
JACK and JILL: when the lovers met

Jillian Don was in a hot pursuit that wet, Stormy night with the bad guys on her tail. She had a gunshot wound and was gasping for air, trying hard to keep running. She was about to give up when a car stop beside her. " Hey jill , let me help you " The man said urgently with a shaky voice. " Who are you? " Jill asked wanting to be sure he's not one of THEM. " I'm Jack mayor " She heard him say before passing out on him

Reemah_Reigns · แฟนตาซี
69 Chs


Jack's Pov

I watch as han ran into his room to get dressed.

Jill was silent as well as everybody.

I am glad at that because i was able to think .

Few minutes later Han emerge fully dressed in a faded jean and a black top with a black leather jacket.

" I'm ready, i will wait outside " he said when he noticed Jill staring at me. Han walk out.

Jill walk up to me.

" Will you be safe? Don't you think it's a trap ? " she said shakily and i smile.

" I know, do not worry. I will be fine " i said to her.

She nodded move to tears already.

" I will call you when I'm back... Okay ? Stay put and do not visit the Mikes ... please" I turn to the other women and Larry. " please keep her safe " i begged and they nodded.

I walk out hastily to join han.

" I need to go home first for the money"

" Good " he said as we both enter the car. " Tell me your plan "

I brought out my cellphone to call Logan.

The address has been sent.

" I will call my men now to track Maureen's cellphone to be sure if the address they sent me tally with where the cellphone is "

" What about the ransom? "

" My company is at the edge of bankruptcy. If i gave them the ransom, it's possible that mayors creation won't last long "

" But still you're going home to retrieve the money? "

" Yes, i had to. I might give them if i have no choice "

I called Logan and explain briefly to him what has happened.

I gave him an order to track Maureen's cellphone and i hang up.

Ten minutes later he call back to give me the address of where the cellphone is.

We speak for some minutes before i hang up.

I could feel han's eyes staring at me.

" The address did not tally with where Maureen cellphone is. What do you think ? "

" Maureen must be held at one of the address "

" You're right, i think the address i received from the kidnappers isn't where she is "

" So what is your plan " he asked urgently and i briefly glance at him in awe.

Why is he getting worked up already?

" I will get the money first then we will split up. You will go with my men to the other address "

" That's stupid jack, will you be safe alone ? "

I nodded " the man warn me not to play smart , i will go alone to the place he is. "

I pull into my house and i alighted quickly running into the house. No one is in sight.

I went to the kitchen but Laura isn't there either.

I have not much Time to think so i quickly went into my bedroom.

I walk out minutes later with a brief case.

I entered the car and sighed softly.

" Laura isn't at home " i said silently.

The thought of her working for the Mikes makes me uncomfortable.

It will be very hard to believe.

" I do not trust her eversince the incident at the hospital " han blurted out and I turn to stare at him.

" Heaven help you, you might have died from my stupidity last night " i said bitterly. " I have gone soft this days, i think it's time to fight back... Right? "

" Won't it be risky ? " Han asked and i smirk.

" Nothing is more riskier anymore. They abducted my sister for goodness sake " my cellphone rang and i picked it almost immediately.

" Boss, i am at the location. They are five in numbers. I don't want to make a rash decision so I called to take your order " Logan said.

" Good, do you think you can take them up ? "

" Why not, but i think there will be scar "

" It's nothing to be frighten about... right ? " I asked him with humor.

" Sure, another scar to this one i got will be nothing . I got my two guys here as well " he said laughing on the other end.

" Okay Logan, just keep watch. Do not attack right now, I'm sending the man you rescued last night to help you. "

" No way, is he strong enough for this ? "

" I think he is " i said looking at han who chuckled " he's a survivor as far as i know and he heal faster so I'm sure he will be helpful. Meet me at our agreed place to pick him up" i hang up.

" You are worried " han said and i look at him.

" Yes, i have to. Maureen is my only sister and family. I won't forgive myself if anything bad happens to her. I will drop you somewhere, logan will come to pick you. If you get there start immediately, make sure you surprise the bad guys and rescue my sister "

Han clenched his jaw and nodded.

I drove away, the night is near and the cold breeze sooth me.

I stopped besides Logan's car and he quickly came to speak with me.

" When you get there, make sure you rescue my sister logan " i said to him with hard tone.

Word won't describe how scared i am right now but i am only concealing it.

" Yes boss "

I turned to han who is ready to get out of the car

" You like her ? " I asked him and i saw him flinched before nodding slowly.

" Good, i noticed you both have a thing in the past. Rescue her please then we can discuss on the issue , i might give her to you if you want " i told han and his eyes get wide in surprise.

" Are you sure ? " I nodded in response and he went out.

I saw him entering Logan's car and i drove away to the direction i received.

I arrived at a lonely street with ruin houses.

Suddenly my cellphone rang and i gulped.

I picked it.

" Come into the house " the man said to me before hanging up.

I stood there for sometime clearing my mind and trying to delay.

My cellphone rang again but I didn't pick.

I stare at the ruin house with clenched jaw without moving.

One thing i know for sure, they won't kill me because they needed the money.

Maureen is my weakness and I'm sure Han and logan with his two guys will rescue her.

All i just needed is time for them to call.

My cellphone rang again interupting my thoughts.

I picked it this time.

" What do you think you're doing jack mayor. Come in right now " he ordered.

I gulped before walking slowly towards the ruin house.

I was only few feet away to the weak door when i receive Logan's call.

I picked it almost immediately with my heart thundering in my ears ready to hear the worse.

" We rescued her boss, you need to come. She's unconscious, we are going to your house "

I blink rapidly before heaving a sigh of relief.

I quickly retrace my step and walk towards my car, then suddenly i heard footsteps running.

I entered my car hastily and speed away.

I rush into the house hastily when i arrived.

I saw Logan in the sitting room.

" Boss, she's in her room " he said and i race to Maureen's room.

" Are you okay? " I asked hurriedly when i saw her sitting up and she nodded " the baby ? " I asked again and she smile.

Oh goodness! I shut my eyes leaning against the wall.

To say i am very excited will be an understatement.