
4. Chapter 4

Here's the next chapter!

Things were not much better the next day, and Maya spent most of the day sleeping as her fever soared. There were a lot of tears because all Maya wanted was to feel better, and all she was feeling was worse.

Carina spent a lot of time wiping down Maya's face with a cool cloth, playing soft music, and just trying anything and everything she could to alleviate some of Maya's distress. The doctor was happy that Maya slept a lot because she seemed to at least be semi-comfortable when she was unconscious.

It killed Carina to leave her to go to work the following day, but she really wanted to save her time off so she could be home with Maya when there weren't doctors and nurses around to care for her.

Luckily, by the time Carina got off, Maya was sleeping, and when she woke up, she was soaking wet and cool to the touch. Her incision was still red, but it was looking better too.

Carina gave her a sponge bath after Maya's bedding got changed which made her feel a lot better, and Carina less worried that Maya was going to go septic from the infection.

The following morning, Meredith decided it was finally time to take the drain out.

"I'm finally free," Maya said as the drain was carefully removed, and a few stitches were put over the hole.

"Yes you are," Meredith said, nodding, "And I'll let Carina tell you the good news."

"What?" Maya said, looking at Carina.

"Well, I talked to Meredith while you were sleeping," Carina said, "And she said you can go home tonight if everything goes well for the rest of the day."

"Really?" Maya asked, looking at her, "I get to leave."

"Si," Carina said, "As long as your fever stays down and the pain stays manageable."

"It's been almost a week I think," Maya said, not really able to keep good track of time.

"It has been eight days," Carina nodded, "I am sure you are ready to go home."

"I'm sure you are too," Maya said, looking at her girlfriend, "You've spent every night here since I got here."

"Si," Carina nodded, "I am also ready, but home without you feels strange."

"I can't believe I really get to leave," Maya said, "That means I get to put on real clothes too."

"It does," Carina nodded, "I brought some things that should be loose enough to not bother that incision."

"You're the best," Maya said, leaning over and giving her a kiss.

The rest of the day was mostly filled with walks around the floor, a nap for Maya, and Carina packing up the things that had been accumulating in the room over the past week.

Around 2, after Maya had had lunch, Carina headed out to grab Maya's meds, take their stuff home, and get everything ready for when Maya came home.

She was back to the hospital around 4, and when she got there, she was impressed to see Maya sitting in bed, dressed in real clothes for the first time in over a week.

"Meredith just came by," Maya said, "And she signed my discharge papers."

"Oh, Bambina," Carina smiled, walking over and planting a kiss on Maya's lips, "That is great news."

"Now that you are here, we just have to tell a nurse, and I get to get out of here," Maya said.

"I will go make that happen," Carina nodded, leaving the room.

A few minutes later, Carina came back in.

"She said she will be in in about five minutes," Carina said as Maya looked at her phone, "Who are you texting?"

"Andy texted and asked if she could stop by this evening," Maya said, "I told her I was going home, and that she could come by if that's ok?"

"Of course," Carina nodded, "As long as you are feeling up to it."

"I think I will be," Maya said, nodding, "I feel pretty good right now. It's a little sore, but Meredith said that was to be expected with the drain removal."

"Si," Carina nodded, "It should go away in a day or two, but you are probably going to be pretty achy for the next few weeks."

"I heard," Maya said, "I am off active duty for at least a month."

"You have to let your body heal," Carina said, "Even more so now because of the secondary infection."

"I know," Maya nodded, rubbing her eyes, "Mer said I can go back to desk duty next week as long as everything is healing alright."

Just then, the nurse came in.

"I don't need a wheelchair," Maya complained, shaking her head.

"It's hospital protocol," the nurse said, pulling it up next to the bed.

"I will go pull the car up," Carina said, heading out.

The nurse helped Maya into the wheelchair, the blonde not thrilled but knowing better than to fight. As she was pushed down the hall, they ran into Amelia.

"Hey," the neurosurgeon said, "Finally breaking out?"

"Yeah," Maya nodded, "Finally."

"Mind if I take her down?" Amelia asked the nurse, "I promise I will not let her out of the chair."

"Of course Dr. Shepard," the nurse nodded, letting Amelia take the wheelchair.

"I love pushing you around Bishop," Amelia laughed as she pushed Maya to the elevator.

"Haha, you're so funny Shepard," the blonde said, shaking her head, "I am fine to walk."

"Yeah, I'm sure you are," Amelia said, "But this is the law of the land around here."

Amelia pushed Maya out of the front doors where Carina was waiting with the car.

"Amelia?" Carina said, confused as she got out to help Maya in, "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I ran into your woman on my way to my office and decided I would bring her out myself," Amelia said, locking the wheelchair before going to help Maya up, "I figured I probably wouldn't be seeing you around here for a while."

"I don't need a babysitter," Maya grumbled as Carina helped her into the car.

"I am going to be off for the next few days," Carina said, ignoring Maya's protest, "But Meredith said she can go back to work next week, just on desk."

"Well, heal quickly Maya," Amelia said, "I'll probably stop by later this week. Let me know if you guys need anything."

