
Don't underestimate adult gamers

My little sister insisted that I play with her last night... so it seems I'll need to speedrun my assignments during Shiori-san's homeroom period.

It's strange that I didn't run into Shino on my way to school. Usually, she's there, chatting or pestering me about something trivial. But when I entered the classroom, there she was—early, even though she's not on cleaning duty.

I sat down at my desk, half-expecting her usual greeting or some snarky comment, but… nothing. She didn't even look at me. Not one word. Homeroom hadn't started yet, so I decided to break the silence.

"Shino... do you have a problem?"

She turned her head slowly, her expression dark. "Don't talk to me. I still want to live."

I sighed. "Shino, does the incident yesterday still bother you? I told you, Shiori-san won't go as far as hurting you or anything."

"Zip your mouth, would you? Or just suck your woman's boobies to keep you from speaking."

That caught me off guard. She was dramatic yesterday, sure, but this… this felt different. It was as if our friendship is in the verge of collapsing..

"Then… your match with Shiori-san. Would you like to cancel it?"

Her eyes widened. "No way! If I win, I'll ask her to spare my life."

"By the way, Haru, did you already inform her about that?"

"No, not yet. But I'll message her now. Though I doubt she'll reply until after school."

After all, Shiori-san avoids using her phone while working. She's that disciplined.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and quickly typed a message:

"Good morning, Shiori-san. Apparently, Shino wants to have a friendly match with you in SFO. Tell me if it's okay with you."

Turning to Shino, I asked, "When do you plan to have your match?"

"Hmm, maybe after school? Is she free?"

"Well, yeah. She doesn't have anything to do after work, as far as I know."

Once we confirmed the timing, I messaged Shiori-san again:

"Shino said to have the match after school. Maybe around six onwards?"

I pocketed my phone and continued talking with Shino. Moments later, it vibrated. A reply from Shiori-san? I checked.

"Okay. If she wants, we can do the match at lunch. I don't want to disturb our sleepover later."

"Fine," I replied. "But you said you don't use your phone while at work, right?"

"Yes, but lunchtime is practically a break, so it's fine."

"How about now? You're chatting with me during work."

"Well, it's okay to violate rules once in a while, right?"

A heart emoji followed. I… wondered how she would say this if we were face-to-face.

I informed Shino of the change in plans. Her reaction was less than enthusiastic.

"This lunch? But I don't have my laptop."

"Just play on your phone. She's using her phone too, so it's fair."

She smacked her forehead. "Sigh. Fine. But why doesn't she want to do it after school? You said she avoids using her phone while working."

"Yes, but she said it's her lunch break, so it's fine. And we have to prepare for the sleepover after school. She doesn't want to disturb that."

"Oh, is that so? Okay, then."

Silence. A sudden, sharp silence. And then I realized… I just said something I shouldn't have.


She practically screamed it. The whole class heard her.

"Oh, is Haru-kun dating someone?"

"So that's why he's not hanging out with us lately!"

At least she didn't mention Shiori-san's name. That's something… I guess.

Lunch break came. Shino made an announcement to the class that she'd be having a match with Tria.

As expected, her fans swarmed her.

"Shino-san, has the game started yet?"

"Connect your phone to the TV "in the classroom so we can watch it!"

She connected her device, and the class erupted when they saw Tria's avatar.

"By the way, Shino," I messaged her on LINE. "Shiori-san sent you a friend request in-game."

She accepted it after connecting her screen to the TV. Probably for dramatic effect.


"Shino-san, you're so cool!"

"Next time, have a match with Harucchi too!"

Her smug grin said it all. She was loving the attention.

The match began. I snuck out of the classroom to spectate the match through friend spectating function. There might be someone in the room who will accidentally peek at my phone, I'm watching at Shiori-san's POV after all. The comfort room was the perfect spot—no prying eyes.

Oh, the game is already starting..

Shino's marksman was at a clear advantage. Her sniper skills were commendable, and she fired three consecutive shots. Shiori-san, unable to avoid them, cast a light barrier.

But physical attributes pierce through light barriers. What was she thinking?

Did she forgot the attribute counters?

As expected, the bullet pierced though and landed a direct hit. Her health dropped to almost half. One more shot and she'd be done for.

Good thing, Shiori-san has debuff immunity so the bullet didn't slowed her

Shino prepared her ultimate: Soul Piercing Eagle Burst.

The bullets transformed into soaring eagles. It has a skill of target-locking, ensuring that it will hit the target regardless of dodging

Shiori-san cast a light barrier again. 

What are you thinking Shiori-san!!! That won't work!!!

My palms are sweating out of nervousness... after all, who's boy in a right mind would want to see his partner lose??

But wait....

Shiori san's barrier isn't just a regular light barrier...

"Reflective barrier"

The ultimate skill reflected back to Shino. Slowed and critically injured, she was at Shiori-san's mercy. And Shiori-san wasted no time.

Moonlight Radiance. Her signature move. A beam of light struck down Shino, concluding the match in an epic comeback.

Shiori-san had deliberately put herself at a disadvantage to lull Shino into overconfidence. As expected to my partner...

Though I didn't expected that reflective barrier, I didn't saw her use it since we played together...

Well, maybe because she's in the rear so she doesn't need any defensive skill.

I returned to the classroom to find Shino's fans consoling her.

"That was a close fight, Shino-san!"

"Right, right! Don't mind it too much. Tria's belong to the top 10 overall, so it can't be helped."

I approached her. "Yo, Shino. I heard you lost?"

One of her fans interrupted. "Haruki, where did you go? You missed Shino's epic fight against the legendary Tria!"

Shino smiled at me, a hint of humility in her expression. "I guess I underestimated adult gamers too much."

Well, at least she learned her lesson.

I messaged Shiori-san to congratulate her:

"Good job, Shiori-san! And don't forget to prepare for our sleepover later!"