
Its a world of blending with group chat

I do not know English, so I used the translator to translate the story, and now this is a vulgar embodiment story in the anime world with a group chat and travel between the worlds of anime and novels . For more chapters please visit my patreon p@treon.com/Akasaki_Ryujin

Akasaki_Ryujin · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
94 Chs

Chapter 71 : Scathach

Grey skies, black earth, and spirits enveloped the surroundings. Akira awakened to this sight, yet he remained unfazed, devoid of confusion or fear.

In the midst of it all, footsteps echoed, revealing a strikingly beautiful woman standing at a height of 168 cm. She possessed burgundy hair, red eyes, and donned a black martial apron. Her combat suit clung to her body, accentuating her curves, while she gripped a red spear emitting a powerful aura of destruction.

Indeed, it was Gae Bolg, the spear that had punctured the blood of countless gods. Although it originally resided within Babel Gate, Akira had severed the connection between the spear and the gate, entrusting it to the woman before him.

However, this matter held no significance for Kira. After the connection was severed, Babel Gate had forged another spear.

"It's been a while, Shisho," Akira greeted the woman, flashing a smile.

The woman before him was Scathach, the Queen of the Land of Shadows and his teacher in the art of spear combat.

"It has been a foolish student period," Scathach nodded, welcoming Akira with a smile.

"Do you know why I invited you here?" Scathach inquired, a seductive smile playing on her lips.

"Because you miss me," Akira innocently responded.

"That is one of the reasons," Scathach admitted, not denying her longing for her student whom she hadn't seen in the past ten years, despite being able to observe him through clairvoyance.

"But the main reason is that you have a girlfriend," Scathach remarked, lunging at Akira with her spear.

"Are you angry?" Akira questioned, creating distance between them and firing several shots at Scathach.

"No, not at all," Scathach replied with a sweet smile, gracefully evading the projectiles.

Akira sensed her anger despite her words.

"Is Shisho still wagering?" Akira asked, bringing forth Gae Bolg.

"Yes, indeed. But do you believe you can defeat me in your current state?" Scathach retorted, her beautiful smile adorning her face.

"Shishou, do you know something?" Akira inquired, as her words suggested that she possessed certain knowledge.

"I wonder," Scathach ambiguously replied before launching an attack on Akira.

"I will achieve what I desire," Akira declared upon perceiving Scathach's reticence to share her knowledge.

"Give it a try," Scathach encouraged, her excitement mounting as Akira exuded an aura befitting a true king.

Thus, the clash of weapons resonated in the Land of Silent Shadows, reminiscent of a battle fought ten years ago.

Amidst the combat, Akira reminisced about his encounter with Scathach twelve years ago.


Twelve years ago...

Grey skies, black earth, and spirits pervaded the surroundings. A four-year-old child stood amidst the scene, seemingly bewildered.

"Where am I?" the child muttered, surveying the unfamiliar environment. "Was it all a dream? Did I truly descend into hell?"

"Interesting," a melodious voice resonated, and from the darkness emerged a beautiful woman. "Welcome to the Land of Shadows, child whose presence carries the scent of death."

"The scent of death?" the young boy puzzled, sniffing his own body.

Ha-ha-ha," the woman laughed enchantingly, finding amusement in the child's innocent actions.

"So, fair lady, are you the mistress of hell, here to punish me for my deeds?" the child asked nonchalantly, as if discussing the weather.

"You could say that I am"The Lady of Hell, but I have no intention of punishing you or anything of the sort," the beautiful woman replied, unperturbed by the child's carefree demeanor. "It seems that the Land of Shadows has drawn you here because your soul carries the scent of death."

"Well, I've been there before, so it's not surprising that I have the scent of death," the child remarked, sensing the woman's curiosity as she observed him intently.

"Are you one of those reincarnations from another world?" the beautiful woman inquired, recognizing the child's face as that of Gilgamesh, the first king of mankind.

