
It All Started With Love

The first part of the story follows Petal and Ethan life progress after Petal woke up from the coma and how Ethan background will affect their life. To know more about the development, read the story Love you all. ..... The second part of the story will be left hidden as a surprise, so be patient.

Cornflower · สมัยใหม่
92 Chs

Amber or Iris

Iris' eyes widened at the mansion of the name Amber. "Y-ou're the m-an in my d-ream…" She said in a shocked state.

Alexander looked at her confused, not understanding what she was talking about. "In your dreams?" He asked.

"Do y-ou have a t-attoo on your upper a–rm?" She asked, pointing at his right arm.

"I do." He said, reaching to unbutton his shirt, and pulling it over his shoulders.

"Do you mean this one?" He asked, pointing at the snake tattoo on his arm.

Iris nodded, unconsciously reaching to touch his arm."It's you." She whispered under her breath as she stared at his face.

Finally, she saw the face of the man who passionately loved her body in her dreams for four years.