
Chapter 2: Wonder

Years had passed since that night. Atlas continued to watch over her and kept holding back from visiting her again.

He longed to see her, but the timing never seemed right.

Tonight, Fauna was celebrating! She finally graduated Highschool. Now she would begin her next step, college.

For now, she could spend her days swimming and hanging out with friends. Then spend her nights stargazing and watching the Moon.

Fauna still thought about Atlas. She kept wondering what he was. Maybe he was an Angel. Or perhaps a figment of her imagination.

Sitting on a blanket with a few snacks, Fauna was listening to soft music while sketching under the moon's light.

Atlas was tired. He had a day full of different duties to fulfill and he was relieved it was over. Sneaking over the castle walls he was on the light side of the moon. Taking a seat in his usual spot he checked in on a few of his favorite places to see, then he got to Fauna.

He was happy to see her so content. Maybe this was the night. He would reappear after 6 years after their first meeting. After a few moments, he finally made up his decision.

Once again he focused his energy and appeared behind Fauna again.

Just as she finished sketching out the background of her drawing she felt a shift around her. Another presence had made its way behind her.

Carefully, she turned in time to see Atlas appearing. Her eyes widened. It was him. The boy she could stop thinking about. He looked a bit different from what she could remember.

Opening his eyes he didn't expect to see Fauna looking at him. For a moment, they couldn't look away from each other. Fauna stood up, forgetting about her sketchbook.

"It's you," she says as Atlas sheepishly smiles.

"Yes, it is. Good to see you again, in better spirits," he says walking closer to her.

She truly could see him now. His stark white hair seemingly glowed in the darkness, and his eyes were dark but she could see stars twinkling within them.

"So, you're real? I wasn't dreaming?" Fauna says walking around him and poking his back and chest. This caused Atlas to laugh a bit.

"Yes, yes I'm as real as the ground you walk on every day. Why wouldn't I be?" He questions as Fauna stopped in front of him looking into his eyes again.

"Because I thought maybe it was all a dream. I did wake up in my bed after it all. The only thing I could remember from that day was my heart getting broken. Then out of nowhere, a white-haired boy appeared to comfort me. Saying it out loud doesn't make sense right?" Fauna explains. Atlas thought about it for a moment.

"Well, when you put it that way, it does seem like a dream huh," He says rubbing the back of his head. Fauna grabbed his hand and pulled him to sit on the blanket.

"Dream or not, I have like a million questions!" Fauna says excitedly as Atlas smiled at her enthusiasm.

"I do as well, but you first," He says

"Well for starters, what's your name?" Fauna asks

"I was given the name Atlas. And yours?" He asks grabbing a strawberry out of the bowl and biting into the fruit.

"I'm Fauna," she says as she watched Atlas's eyes light up at the red fruit as he began to eat more of the Strawberries. "You like 'em?" Fauna asks as Atlas nods his head, his mouth too full of strawberries to speak. Fauna laughed seeing his cheeks puff out, he looked like a chipmunk.

"Here try it with this" Fauna says grabbing Nutella and putting some on a strawberry before giving it to the Prince.

Atlas looked a bit skeptical, but he reluctantly took a bite. Soon after he snatched up the container of strawberries and the jar of Nutella and was gobbling them down. Fauna's eyes widened in surprise.

"Whoa slow down! You'll get a stomach ache if you eat too much," Fauna says trying to take away either of the items. After a few minutes of struggling she gave in and let him live with his actions. The pair settled down and Fauna began her questioning. She asked what he was and everything but one question stumped him.

"So, if you're from the Moon and all, why did you come to visit me? I mean I'm grateful that you did, but out of any place in the world, why here?" Fauna asks expecting a quick answer but the Prince was silent.

Atlas took that moment to think about what she asked and honestly, he had to give her the truth. Taking a deep breath he looked up at the moon and back at Fauna, still awaiting his response.

"Truthfully, I wanted to meet you." Atlas started as Fauna looked a little stunned

"Me?" she questioned as Atlas nodded before continuing his explanation.

"For royalty, we have many abilities, like we can see into different areas in the world whenever the moon shines on it. The first night I finally developed my sight, I was watching your world when I met your gaze." Atlas paused

"I finally thought I found someone like me. Just trying to escape everything to have a few peaceful moments." Atlas says before laughing quietly.

"I will say it did startle me at first, but, when I realized you were not looking at me, rather my home I became curious," Atlas explains as Fauna was entranced by this story, he continued.

"So over the last few years, I would sneak past the castle walls and go the light side, and watch you. Now that I've said it out loud I sound creepy. All I wanted was to see what humans do besides sleep the night away." Atlas says as he began to become flustered.

He hoped she didn't think he was some odd thing watching her in the night. He felt her hand on his shoulder and she shook it a bit.

"It's ok, I mean after all I watch you most of the time too. So I guess we're even." Fauna says calming Atlas's nerves.