
Chapter 7 "The hotel is on the central part of town, and

"You said room 1105 so that means judging on the layout of the hotel. Victor should be on the 11th floor, all the way to the top in a deluxe suite." Salem voiced.

Salem printed up a map copy and handed it to Venith. "Now it might be quite hard trying to get into that hotel especially all the way to the top. So you're going to have to figure out a way to get past guards, tech security, etc. All I'm saying is don't get caught."

"Wait are you gonna give us cool gadgets and stuff like spies do?" Zero said with enthusiasm lacing his voice. Venith started giggling at the deadpanned face Salem made.

"Do I look like a secret agent to you, I'm a scientist I don't make devices that break into stuff or anything else spy-related," Salem announced quite forwardly.

At this point, Venith was on the floor laughing at the interaction between the two. Zeek walked over to her trying to get Venith to stop laughing at his excitement.

Salem looked back towards the computer looking at the time. "Venith I believe it's time for you to go. It's 3:05." Venith had stopped her laughing fit and was now on the floor, she walked out over towards the computer, to see Salem was in fact right. "You're right we get going, Zeek," Venith said heading over to the door putting the raincoat in her backpack since she didn't need it at the moment.

"Wait is he kicking us out? It because you heard me call you short stack isn't it?" Zeek said in a matter a fact tone. Salem freezes losing his composure at Zeek's words, then calmly regaining his composure. Finally, readjusting his glasses. "𝙉𝙤, she simply has to leave because the guards come to check on us scientists. To make sure we didn't hurt ourselves with our experiments, but I'm kicking 𝙮𝙤𝙪 out for saying such names." Salem said now pushing Zeek out the door, Zeek got his things and stepped out the door.

Without looking up from his computer Salem spoke to Venith, "Dont forget to come back tomorrow, I have a test to run."

"Ok, bye Salem, love you buddy thanks for the help!" Venith waved as she hurried out the door and closed it behind her.


Venith and Zeek made their way to the parking lot. Since it stopped raining there was no need to have on their raincoats, so Venith made sure they were both in her backpack. Zeek got on the motorcycle and Venith on after. "Where are we off to boss?" Zeek said starting the bike up and pulling out the parking spot. "Well since you like spy gear so much, I got another friend we need to go visit."


After Venith gave Zeek directions they headed off, after a while when they made it closer to their destination Zeek had realized they weren't really in the nice part of town anymore. Though it didn't matter he kept going driving his bike through the streets some kids stopping their activities to look at the newcomers.

Zeek had made it to their destination pulling into an apartment complex, stopping in front of a somewhat loud apartment building. It didn't look the cleanest on the outside but it was what it was.

Zeek had parked his bike in the apartment lot it was kinda run down. There was litter all over the lot.

It was a lot of children running around the whole complex as the two could see. One of the kids caught sight of Venith running away from his small playgroup. As Venith and Zeek got off the bike the small tan boy made his way behind the two teens.

He suddenly hugged around Venith's legs. "Hey, V I missed you!" The little boy said stumbling over his words. Venith gasped a bit, not expecting a small child's arms to be around her legs. While Zeek just looked a bit surprised as he was putting up the bike helmets.

She smiled, turned around, and scooped up the child in her arm, holding him on her hip. "Hey, Carl how you been I haven't seen you in a while." She said excitedly spinning him around a bit. "Who's that?" Carlos said pointing at Zeek. "This is my friend Zeek y'know the really cool man with long hair I told you stories about."

Zeek had a sheepish smile on his face his hand rubbing the back of his neck with a small blush on his face. He didn't think that Venith had told anyone about him, and the fact Venith had called him cool made him smile.

"Wow, you look like a superhero." The kid said starry-eyed looking at Zeek.

"Aww well I'm flattered little buddy it's nice to meet you." He bent down a bit to meet the child's face patting his head.

"Ok, Carl show me where your mommy is I need to speak to her about 'superhero business'." Carlos gasped and ran off Venith had taken off behind him so did Zeek having no choice but to follow. They followed him behind the apartment building to see a lot of busy people. So with food in their hands some dancing to music, some caring part of machinery and more. The boy slowed down now walking to women a bit taller than Venith but still shorter than Zeek she was tan just like the small boy with beautiful long straight brown hair. Wearing baggy jeans and a yellow flower blouse.

Her hands were on her hips as she looked to be yelling out orders in Spanish.

Carlos grabbed Venith and Zeek's hand leading them to the women.

"Mommy mommy, look who I found." She turned her eyes to the child then looked to behind him. She noticed Venith and her eyes lit up immediately. Sprinting over to hug her.

"Venith where have you been I haven't seen you in a while preciosa!"

she said hugging the life out of Venith.

"Well I came here to tell you I got a lead and I'm going to need your help with a few things."


A hiding place; a place of safety of comfort.