wu Kai is one of these pioneers who finds himself in a new world full of fantastical races. However, even though every inhabitant of this world has a game-like system for their stats, becoming stronger is not as simple as one would think. It almost seems too good to be true for Wu Kai, but where others seek power, he only wants to pursue his own interests! As wars wage, monsters roam, and mysterious new locations are uncovered, Wu Kai sets sail on a journey of exploring the limits of crafting. And he'll do anything to get ahold of the rare materials needed!

Antihero · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Strange New World (Part 2)

"Ok, everyone," Tael said as she stepped through the doorway and into another room. "Welcome to our next class."

Eol watched the woman leading their group as they entered a large classroom with several rows of wooden training dummies. They'd spent the last few hours going over stats, their uses, and the current political landscape. Now it was time for a practical lesson where they'd be working with each other on creating skills and getting used to their new bodies.

Tael waved her hand across the front of the room, revealing a large chalkboard covered in neat writing. "Now, we'll be learning how to create your first skill. As you've already been told, this will have two effects: first, it makes all future training easier as you gain a deeper understanding of how this world works; secondly, it will prepare you for combat. As you've seen, there are monsters out there that you'll have to face eventually."

She cleared her throat as she looked about the classroom before pointing at Wu Kai. "Everyone please pair up. Everything you need to know is on the chalkboard. Eol, you'll be working with me since there's an uneven amount of you."

The young man nodded before he moved over to Tael's side. He felt like he had something to prove now, but he wasn't sure what exactly. All he knew was that he wanted to learn more about this world and see what else he could do here.

"Your partner can either take notes or ask questions at the end of this lesson," Tael said as she pointed to the board and began speaking again. "This example is called an Infusion Skill. It allows someone to infuse something, or someone else, with an effect. This is accomplished by infusing the target with the skill. Like this."

Tael placed her right hand on Eol's shoulder. Suddenly a crackling sound filled the air as Eol spasmed and collapsed to the ground. "That is an example of infusing lightning."

Tael sweetly smiled at the others as their jaws hung agape. "The weakness of infusion skills is that you must be touching your target. However, that restriction also means more of your energy can be spent on increasing your skill's power. Ranged skills are generally weaker since they burn energy to travel to your target. Simple, right?"

Everyone nodded as their eyes darted around the room in disbelief. They were definitely learning fast, but there was still so much left to learn! Eol's thoughts turned back to the power that coursed through her hand just then. 'She really knows her stuff.' He grunted, happy that the spasms had stopped as he climbed back to his feet.

"So how does one create a new skill? First, I'll begin with an easy one: fire." Tael reached out with her right hand and lit the candle sitting next to them on the desk. "This is the first step to creating a ranged skill. You have to imagine what you want to accomplish and enforce your Will on the world. That's right, the higher your Will stat, the more powerful the resulting skill will be. There's more to it with how much more complicated your idea is. But this will suffice for now. Think small at first."

"Does this work with a physical skill? I'm not big on magic, but I'd like to be able to do things with a sword." Dojun, the troll said.

"If you'd read the board, you'd realize that it works the same way for what you're describing. There are wooden weapons in the racks along the wall to practice with."

As Eol looked over the board, he realized she'd already created several other skills using different methods for each one. Lighting a candle seemed simple enough, but he wondered if he could do it too. That was when Eol remembered his Empyrean Will trait. 'Hm, maybe I should try an infusion skill first?'

"Ok, begin," Tael announced as she clapped her hands. Eol frowned as she paired off with him. "So, do you have an idea you want to try?"

"Hm, it's hard to say. But I think I'll go with trying an infusion skill." Eol replied as he observed her eyes narrowing.

"I must say, I had a hunch when I saw your red eyes and skin color, but would you mind confirming what race of elf you are?"

Eol's frown deepened at her request. 'Is there something wrong or unusual about my race? Well, it's not like she can blame me for whatever it is since I'm a pioneer, as she calls us instead of a native, like her.'

"I'm an empyrean elf," Eol replied with a sigh while studying her expression.

Tael gave him a curious look before speaking again. "I see... well, let me show you how this works." She placed her hand on his shoulder once more. "Imagine you're infusing yourself with fire."

Eol closed his eyes and thought of the flames that had washed over the ship earlier that day. He imagined them growing inside himself until they burst out through his skin like he was wearing them as a second skin!

-Infusion Skill: Flame Body

-Progress: 15/100

"What the heck?" Eol blurted out in surprise at the notification swimming before his eyes.

"I guess that proves it then," Tael sighed as she shook her head. "Your reaction says you've already taken a step towards learning a skill. Only an empyrean elf could have made progress in an Infusion skill that quickly."

"Ah, my apologies," Tael continued as she bowed her head. "To be honest, I suspected you were a dark elf because of your skin color. However, I've never heard of them having red eyes. They usually have violet or black colored eyes."

Eol cocked an eyebrow as he stared into Tael's sea foam green eyes. "Is there an issue with my race?"

"Ah, not at all. It's just empyrean elves haven't been seen in the Yehva Empire since the first age. So, you may attract some attention when other natives find out. They say the Yehva Empire was founded on the ruins of an empyrean elf civilization. Even today they're still exploring ruins from those times, trying to piece together the history of this world."

"Was there something special about empyrean elves?" Eol asked, his curiosity piqued by the conversation.

"Well, a lot of the technology through enchantment skills that the empire has developed, has its roots in those ruins. There are even legends of the empyrean elves sailing the skies. So it's only natural the different countries and organizations are interested in your kind."