"Thanks Amelia," Maya said, smiling a little.

"Grazie Amelia," Carina nodded, heading to the driver's side, "See you soon."

The neurosurgeon waved as the two of them drove off. Once they got back to their apartment, Carina helped Maya to the elevator.

"I want to do stairs," Maya complained.

"Not yet," Carina said, "Give your poor body a little chance to rest. You can try stairs tomorrow."

Maya wasn't thrilled but decided Carina was right. They got up to their place, Maya sighing as she walked in the door.

"I have missed being here," Maya said as she took off her shoes before going over to the couch.

"Are you sure you don't want to be in bed?" Carina asked, going into the kitchen.

"I'm sure," Maya said, carefully sitting down, "Andy is going to come by soon, and I have been in a bed for the better part of the past week. Plus, out here, I can be with you."

Carina smiled, shaking her head as she filled a large glass with water, "Do you want anything besides water?"

"Not right now," Maya said, shaking her head.

"Alright," Carina said, coming over to the couch, putting the cup on the table before sitting down.

As soon as she did, Maya moved so she was in her arms.

"I love you," Carina smiled, pressing a kiss to Maya's forehead.

They put on a movie, both of them just enjoying being at home together. Around a half an hour later, there was a knock on the door. Maya moved to get up, but Carina stopped her.

"You just rest," Carina said, getting up herself. Carina opened the door, letting Andy in.

"Hey," Maya said, smiling at her friend.

"How are you feeling?" Andy asked as Carina took the bag of food she brought.

"Better than before," Maya said as Andy came in, sitting down on the other couch, "Still not great, but being home is good. How are things at the station?"

"Jack and I are holding it down," Andy said, "Nothing too big has come through. When are you allowed back?"

"Next week," Maya said, earning her a look from her girlfriend as she walked into the room, "But only on desk. I'm not allowed on active duty for at least a month, more if this doesn't heal right."

"That's not terrible," Andy said, smiling as she watched Maya lean on Carina, "It'll go fast."

"I hope so," Maya said, glancing down at her stomach.

Andy stayed and chatted with them for a while, Maya fading slowly the longer they sat there.

"You need to sleep," Andy said as Maya's eyes snapped back open after she fell asleep a little, "I'll come back by another day."

"Let me know if anything cool happens at the station," Maya said, "Thanks for coming by."

"And thank you for the food," Carina said, getting up and opening the door for Andy.

"Of course," Andy said, giving Carina a small hug, "Let me know if you guys need anything."

"Grazie," Carina nodded as she closed the door before heading back to Maya, "Bambina, no sleeping yet. You need to eat something and take some meds."

"I'm tired," Maya said, rubbing her eyes.

"I know," Carina said, planting a kiss on Maya's forehead, "Andy brought chicken soup. I am going to go heat that up. Why don't you go climb in bed, and I'll bring you some. Then after your meds, you can sleep all you want."

Maya nodded, putting her hand out for Carina to help her. The brunette helped her up, Maya's ab muscles still beyond achy from surgery. "Can you make it to bed on your own?" Carina asked gently.

"Yeah," Maya nodded, slowly shuffling toward the bedroom as Carina went into the kitchen. Carina quickly heated some soup before bringing it to Maya who was lying in bed looking exhausted.

"Eat as much as you can," Carina said, knowing Maya's stomach had still been touchy lately.

"You need to eat too," Maya said, taking the bowl, "Go get something. I'm fine."

Carina relented, going back to the kitchen, coming back with the salad Andy had brought for her. They ate dinner together in bed, Maya managing about half a bowl of soup. Carina then gave her her medicine, two heavy antibiotics and some prescription Advil, before the blonde curled up under the blankets.

"Sleep well Bambina," Carina said, pressing a kiss to her cheek, "I will be here when you wake up."

Maya nodded, already almost asleep. Carina smiled as she watched Maya sleep, happy they were finally home in their own bed that was actually meant for two people with no tubes or wires attached to Maya's body. Carina was also exhausted and decided to sleep too. The night went well, Carina waking Maya up for some Tylenol so her pain didn't get out of control, but other than that, they both slept all night.

The next day, Maya was insistent that they go for a short walk, needing to be outside. Carina agreed, only if Maya would go slow and they didn't go far. The blonde agreed, and they went for a short walk, just around their apartment complex, the blonde even convincing her girlfriend to let her try the stairs.

By the time they got home, Maya was exhausted and immediately got into bed when they got home.

"How is the pain?" Carina asked as Maya yawned.

"It's getting to be up there," Maya said, "Can I take something?"

Si," Carina nodded, giving her some Tylenol, "Rest now."

Maya slept for a few hours, waking up feeling less tired, but not great.

"What's wrong, Bambina?" Carina asked, seeing the look on Maya's face.

"My stomach hurts," Maya said, "I think it's just from all the antibiotics, but it is not enjoyable."

"I knew I forgot something," Carina said, shaking her head, "I wanted to get probiotics to help with that. I can run out and get some right now."

