
Chapter 18: Strange Satisfaction

After the short feast, we had some talks here and there with grandpa Sylv leading the conversation, asking us for our opinions and impressions about the institute so far.

After a while, the bell rang once again, prompting us to return for our classes. We said our good byes with grandpa, but not before him suggesting to do it again the next day.

Well, I can't really say no to him, besides, I think I at least owe that much, and Aia is pretty eager too, so that's another reason that I didn't refuse or better say, I couldn't.

After two hours of the class, Life Lessons and Commodities.

To put it bluntly, it just taught us some of the everyday knowledge that we need to at least get a grasp on.

Just some basic mathematics, which made me lament for not being born here earlier before I entered highschool and suffered for all those years...

(Anime tears gushing out of my eyes with the force of a broken dam...)

Anyway, scratch the trashy thoughts and let them burn in the Hell side of my brain.

Just like I have said, just some of the most important things that we need to at least function in the society with no barriers of some sort.

After that, a staff entered and informed us to move to the training facilities for our combat class, to the delight of the battle maniacs.

We followed the staff and led us into separate rooms, separated from the girls to change in our P.E uniform. Wait, I can call that, right? Yeah, I'll it that and no one's stopping me.

Oh, right. I have to say this now before I completely forget about it, again.

In our class, there are twelve males and thirteen females.

Namely for the males, there's me, Aultrec, Clarret, Igris, Tigris, Aia, Akaia(Kai), the one from the demon continent, another one from the human continent, and three locals, two nobles and one commoner, a son of an adventurer.

I don't know them yet, not even their names, I think I'll try to acquaint myself later? Wait... That's a strange thought.

For all I remember, just some days ago I'm still an introvert, a loner... Huh.

I changed too fast didn't I?

But then again, I only met good and likeable people thus far, and no douchebags or those young master types yet.

Guess I can consider myself lucky for getting to know such group!

Anyway, let's continue.

For the females, there's Reah, Iris, Eleniea, two of the demon continent, two of the human continent, and five locals. Three are noble daughters, and two are daughters of some adventurers, and one daughter of a merchant.

So there are twenty-five students in our class.

We moved outside after changing and met with the girls as the staff gave us some brief explanations for the class.

So basically, the combat classes are shared between two classes.

And in this class, it will be the us, S-class along with the A-class. This arrangement will continue for a week.

After that, the staff also informed us about the instructors. Apparently, both of them are famous adventurers hired especially for this whole class year.

And I really have no idea who those two will be. After all, I have only heard some handful of names while I wander in the busy street of the capital, and I even forgot what those names are, so whatever.

Oh! And in case you are wondering, the girls' outfit is similar to ours, just... hm, more sexy? Fitting? The type that clings tightly to the body, greatly accentuating their curves, kinda thing.

That made sense, right? Meh~. Details.

We reached our venue and the students from A-class is already there, waiting along with two other people in light armors.

All of them looked at our, having different intents in their gazes.

Most of them are that of curiosity, amazement, respect, and one that makes me want to go on a rampage immediately and gouge every one of those eyes as they looked at my female classmates, lust.

Looking around me, it seems that I'm not the only who have noticed the gazes, specifically coming from a group of males, looking no different from typical douchebags.

All of my male classmates have displeased expressions on their faces, especially ones from the representatives.

Before the atmosphere get more ugly, seemingly wanted to diffuse the hostility in the training ground, the two adventurers/instructors finally spoke up.

"Alright, you lots. Stop with the death stares and listen up."

One of the instructor, a gruff looking adventurer with muscles all over his body, wearing a black colored light armor, and with a massive broad sword on his back said, gathering all of our attentions.

"First of all. We are going to clear things here and now, and no point in arguing with whatever we say later. Here, as long as you are in this class session, no matter your status is, we don't care."

The other one, a lean looking adventurer with a strong poise, white and grey light armor, and a spear on his back said in a harsh tone, with his eyes scanning everyone in the training ground.

"We won't show any mercy when training you. We'll work you to the bones until all of you are worse for ware. After all, real battles are like that. Magic beasts won't let you have the time to prepare, they will use every opportunity they see to attack, and that's the same to all of the humanoid races, no exceptions. You will get hurt, injured, exhausted, and can even become cripple for all we care."

The gruff looking adventurer said with a smirk on his face.

Well, these two guys are just harsh. But they aren't wrong in everything they have said either, not a tiny bit wrong.

Magic beasts are all feral, they're dangerous, and brutal.

And all humanoids are opportunistic, getting all the advantages they can get, and even backstabb you if they have to, just for their own gain.

So, harsh may it be, they are right.

"You're injured and had a big boo-boo, and you say that your dad is a noble? Hah! So what?! We don't care! We'll even kick further if you do! Try and threaten us and tell your daddy we were maltreating you?! Ask them to send a whole army for all we care! We have the permission and receive orders directly from the council, and the same goes for the representatives' guardians and respective parents, so whatever we do, as long as it doesn't kill you... Hehehe. We get off scotch free."