'That sounds like trouble to me.' Eol sighed. 'But I like the idea of sailing the skies. Those legends are probably true, considering the name of my race. They must have been master crafters.'

A wide grin split Eol's face at that thought. He couldn't imagine a better race for himself, since crafting was his favorite pastime in every RPG he played. There was something about creating equipment and items for every situation that really appealed to him.

'Wait, she mentioned enchanting skills? Wouldn't that mean my trait should be to do with that rather than infusion skills?' Some doubt crossed Eol's mind for a moment. 'I don't know enough about this 'world' yet to make any assumptions.'

"Are there crafting skills?" Eol asked, receiving a confused expression in return. "Like blacksmithing or alchemy?"

"Ah, yes," Tael nodded. "But they're called talents. Metalwork, leatherwork, alchemy, enchanting, carpentry, and other trades comes under that umbrella. Why do you ask?"

"Mm, I was thinking about getting a trade for a job."

"Oh, oh!" Tael stammered. "Most pioneers tend to take a job that involves action. Usually, they join the Mercenary Guild. Or the Explorers Guild. But if you want a trade, you'll probably join the Merchants Guild. You'll meet more natives there than pioneers."

Eol nodded at her explanation. 'No adventurers guild then? I wonder why? Still, I guess most folks wouldn't take the merchant's route if they've got a game-world mentality. No love for the crafters unless they need something.'

"So, what kind of crafting would you like to learn?" Tael asked as she looked him up and down again. Eol felt like she was trying to figure out what he was good at. 'I don't think you can tell just by looking at someone, though.' He thought with an amused smirk.

"Well, let's see... I think... I'd like to be able to make equipment with enchantments on them. And maybe some potions too."

"Ah, so your goal is to make better equipment right now?"

Eol shrugged his shoulders. "It just seems like it will be useful later on in life. It doesn't matter much in the short term if I can buy better gear sooner since I'm still a beginner. Can you teach me how to learn those 'talents'?"

"Sorry," Tael shook her head. "You'd have to apply for trials at the merchants guild."


"Yeah, they'll teach you some basics of any trade you're interested in over some time. If you show some promise, then you'll get offers for an apprenticeship."

"I see. That makes sense." Eol sighed. He had no idea how long this dream, or whatever it was, would last. He could only imagine it would take an incredible amount of time to master the different professions.

Tael quickly snapped him out of his thoughts. "Come on, there's still plenty of time left in this class. You should focus on developing your skill."

Eol followed Tael's hand as she gestured to the rest of the classroom. Everyone gathered there was wearing frustrated expressions as they attempted to make progress in their chosen skills. 'Ah, that's right.' Eol sheepishly rubbed the back of his head as he bowed his head in apology.

"I'm sorry. I got lost in my own little world there."

"No need to apologize," Tael smiled gently at him while shaking her head. "You're not the first person who has been distracted by their imagination. I'm sure you'll catch up soon enough."

"What about you? Do you ever lose yourself in your imagination?"

"Hahaha! No way!" She laughed heartily before turning serious again. "But what about your dreams? What are you thinking of when you look to the future?"

Eol looked around again and saw a few other students watching them from afar, whispering among themselves. He cleared his throat nervously when he realized they might be talking about him.

"Don't worry," Tael continued. "You don't have to answer that. But it's something everyone here should be thinking about. How they want to spend their life here."

"I suppose so," Eol replied with a shrug. 'I guess she's right, though. If by some miracle this is all real, I need to give some serious thought to my future.'

"Well, if you'd like, we can talk more about your goals after this class ends. It'll be part of your interview, which is supposed to help point you in the right direction for a job."

"Really? That would be great!" Eol said excitedly, as he nodded enthusiastically.

"All right then," Tael began as she clapped her hands once more. "That's enough chatting! Focus on that skill of yours!"

Eol nodded as he returned to reinforcing the image he had built up of infusing himself with fire. After a while, he noticed his progression had halted at 90/100. No matter how hard he pushed his imagination, he couldn't get it to budge.

"Tael, what am I doing wrong?" Eol eventually gave up on his pride and asked for her advice.

"Hm, you probably don't have a high enough Will stat for what you want to accomplish. Try thinking of a simpler effect." Tael paused before collecting a wooden sword from a rack. "Imagine infusing this with fire instead."

Eol's brow creased as he rubbed his chin. "A simpler effect?"

'Hm, is that really simpler, though?' Eol closed his eyes and took the training sword in his right hand. He drew upon the image he had created, but this time imagined the fire flowing down his right arm into the sword. A moment later, a wave of heat washed over his skin as loud curses sounded in the classroom.

-Infusion Skill: Flame Body

-Type: Will

-Rating: 1 Star

-Power: 15

-Cost: 10

-Duration: 15 seconds

-Infuse an item with fire damage.

That notification awaited Eol when he opened his eyes, along with flames dancing along his training sword. 'Wow, that's... ugh...' He suddenly felt weak and dizzy as he collapsed onto one knee. The looks of admiration quickly turned to concern from the other students until Tael held up a hand.

"This is the drawback of using skills." Tael declared to the class as the fifteen seconds ran out and the flames dispersed. "When you've used up all the energy your Will stat allows you to store in your body, well, this is the result."

She gestured to Eol as his legs trembled, making it difficult for him to stand back up. "What Eol created is a will-type skill. However, a body or physical-type skill will damage you to use it since it burns your life force. Just as a mind type will weaken your mental capabilities."

"Every skill is a double-edged sword." Tael continued with a solemn expression.