"Not now," Maya said, shaking her head, leaning on Carina, "Stay. I don't feel good."

"Fine," Carina said, wrapping an arm around Maya.

They stayed there for a little while before Maya's stomach demanded she get up. While she was in the bathroom, Carina checked her phone, seeing Amelia had texted and asked if she could come over. Carina waited until Maya got back from the bathroom, the blonde looking miserable as she climbed back into bed.

"How would you feel if Amelia dropped by?" Carina asked, not wanting to push because of how exhausted Maya looked, "If you're not feeling up to it, that is ok."

"I really don't feel well," Maya said, rubbing her eyes, "Sorry."

"Do not apologize," Carina said, shaking her head, "She said she had food to drop off, so I am going to tell her she can drop it off, but not stay. I am also going to ask her to pick up some probiotics for you so I don't have to go out later."

Maya nodded, leaning against Carina as she tried to get comfortable. Carina texted Amelia back, letting her know what was going on. Amelia said she totally understood, and that she would drop the stuff of in about twenty minutes. Carina set her phone down, feeling Maya shifting beside her.

"Is anything bothering you beside an upset tummy?" Carina asked, wrapping her arms around Maya.

"I'm just achy," Maya said, "My abs are so sore."

"Can I see your incision?" Carina asked, wanting to make sure the infection under control, "The dressing needs to be changed anyway."

Maya nodded, moving a little, pulling up her shirt.

"Let me go grab new dressings," Carina said, getting out of bed, "I'll be right back."

Maya nodded, relaxing into her pillows. A minute later, Carina was back with some gloves on and everything she needed to do a dressing change.

"Alright," the doctor said, going to her girlfriend's side, "Is it hurting at all?"

"Not really," Maya said, shaking her head as Carina started taking off the tape, "It's a little sore, but not like it was when it was infected."

"Good," Carina nodded, taking off the dressing, smiling as she saw the normal looking incision, "It looks good. No redness, no abnormal swelling."

"Yay," Maya said sarcastically as she looked, "When do the stitches come out?"

"Two weeks post op," Carina said, "So four more days."

Maya nodded wincing a little as Carina cleaned around the wound.

"Sorry," the brunette said, frowning.

"It's fine," Maya said, "Just feels weird."

Carina applied the topical antibiotic before putting another gauze pad down, taping it carefully. She then went and threw away all the wrappings before climbing back into bed with Maya.

"I think I overdid it today," Maya admitted quietly as Carina rubbed her back.

"I'm sorry Bambina," Carina frowned, feeling bad she had let Maya push herself the way she did.

"It's not your fault," Maya mumbled, "I should have listened to my body better."

Carina kissed Maya's forehead, wishing more than anything that she could make Maya feel better.

About ten minutes later, Amelia texted, saying she was there, asking if Carina wanted her to just leave the stuff outside the door.

"I'm going to go talk to Amelia, just for a minute," Carina said as Maya moved her head off her shoulder, "I won't be long."

Maya nodded, leaning against her pillows.

"Hey," Carina said, opening the door, "Thanks for this."

"Of course," Amelia nodded, handing Carina the bag of takeout and the bag of groceries Carina had asked her to get, "Is she alright?"

"She overdid it today," Carina sighed, "And the antibiotics are not agreeing with her. She is on two strong ones because of all the infections, and they are messing with her stomach."

"I understand," Amelia nodded, "Well, I hope she feels better, and if you guys need anything else, let me know."

"Grazie Amelia," Carina nodded as her friend left, closing the door behind her.

She took the bags into the kitchen, putting Maya's portion of the takeout in the fridge, knowing she wouldn't be up for Thai food tonight.

She put the groceries she had asked Amelia to pick up, saltines, bananas, bread, yogurt, away before grabbing a container of yogurt for Maya along with two probiotic pills and her own Thai food before going into the bedroom.

"How's Amelia?" Maya asked as Carina sat down on the bed.

"Good," Carina said, "She brought us some Thai food, but I didn't think you would be up for it."

"Yeah, no," Maya said, shaking her head.

"Which is why I brought you some yogurt," Carina said, "You should eat it. It will probably help, and some probiotic pills."

"Thanks," Maya said, sitting up and accepting the pills and food.

"Will me eating in here bother you?" Carina asked, gesturing to her own dinner.

"No," Maya said, shaking her head, "I'm alright."

The rest of the night was mostly just spent in bed relaxing as Maya tried to feel better. Luckily for Maya, by the following evening, she was feeling a lot better and managed another short walk without feeling so terrible afterward, the probiotics helping her stomach calm back down a little.

The next few days just kept getting better, and by the time she had her first follow up appointment, the blonde was actually feeling human again.

She got her stitches out and was given the all clear to go back to work, provided she stay on desk duty for at least two weeks. Maya wasn't thrilled, but knew that it was probably a good idea.

A little over a week later, she wished she had listened to Dr. Grey's advice.

What did you think? I have one more chapter left for this story, and then it is done. If you have any suggestions for other Marina content you would like to read, let me know! My classes end on Monday and then I am done with school until August so I am hoping I have more time to write!