"That's correct," the child nodded, unfazed. "So, dear lady, have you encountered reincarnations before?"

"Yes, indeed," the woman nodded, taking a seat beside the child. "I have lived for a long time and have encountered numerous reincarnations."

"You seem to have good fortune," the boy remarked sarcastically, believing that reincarnations often caused trouble for beautiful women like her.

The child had read plenty of fan fiction and reincarnation stories, and he was well aware of how reincarnated individuals could become arrogant, even without possessing any power, believing themselves to be the protagonists who could attain beauty and effortlessly defeat the antagonists.

"I can't say whether it's good or bad luck," the beautiful woman replied with a sarcastic shake of her head, her gaze fixed on the boy. "But you do seem different from them."

"Well, you could say that I am not self-centered, and I know my own worth," the young boy stated, his sarcastic smile transforming into one filled with kindness and affection. He continued, "Even if I were a beautiful woman, there is someone I truly love."

Silence fell upon the place, and neither the child nor the beautiful woman spoke for a while.

"Are you the Godslayer Scathach?" the boy suddenly asked, his eyes fixed on the woman before him.

"Yes, I am," Scathach confirmed, unfazed by the child's recognition, and she observed the boy with curiosity.

"Can you make me stronger?" the child asked, looking directly into Scathach's eyes.

"Why do you wish to become stronger?" Scathach inquired, genuinely interested, though not immediately granting the child's request.

"I have a rather mundane reason. I seek strength to protect the ones I love, not to seek vengeance after their demise," the child stated with determination, a vivid image of a cute girl with blonde hair and red eyes flashing through his mind.

"Are you certain you want to become my apprentice?" Scathach asked earnestly, aware of the demanding nature of her training. "Since you know who I am, you must understand that I won't take it lightly."

"I am fully aware of what I'm getting into," the child replied, his serious expression belying his youthful appearance.

"You mentioned possessing the power of that golden man..." Scathach began, realizing she had not yet asked the child's name, nor had he offered it.

"Akira. Nifuji Akira," the child introduced himself. "Indeed, before my reincarnation, I obtained the power of the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh. I possess a passive skill called Weapon Master, enabling me to master any weapon at a Master level."

Akira divulged his power to Scathach without hesitation, as she couldn't leave the Land of Shadows, and even if she could, Scathach wasn't the type to divulge others' secrets.

"In that case, Akira, you may call me Shishou," Scathach declared with a smile before continuing, "With your skill, there is no immediate need for weapontraining. However, we must focus on strengthening your body to withstand the power of that golden man."

"Very well," Akira nodded, showing his willingness to embark on the training journey. He promptly dropped to the ground, assuming a push-up position without a hint of protest or complaint.

Scathach observed Akira as he began performing push-ups diligently, without faltering or showing signs of exhaustion. She couldn't help but be impressed by his discipline and determination. Silence enveloped the training ground, broken only by the rhythmic sound of Akira's push-ups.

As time passed, Akira's training in the Land of Shadows continued. Scathach pushed him to his limits, guiding him through rigorous physical exercises and combat drills. She taught him the intricacies of spear-fighting, sharing her vast knowledge and experience with her dedicated apprentice.

Under Scathach's watchful eye, Akira transformed from a young child with potential into a formidable warrior. He honed his skills, embracing the power of Gilgamesh within him and blending it with his own innate abilities. Akira's determination to protect the ones he loved fueled his progress, pushing him to surpass his limits time and again.

Years flew by within the realm of the Land of Shadows, where gray skies, black earth, and spirits intertwined. Akira grew not only in strength but also in wisdom and character. Scathach, his mentor and guide, became not just a teacher but a trusted companion and confidante.

Their bond strengthened with each passing day, as they forged a unique connection beyond that of master and apprentice. Scathach recognized the potential within Akira, not just as a formidable warrior, but as a kind-hearted individual driven by a desire to protect and cherish those dear to him.


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