
JACK MILLER- Traces of Truth

In the heart of a bustling urban landscape, Jack Miller's routine life as an ambulance driver takes a sudden and unforeseen turn, which accidentally ensnares him into the forbidden and the Dark World of weapon trafficking, run by a network of Conspirators. Every step he takes plunges him deeper into a tapestry of uncertainty, forces encircling him cast a foreboding shadow on his once life as a commoner, a life now tainted by suspicion and the unsettling reality that even those closest to him may harbor ulterior motives. where every gesture, every decision, bears the ominous weight of a potential betrayal. Every choice, a double-edged sword, teeters between survival and a precipice leading to the unknown. whats the motive? who's behind this? whats the connection? will he survive? navigating these treacherous waters, to unmask the facades Or will the spectral hands of betrayal cast him adrift into the abyss?

IM_VOID · แอคชั่น
2 Chs


As the past and present danced in this narrative, the cold reality of the interrogation room retreated. In its place emerged the ordinary, yet intricately woven strings of Jack's life—the life of a commoner entangled in the extraordinary.

My name's Jack... Jack Miller. And my life? Well, it used to be as boring as it passed. Zero friendships, zero relationships, zero exes. but hey, guess what? Zero drama, zero tension, zero stress. and on the bright side- A solid one hundred percent peacefulness. I'm an introvert, you know. After being brought up by a wolf-like family living under the same roof, that's all I was. Always felt like a stranger in my own house, constantly getting compared, ya know, just- another random soul navigating a world that couldn't care less. 

and My family? Well, they were more of a pack, really. My dad alone had six siblings, there wasn't a famine for cousins either and our family gatherings were like a full-blown circus. Except for the part that there are no animals. chatters and arguments were our lullabies, and the dinner table was a battlefield. But we had our moments, you know, those rare times when all those howling turned into laughter.

As for my profession, I drive an ambulance. Yeah, me—the guy who prefers silence over small talk. Well Life has a way of throwing you curveballs, I learnt those the hard way though, and here I am. Weaving through the streets, sirens wailing, and chaos in my rearview mirror. A commoner with a not-so-common job.

Honestly, my parents dreamt of me becoming a neurosurgeon. Crazy, right? Fate, however, had its own ideas. But hey, I'm still saving lives, well uh probably just.. not in the way they envisioned. Ya know my revenue might not compare to those high-flying surgeons, but I've got something worth a lot more—satisfaction. You can't find that just anywhere. The smile on people's faces when they realize they're going to be okay, that's just- worth more than any paycheck. 

I never thought I'd end up in this field. The hospital? Oh, I hated that place more than any other since I was a kid. Needles, the sterile scent of disinfectant lingering in the air, the hushed whispers echoing through cold hallways—it all sent shivers down my spine. Hospitals were the last place on Earth I'd ever want to work.

Growing up, I saw enough white coats and stethoscopes to last a lifetime. My parents, with their absurd dreams of me becoming a neurosurgeon, dragged me to every medical function within a fifty-mile radius. 

Little did I know, life has a knack for throwing curveballs. And here I am, not donning the coveted white coat, but behind the wheel of an ambulance. The irony isn't lost on me. The place I despised the most is now where I find purpose, rushing through city streets, racing against time to save lives.

Funny how life works, right?..

Even though I highly despised the sight of blood, the tension, and the relentless pressure, life had its own sense of humor. Here I am, thinking through the job that led me here to This claustrophobic room, at times, it feels like the worst decision I've ever made is choosing this job, not like I had a lot of options. Well, maybe the second worst. The first? That'd be going to that stupid party. But we'll get to that later... 

It was a Tuesday evening, The air hung heavy with the bite of winter as December painted the city in shades of cold blue. It was one of those evenings when the chill can seep into your bones, and the city lights flickered like distant stars. The streets, normally bustling with life, now echoed with the hushed whispers of the night. It was Peaceful. serenity along with silence.

In the midst of this serenity, my mobile with an incoming call From Jon, My colleague, we both used to work on the same shifts and stuff. A flash of excitement crossed his face as he greeted me,

"Hey, Jack. Fancy some dinner tonight? There's this new Chinese place I've been itching to try. What do you say?"

"Chinese, huh? feeling the need for egg rolls and fortune cookies?" I said sarcastically, Jon chuckled on the other end,

but I hesitated, my usual introverted self resisting the spontaneity.

"thanks.. but -Uhh, I don't know, Jon. Kinda tired, not really in the mood for..."

Jon, undeterred, pressed on, "Bro, come on. It's just one day."

A weary sigh escaped me, "Nah, bro. Some other time, probably." I tried to slip out of it.

But then Jon dropped the game-changer, "Sam's here too."

"Samuel Grey, the receptionist guy?" I asked, with a hint of surprise in my voice.

"Yeah," Jon replied, sealing the deal.

My reluctance slowly gave way, "Alright, uhh fine, just today- But you owe me big time for this.

 I made my way to the restaurant, unaware of what awaited for me there.

I pushed open the door to the restaurant, a rush of warmth greeting me as the chill of December relinquished its hold. The late-night quiet hung in the air, a subdued ambiance that wrapped the cozy space. The aroma of sizzling spices the steam of Asian food and the hum of conversation.

Soft amber lights flourished the room, casting a warm glow on the few occupied tables which were adorned with vibrant red tablecloths. The lingering scent of fresh paint hinted at recent renovations, adding a subtle layer of aesthetic look to the atmosphere.

At the far end, Jon waved from a corner booth, there was another person near him which didn't take a genius to find who that is, it was Sam apparently. The place, though not bustling, was alive with the energy of those reluctant to let the night end. Unbeknownst to me, this seemingly ordinary Chinese restaurant, with its late-night quietude and the lingering aroma of paint, held the potential for a night that would unravel the threads of routine and plunge me into the unknown.