He said with his voice raising every time he speaks, as a sadistic grin appeared on his lips.

The whole of the two classes began to stir, as complaints between themselves are thrown around.

This is even more so for the the other class, with all those noble douchebags clenching their Jaws with their eyes bloodshot, glaring intently at the two instructors but were paid no heed. Treated like annoying flies, and even waved their hands in front of them in a shooing gesture which made the assholes fume even more.

Seeing this spectacle, I couldn't help myself but smirk in satisfaction, and I'm not the only one.

The others even snorted audibly, enough for all people in the training ground to hear, much to the shame of all those idiots.

"And just so you know, and for the sake of respect for the royals in this training ground, both of us are S-ranked adventurers. We might not be that well-known in the your social circle, but we assure you... only a handful of adventurers or powerhouses can best us in this empire."

The gruff looking adventurer added with a wide grin across his face.

"Just like what he said, for the sake of courtesy, we will introduce ourselves."

"The name's Hogan, titled as Beheader."

"And my name's Aaron. Gentle sounding name, yes? But do note that I'm titled Spear of Carnage, and I assure what this title mean ain't gentle at all."

He said with his sadistic grin that I bet his own trademark.

"So. Hehehe. Move to the sides over those platforms and we'll begin immediately!"

The gruff looking adventurer, Hagon, shouted in a commanding tone.

Welp, can't really defy them at this point so we could only comply, much to the chagrin of the prideful nobles.


"Alright! This day we'll begin with the sparring. Now who have the guts to come on up?!"

Shouted Hagon as he stood in the slightly raised platform in the middle of the training ground.

"Heh. Don't mind if I do. I'll show you ingrates what a true power is like!"

A dumb looking noble with a sh*t eating grin, squinty eyes and a really punchable face said as he haughtily jumped up on the platform and looked down upon the other students who only looked at him with half lidded eyes.

Seeing this, Hagon snorted and looked towards the rest.

"Alright, now who can do the honours and show this mutt what sh*t he is like?"

"What did you say?! Do you know who I am?!"

The douche shouted in Hagon's remarks as he pointed his finger while trembling in rage.

"Heh! Who cares who you are! And you're pretty dumb as we already clearly said earlier that we. don't. care!"

Hagon shouted back on the face of the bastard.

Heh, now I'm starting to like this guy.

"You... Y-ou...!"

"Cut the sh*t. Now who wants to show this piece of sh*t what's the difference between high and low?"

Welp. Don't mind if I do. Might as well vent my frustration on him. Besides, his eyes were one of the most lustful ones earlier...

The others were about to walk up, but I beat them to it as I straight out jumped up to the platform from where I was standing.

"I apologize, everyone. I just can't hold myself any longer and wants to try out my hand."

I said as I faced them.

"Haha. No need for the apologies, brother-in-law. Just humiliate that dreg for us too."

"Hehe. Yup, even though I really want to rip its head off its neck, I'll leave it to you this time."

Aultrec and Clarret said as the others only nodded even though there are clear dissatisfactions written across their faces.

Heh. Clarret even outright referred the bastard as an "it", already considering him as an animal.

"Mm. I won't disappoint you."

I said with a light bow and looked towards the bastard.

He still have his dirty looks and a sneer on his face.

"Hah! Big word! What can you do? Oh, wait. Can you even do anything, eh? Boy toy? *Snort! *"

He said and snorted.

Now I can't wait to punch his face until it caves in... After all, hehehe... He said as long as no one dies...

I thought with an eerie smirk flashed on my lips but it disappeared instantly as it came.

"What~?! Can't talk already? Do you have a cold feet? Why aren't you answering?! Huh! So much for all those words you said earlier!"

Heh~. Just continue, you won't be standing for long... Or will ever be.

"Alright! You may now begin!"

"Now worm! I'll let you be the one to make the first attack! Hah!"

Hehehe... You're dead meat.

"Huh. If you say so, but don't regret it. Oh, right. You will be, actually. For what I'm about to do..."

I said slowly as I stepped forward and paused,

"You'll not be forgetting it for the rest of your life."

"You dare threaten me! You bug! Let me show you what I'm about to do with you and after that!"

He furiously shouted and began sprinting towards me.

"Heh. Too late."

I said and raised my right hand as five marble sized flames manifested.

"Hahahaha! You're telling me you're using that against me you trash?! Can't you do any better?! Now let me show what a really fire attack is! [Fireball!"

He laughed loudly and casted his spell.

But just from the feeling I get from it... It's too weak.

The fireball shot towards me, but it's too slow and I only tilted to my side.

"Y-you f*ck! How dare you dodge?!"

