

She always found comfort in the night sky.

Every night, when her parents thought she was asleep, she would sneak out her window into the backyard and would watch the stars twinkle and on rare occasions see one fly by.

She would shut her eyes and hold her hands close to her chest while making her wishes. But her favorite thing in the whole sky was the moon. For as long as she could remember she loved watching the moon. She loved seeing the moon's glow light up her world in a soft glow.

Whenever she felt no one was at her side, she would look up at the glowing Moon and she felt everything was going to be alright.

Little did she know a boy the same age had the same thought. Only instead of looking at the moon, this boy watched the Earth.

He lived on the Moon.

Earth had no idea what resided on the other side of the Moon, but truthfully a peaceful empire resided there. This boy was the crowned Prince of the Jericho Empire. Every night he would escape onto the bright side of the moon and would watch the Earth for hours.

His family possessed a special type of eyesight, by simply focusing on a spot on the Earth he could watch all the humans go about their life, the only catch was it had to be the night when he could peer into their lives.

When he first developed his gift he was watching random animals roam about when his eyes met a little girl's gaze. He stopped and looked at her blue-green eyes. It felt like she knew he was watching the Earth but soon realized she was only admiring his home.

After that first night, he had seen the girl many times and could feel her adoration of the moon, and the stars surrounding them. It warmed his heart to know he may have a friend on earth.

He promised himself when he got older, that he would visit her.

The citizens of Jericho could travel to Earth and take on many forms. Many choose animals, some choose to be humans. But they were forbidden to take their true forms as they could reveal their sacred home.

For now, he would watch and count the days to meet the earth girl.