
Chapter One

 "It's all I can think about Jia, that's all I can think about. Are those rage filled eyes staring right back at me from the tree line, my stomach felt like it was gonna fall to the floor."

Shriya is on the school bus on her way to school talking to Jia her long good childhood friend.

 "Shriya calm down it's probably nothing," Jia replies with a soft voice. Jia is a pretty blonde white girl with dirty brown roots, she's Shriyah's best friend. Shriya is native American, with espresso eyes complimenting her jet black glamorous hair that's swimming down her back. Riding the bus early in the morning, the two sit on the back of the bus having their conversation. Tryin to keep the conversation to a minimum so know big ears would interfere.

Sitting on the school bus riding the bumpy roads to Saden High School, Where The Good Kids Go Safely To and From School.

That's the school's motto but only Principle Pepin uses it really, your average jelly belly white man who wants to make the school a better place. Principal Pepin enjoys staring at the entrance of the school greeting students that walk into the school's doors. Saden High is a three-story building with beautiful glass windows, also has the schools banner out front with their crest on which is a wolf sitting against a tree. Mr.Pepin always said that the symbol represents the knowledge of nature and that the wolves protect it. While the girls where having there heart to heart moment all the other kids were doing something while on their way to school, chewing gum, on the phone, or asleep and etc.

 "When I went out to the back yard after helping my mom in the kitchen you know prepping more food and there it was. There it was those scary cold ice blue eyes with anger behind them."

Shriyah says looking away out into the sky through the bus window.

"When the fireworks went off, it lit up a piece of the woods eliminating the trees and that's when it happened. The vibes and energy radiating off that thing I felt scared like I was in endanger." Shriya just closed her eyes sitting back to enjoy the rest of the bus ride in quiet.

"All I remember on that fourth of July was us having a good time at your parent's cookout along with the pretty fireworks," Jia said replying facing Shriya seeing if she would budge when she did the same.