
izuku: the kenjutsu master

disclaimer: this story is a creation i am working over on wattpad and decided to move it here as i am putting a bit of work into it this story will be primarily a BNHA/HSDXD story however izuku's peerage will consist of mostly characters from all over the place why because i want to also his powers will come from all over the place again cause i want to and i said so anyway this is my new story that i will probably be working on the most also don't expect grammar i suck at it

jexishere · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

the end of issei

life has been great rias has been training ridiculously although that was good as she soon caught up with sona because of it speaking of which both she and rias have gotten to stage four as have most of their peerages there was one who wasn't even close that was issei he just didn't put the effort in since he sees literally all of his girls with me which in my opinion it's what he get's saji at least had some self-respect

but one day he took it too far when he decided to get handsy with my momo and that was his last mistake he did it in front of literally everyone and at this point rias has given up protecting him especially after learning of all the power i have

"your a dead man hyoudo" i said

"you can't touch me" issei said cockily activating his boosted gear which i cut off with my zanpakuto before running him clean through with it

"i have warned you many times issei but there is one person you don't touch and that is my wife" i said

"president help me" issei begged rias but she just turned her head in the air

"hmph you lived out your usefulness and i am done with your perversion we all are" rias said and with those words his hope was gone i removed my blade from his chest and cut his head clean off absorbing ddraig in the process and picking up the eight evil pieces handing them to rias

then i walked over and passionately kissed momo reasserting my dominance which she very quickly submitted to me

"your mine and you always will be mine alone" i whispered

"yes i am yours and yours only no one else will fill my heart as you do" she said comforting her husband

"good" i said

"that was hot" rias said

"agreed" akeno drooled

"wait for the wedding rias it's coming" i said rias was now excited after they completed their training rias and sona demanded the wedding date be pushed up to as soon as possible sirzechs and serafall were happy for their respective sisters ajuka was a little worried for me but i said it was fine i only had one caveat one at a time

sona was going first since our relationship has been going longer

"so what's on today's agenda" i asked

"it's saturday so whatever" sona said relaxing and leaning into me rias was on my left sona on my right and momo in my lap giving me a bit of a boner which caused momo to giggle

"later we'll have fun" momo whispered in my ear causing me to get excited


inko has been searching for izuku for weeks as she and the rest of class 1A felt really bad about what they did but no one could find him eventually inko bit the bullet and went to see her brother that lived in the city she brought toshinori and ochako with her as izuku's mentor and izuku's former girlfriend

"ah dear sister what can i do for you" itachi asked with a bright smile on his face

"have you seen my son" inko asked

"yes" itachi said his smile widening

"where is he" inko asked as her eyes narrowed

"where he belongs and man is he happy" itachi said

"give me back my son" inko said

"he's not here but if you don't believe me" he moved out of the way to give them entrance

"he moved out about a month ago with his wife and the beginnings of his peerage" itachi said inko flinched when she heard the word peerage

"what do you mean wife" ochako asked praying that wasn't the case

"hmm well he got married to momo yaoyorozu now ryujin astaroth or midoriya in your case" itachi said and she collapsed to her hands and knees crying her eyes out

"it's what you get slut" itachi said

"what do you mean" toshinori asked

"do you think izuku didn't tell me what you did to him" itachi asked and all three flinched at his words

"yet when he came here he took to the family legacy like a sponge not only living up to the name but also exceeding expectations and going way above and beyond izuku holds the physically strongest peerage in the underworld with izuku himself equaling power to sirzechs gremory i don't think i need to say more" itachi said no he didn't sirzechs was the strongest person in the underworld or he was before izuku now he is tied for first it seems

"and he is still getting stronger" itachi said inko stared at him

"bring him back" inko said

"i don't hold any power over izuku he is a high class devil and heir to the family so he actually is my boss" itachi said

"where is he then" inko said

"i don't have to tell you now then i think you have overstayed your welcome" itachi said inko stared at him before looking down in defeat

"we will bring him back" toshinori said

"good luck" itachi said with a smirk