

This feeling that will never be spoken yet will always stay there.

takerei_03 · LGBT+
1 Chs

Familiar Unfamiliar Feeling

"Promise me that we will stay together until we grow up."

"I promise."





I don't know since when did I start feeling this...





"I happened to overhear other girls talking about you and that Martinez girl from class 1 being neighbors and I just want to confirm it from you if it's real." I grabbed my snacks and hid behind the big barrels on the corner as I heard voices coming near.

'Seriously all I hear is bullish*ts since morning and now even here in my sanctuary. Gods give me a break!'

"Ah, you mean Khione? Yes, we're neighbors and our folks are pretty close to each other." a familiar soft voice answered.

"Woah wait there, Ms. Elle Garcia, can you repeat it?"

"uhh, what part?"


"oh geez, what I said a while ago was that I and Khione-"

"Stop right there! Did you just say her name?"

"uhh obviously?"

"Oh gods, can you hear yourself?"

"pretty much? seriously what's wrong with you?"

"You just called that girl by her first name!"

"And what's wrong with that?"

"Geez, Elle don't you know how much trouble that girl evoked in this school?"


"Don't just answer me with your breath, tell me why are you calling her name casually just like that?"

"As I said, we are neighbors and our families are too close to each other, that includes me and Khione."

"you and that delinquent? Friends?! Are you sure about that? You're friends with a person who goes around the school to cause troubles!"

'Hearing this pisses me off more. Can't they just leave already'

"Do you have evidence? have you seen her do that with your own eyes? or do you experience it yourself?"

"Isn't those victims' faces enough to prove it?"

"You don't know if they're telling the truth."

"Do you think others will go that far as beating themselves up just to dirty someone's name?!"


"Okay, I'm done with this conversation. As a concerned friend, I would like you to cut ties with her before you regret it."

"I appreciate your concern but I'm not going to do what you want me to do. Khione is my friend and I know her better than others"

"I can't believe you, Elle. Talk to me again if you decided to fix your brain. I guess it was already damaged because of you being friends with that troublesome girl. Bye"

A loud slamming of the door followed by a brief silence.

'Are they gone already? Finally! Peace- wait, why she's still here?! *sighs* Guess I don't have any option...'






A gust suddenly passed by making me shut my eyes for an abrupt moment but as soon as I opened it, my breath hitched as a beautiful scene welcomed me. When did she become this sparkly? Turning around in a slow-motion way, there I stood stupefied by the most dazzling view I've ever seen in my life.





"Oh, Khione you're there? Since when? D-Did you hear us?" she stuttered.

"Well, I've been here twenty minutes earlier before you two just barged in like you owned this rooftop, and yes I heard all of that"

"I'm sorry about that..."

"Nah don't sweat it. I should be the one thanking you for defending me. Guess she's really mad. You should make up with her."

"What are you saying? She spoke badly to you without knowing the truth. I don't mind being on bad terms with her until she realized that there's nothing wrong with being friends with you!"

"You're overreacting about it. You could have told her that we don't know each other so you could save your ass from arguing with that friend."

"No! Whatever they say about you, I would gladly tell them that Khione is my best friend and I'm so happy to meet an awesome girl like her!"





She latched her hands around my arms, pulling us closer than ever. As her skin grazed on mine, my body grew stiff.





bathump, bathump, bathump




It's here again. The familiar yet unfamiliar feeling here in my chest. I don't have any idea what is this, but if I am to choose, I'd rather not know it because the more it reveals itself, the more I become crazy.




"I... I'm so happy... to meet you too-"





"Hey Khi... Khione... KHIONE MARTINEZ!"

I jolted in my seat as a loud voice pierced right into my ear. Covering my abused ear, I glared at the one who owned the voice, Warren.

"What's that for?!" I snapped standing up to level myself to him.


I snatched the megaphone from his hands and threw it somewhere. "Can you be just normal? and where did you get that thing?"

"I don't know, it just appeared right here, maybe fairies pitied me and decided to help me to wake you up"

"Shut up" I started walking while checking my ear that seemed to be damaged at the moment. "Let's go, you're such a pain in the ass."

We strode our way to the now empty corridor. Can't believe I slept that long. Well, not my fault that the last class is too boring I fell asleep as soon as the professor started discussing.

After buying this asshole his snack in a small food stall located just outside the campus, we bid goodbyes and go separate ways to go home. Usually, he will go together with me until we reach my place but now I told him that I was fine on my own.

Of course, convincing him was not easy, we spent another hour there with me telling him that I will be fine and him telling me I will not.

Thankfully, with the power I had, I beat his abnormal ass and won the argument. I watched him stomped his way opposite to mine. I shook my head while chuckling as I too, proceed my way home.

With my mind playing on 'how did I get a friend that has a brain of an alien?', my thoughts went to 'is that would make me an alien too?' Chuckling with these nonsense thoughts, I continued walking my way home.

As I arrived in front of my house, I released a deep sigh before opening the door. "I'm home"

I didn't get a reply so I went in just to find a girl focused on preparing food for dinner. I let out a smile before going behind her back. She still hasn't noticed me that made me laugh.

"Ah, Khione! You surprised me! I'm sorry I didn't notice you coming home." she smiled sheepishly.

"It's okay Elle don't sweat it. So what are you preparing? Want me to help you?"

"Oh, this? it's your favorite-" our conversation was cut off by a voice coming from the doorway.

"I'm home!"

"It's Khenzo, just a second!" I watched her back as she runs away from me. I reached my hand as If I am to hold her and let it down as soon as I realized what I was doing.

This is crazy.

"Welcome home honey!" I heard her sickening sweet voice wishing she would use it to me.

"Take a bath first because I'm preparing your favorite dish!"

Hit by reality, a bitter smile formed on my lips. I decided to go to my room.

"Hey, Khione!"

"Ah, I forgot that I have tasks to do, just call me if we're going to eat."

I didn't wait for her answer and went upstairs to my room. As I closed the door behind me, I dropped my bag and jumped to my bed.



Normal huh?



Staring at the ceiling, I let my mind wandered into the dreadful desire I had. Raising my arm again towards the ceiling, a picture of Elle facing her back to me, going farther away from where my hand couldn't reach.

Turning my hand into a fist, I bring it down.

What the hell I am thinking. This is definitely not normal.



Do normal things even exist in the first place?



A knock on the door woke me from my reverie. "Dinner is ready Khione!" her voice again.


This feeling...

I clenched my hands on my chest.

This feeling that I once wished to stay unknown is the same feeling that is making me crazy right now.


The feeling that was always there...

"I'm coming! Just a moment!" I quickly changed my clothes into a new one and went out of my room.

As I proceed my way downstairs, my heart started to beat crazily. It's like my heart wants to go out of my chest

Once I reached the dining room, I saw the two talking sweetly just like how normal married couples do.

"Hey, Khione, come here already" she smiled. I mirrored her actions.

With this feeling already figured out, residing deep inside my heart, killing me slowly from the start, I know that it will always be there only there and will never be spoken.


This is my first novel, I hope you'll like it >_<

takerei_03creators' thoughts