"Heh~. You're pretty dumb, aren't you. But let me get started. First, for trashes like you, you won't need that mouth of yours that can only spout sh*t."

I emotionlessly said and flicked my finger, letting one of the marble sized flame from the tip of my thumb shot out with the speed faster than a bullet.


" Aarrrghhh!"

A small explosion occurred when the flame bullet came into contact with the douchebag's face that didn't even have the time to react and only gave out an ugly wail as he was blasted of his feet.

"Arrrghh! Aahhhh! Arrgghh!"

He continued to writhe in pain as he squirmed on the floor while clutching his face, but I don't care about what he feels even a tiny bit.

Honestly, I don't even feel anything right now, not even pity.

And the closest feeling that I'm getting is disgust. Disgust for such a filth existing in this world.

I walked forward with slow steps with my arm still raised with the remaining four flame bullets still furiously spinning on top of my finger tips.

"Second, for dregs like you. You won't be needing those feet of yours either. Who knows what may happen if you continue to run around so freely any longer?"

I said and flicked two of my fingers and two flame bullets shot out towards the bastards legs, exploding upon contact and leaving them mangled and twisted beyond repair.

I continued. Besides, even the two instructors are just contentedly watching with wide smirks on their faces.

Seems like we have the same opinions about people like this.

I paused for a moment as a sudden thought came to my mind.

"Hm. I was actually planning on shooting the last two flame bullets to both of your hands or your eyes, but I changed my mind."

I said which made the people around look at me in surprise and curiosity, with the other douchebags shivering.

"'Cause I have a better idea. Now, you won't be needing both of your hands and definitely not your eyes too, but I will show you a bit of mercy. I'll only destroy one of them and let your eyes alone, here go."

A flame bullet shot out and exploded on the bastards right hand, leaving them in the same state as his legs.

The bastard continued screaming like the pig that he is as he thrashed on the floor as best as he could with his condition.

"Aatrrggghhh! Arrrrrgghgg! Ahhh! Aarrgggh!"

I'm actually surprised. It wasn't in my expectation for him to last this long and not passing out.

"Now then. This last flame bullet's purpose is kinda important. For trashes such as you, the world has no need of any more of your kind roaming around, so..."

I flicked the last flame bullet as it shot out to the douche's crotch and exploding spectacularly which made the on lookers gasp. Surprise? Disbelief? For what exact reason? I don't care.

"You won't be needing that either. After all, with such a bastard like you, who knows what way you'll use to still satisfy your lust. Besides, we don't want any of your filthy spawn running around, now do we?"

I said as I gave a final look at the now stilled bastard, but I knew he's only passed out and not dead yet. Besides, that will only letting him off lightly, he needs to suffer for it.

I turned around and looked towards the others.

Contrary to my expectations, all of them have satisfied expressions, not repulsed nor scared.

Though the rest of the females in my class do seem a bit shaken, but most of the apparent feeling I'm getting from them is satisfaction as well as disgust, but not towards me, but to the dreg that have been reduced to a mangled mess.

And surprisingly, it isn't only the females from my class, even the ones from the A-class gives off the same feeling.

'Huh. Guess even they couldn't stand that guy.'

I thought amusedly in my mind and gave a look towards the other douchebags which made them shiver than they already are.

Satisfied, I walked down the platform and returned to my earlier place, beside Reah.

She immediately greeted me with a smile and held onto my arm.

I couldn't help myself butsmile by this action.

"You did a great job, brother-in-law. A great job in deed."

Aultrec said with a satisfied tone as he looked at me with a grin.

I only returned him a smile and a nod as Clarret spoke up next.

"That right! Though I really would have preferred it by just killing him."

He said, but I only shook my head.

"I would have too. But for trashes like him, that will only letting him off lightly."

"Hahaha! Good thinking!"

"I agree!"

Clarret suddenly laughed out loud followed by Igris.

"I gotta say, it isn't a nice sight. But I approve on what you have done, Kross. People like him deserves it."

Aia said as he offered his smile and gave a light pat on my shoulder, I returned him a nod.

The others also gave their opinions while the rest of them just nodded in agreement.

Though the girls looked more than happy with the outcome.

Guess it's a relief for them that the institute have one less douchebag such as that bastard.

"Alright! Hahaha! That was a great sight but really ugly at the same time! Now let's move on and continue with the sparring! But first, let's go and use the other stage. That trash is too ugly for my eye that dog sh*t looks more beautiful."


Aaron said with distaste which earned him a few chuckles and giggles from the students and a loud laughter out of Hagon as he led us to another platform just like the one from earlier as the staff entered along with some people and "recovered" the "body" of the douche.


[Author's rants: Yooohhh!!!

Hope ya guys liked what I did to that bastard!

Hah! That's just the first shot and there'll be more satisfying face slapping in the future so just wait~! 😆😜😈]

Point out the errors... ^_^

DareMeNotcreators' thoughts