
Stranded Part Two

Ai let out a laugh and pointed to the manual pump. "Just pump that for a while until the air has circulated a bit and I will clean up. Mai and I, never expected any company here so yeah. Girls can be messy too."

"It's fine. I have seen your room remember?" Eiji replied with a wink then went to work. 

Ai stuck her tongue out at him and began cleaning. Both were done at about the same time. One thing Eiji found was that the bunker was hotter than expected and he was already sweating even though he was not wearing a shirt. "This place sure is hot."

"Mmm… best to strip down. We can also use some water to wipe ourselves down since there is a lot here." Ai said as she began to strip down to her underwear, leaving Eiji not sure where to look. Ai saw him staring at a wall and laughed. "Just look, you have seen me in my underwear many times already, what are you acting all strange for?"