
It's u

Stephanie_Bonsu · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

Follow me Jay's pov

Today might be the best day of my life at work. "And who the fuck was she with after work.'

"I'm going to find out tomorrow" I said to myself as I entered the mansion.

"You're probably going to kill that person tomorrow" Chris voice interrupted my thoughts

"Is it the girl from the park?"

"Yeah. It turns out she's the new sound engineer"


"You know what, why don't you invite her for dinner tomorrow, I want to meet this girl who has changed my heatless brother"

"I don't think that's a good idea Chris"

"Just ask her"

"Alright, if you say so" I said as I tapped his shoulder and headed to my bedroom.

I decided to call Hailee this time after taking a shower but she never picked up. I tried two times again and she still didn't pick up.

Okay let me try one last time. I thought

And this time it was actually off.

I'm sure she deliberately did that and for some reason it really hurts and made me really angry.

 I woke up early this morning. And as usual breakfast was already served.

"Good morning" Chris greeted as he joined me


"You're up early today"

"Yeah I have some things to take care of at the Royals"

"You mean you want to find out who your girl was with yesterday" Chris teased making my shake my head.

" I'll see you after work okay"

"Yeah whatever. Bye lover boy"

I didn't take the private elevator this time and as soon as I stepped in the reception area all eyes were on me and I didn't care since that's what happens every where I go.

"What's he doing here?"

"Is someone in trouble?"

"Oh God he's so hot"

I heard people whispering among themselves. Ignoring all of them, I walked straight to Hailee's desk when I got the fifth floor.

"Follow me" I said and turned to look at the guy sitting beside her before turning to leave not even bothered about what that workers were saying.

 Hailee's pov

 I went to work feeling a little guilty about last night. I wasn't able to talk to Jay. He might be thinking I don't want to talk to him anymore because he's my boss now.

I switched on my phone to check if I had any notification.

"What the heck!!" I shouted and suddenly covered my mouth with my hands realizing I wasn't the only person around.

"Sorry" I whispered to my other colleagues.

"Hey" Josh greeted as he sat on a chair beside me

"Hey" I replied still concentrated on my phone.

"How was your..... wait, is that Mr. Scott?"

"His last statement made me look up abruptly. I'm sure I'll probably get a head ache for that.

"Where's is he going?"

"I think he's coming over here" Josh added more or like to himself.

I sat there eyes glued to him. I was just so shocked I forgot to breathe for a second.

"Follow me" he ushered as soon he got to my desk and gave Josh a very dangerous look before turning to leave.

Josh and I gave each other a surprise look before following him.

I hope you guys are enjoying it.

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Love y'all

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