

"In the end, she ran away." I said sadly, my head resting on my palm and my gaze outside the window.

"Dude… that sounds so make-believe." My best friend Kim Min-ju said. He sat next to me as I looked out the window. Even then, I could see a faint reflection of him writing down a note. His slender frame was furiously jotting down whatever that was as if his life depended on it.

He was an average seventeen year old with a very tiny physique and dark black hair which was usually unkempt. Min-ju was a very quiet and shy kid who always stuck with me since we were kids. Not very handsome, but quick on his feet and very intelligent. Second in our entire grade academically and a certified geek. If it weren't for the fact that he had parents I was certain that he would have never left the comforts of his room.

"So? You don't believe me? I even got this watch of hers or at least I found it where she was."

I raised up the silver pocket watch I managed to find on the ground. It felt cold, which was expected and had a very weird symbol carved out on it. I tried to flip it open, but it just wouldn't, which was a bit annoying. I had been trying ever since I found it and each time I did, I'd just hear a weird click from it.

"I do, but still. There were better ways you could have made her avoid that suicide, you know? Now if she sees you somewhere she'll just call you a pervert."

"Eh? What are you talking about? I just wanted to have sex with her really bad. If you had seen her you would understand."

I defended. To be honest, it wasn't nice being one of the few virgins in the class. Especially when I was the most handsome in the class, although no one other than Min-ju would admit that.

"Ah… I'm not even going to try with you. With your looks alone you could have gotten her, but your attitude is all off. You won't get any other friends like that."

"Why would I want any more friends when I got you? I'm quite comfortable being alone, with a girlfriend and one male friend in case I need to sacrifice him."

"Typical. Anyway did you hear about it?"

He completely changed the topic and took out his phone.

"About what?"

"You know, the meteor shower that's happening today."

"Huh? Since when were you interested in this kind of stuff?"

"Since a female friend from Disboat introduced me."

"Tch, simp."

"Yeah, so I don't want to miss out on it. So let's go see it after school. She said she'd be there."

He ignored me.

"No way. After school I'm going to look for that mystery girl. She was wearing our middle school uniform so I can narrow down the search."

"Come on Sung-ho, something like this is a once in a life time opportunity man!"

"Then go with your girlfriend."

"I don't have one though."

"Exactly, so following you to this meteor shower isn't the way to lose my virginity."


The teacher smacked the podium hard, suddenly reminding me that I was currently in my History class with the grumpiest of teachers, The Snake. We called him the snake because of his slim structure and the cold glare he was always giving.

"Students Kwon Sung-ho and Kim Min-ju! It would seem that you are having a lot of fun. Would you care to tell us what you were talking about?"

The teacher called us out. I looked up and noticed him glaring at us, but I couldn't care less.

"No Teacher!"

I responded.

"What do you mean 'No Teacher'?"

This seemed to have ticked him off though.

"I mean it would be better for everyone here if we kept our conversation between us."

I could hear the other students mumbling amongst themselves.

"Hey, isn't that the Dark King?"

A girl said.

"The Snake called out the Dark King."

Another whispered to her friend.

"Ou, will we see a showdown between the Dark King and the Snake?"

This time it was from a guy. One of the cool kids as they were grouped.

'Tch, mind your own businesses.'

"Excuse me?"

The Snake asked in a low growl.

"Teacher! