
Izuku The Deadpool Hero

*FemDeku* Izuku got abused at home by her sister and father who is the number 1 hero All Might. Izuku's mom tried to keep Izuku happy, until Izuku and her mom got in a car accident, making the school bullying and home life worse. But one day Izuku's sister lied, making Izuku get kicked out. Izuku started to live with her uncle who is known as Deadpool and Izuku's life got better, but what happens when she goes to UA to be a hero and meets the people that hurt her the most!?

Xayli · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

Fucked up life!

Izuku has a twin sister Izumi, everything was good, until they turned 1 years old. Izuku was the odd child out. Izumi was the happy child that got the attention of their father the most.

When Izuku tried showing love to her father, but would get yelled at. Izuku's mother Inko conforted her daughter the most that she can. Inko loved both of her daughters equally but had to take care of Izuku the most, because she was sensitive and shy.

Izuku and Izumi's father was All Might or Toshinori Yagi. Toshinori loved Izumi the oldest because of how happy and strong she was. Toshinori hated his youngest because of how shy, sensitive, and weak she was. Toshinori loves his wife but doesn't understand why she pays attention to Izuku.

Izumi hated her sister, because she is jealous that she gets most of the attention from their mom and because her father doesn't like her. Izumi can be an angel when she wants, but brings hell to her sister.

Izuku wanted to feel loved by her whole family so she trys her hardest in everything. Izuku loves her sister and tries to show it, but Izumi ignores it and hurts Izuku.

Izuku cries a lot, because of the pain of what her father and sister caused her. Izuku stuck to her mom a lot because she was Izuku's gem, the only one that loves her. Katsuki Bakugou was best friends with Izumi and helped bully Izuku with her.

When they turned 4, they went to the doctors. Izumi's quirk was a high rank telekinesis and Izuku's was unable to die, she can be sliced in half and regenerated in a few hours. When they heard their quirks they were happy.

Toshinori was happy to hear Izumi's, because it was perfent for 'One for All' . He was so happy he spun her around in his buff form. Izuku looked at the ground when he saw that, Izuku's mom rubbed her back.

"Don't worry, hun. I bet you will be one hell of a hero with you quirk you should try katana and guns. When you get good at them you would be one hell of a great hero." Inko whispered to her youngest, making Izuku cry and hug her mom. "Just like Uncle Deadpool." Izuku said, making Inko laugh. "Yep, just like him." Inko said, Inko picked up her youngest, who laid her head on her mother's shoulder.

When Izumi and Izuku went to school and told their quirks. But Izuku made the greatest mistake telling them her quirk, because they started practicing their quirks on her.

Izuku always came home crying which made Toshinori angry. Izumi lies saying she is fine at school, making Toshinori think she is just doing it for attention. Inko would always lay down with Izuku, until she fell asleep, which pissed Toshinori off.

When Izuku and Izumi turned 8, Izuku and Inko got in a bad car accident. Inko died in the accident and Izuku's mouth was ripped open leaving a scar and healed that way, because her mouth was open for days.

When people found the car, they were happy to find Izuku alright. When Izuku got home that day, Toshinori beat the shit out of Izuku for 'Killing' his wife. When Izuku crawled to her room, she couldn't get up so she stayed on the ground as her wounds healed.

The next morning she went to school, kids called his more names like 'monster, freak, killer, ...' ect.

When Izuku and Izumi turned 10, Izumi started dating Katsuki Bakugou, making them the strongest and popular couple in school. Izuku had it harder though, she would get beaten at school and at home.

Izumi tried to kill herself thousands of times but she would just heal, every time, making Izuku cry. Izuku wanted her mom back, the only one that cared for her. She wanted to be loved again, she wanted a warm hug.

Izuku had long lovely forest green hair with forest green eyes. Izumi had shoulder length hair that was lime green with teal eyes. Izumi was popular and Izuku very very unpopular.