


I pull up to Jana's house and text her that I'm here. While waiting I glance up at the sky, hoping it snows like the news said it would. The heat is blasted and the windows are fogged, and it's beginning to feel like winter.

Jana knocks on the window and I unlock the door. She slips in and shuts it immediately behind her, almost on her foot. /"Jeez it's cold out there,/" she says while pulling on her seat belt. /"Watts better have the fire going./"

I pull onto the road. /"So this isn't some big Christmas party like you said before, right?/"

/"No, this one's just close friends./"

/"Good. After Harrison's party, I need a break./" Jana stays quiet and I glance over to her. /"You okay?/"

She nods, her cheeks red. /"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just—well I'm sorry that things didn't work out. It must, well, it must suck./"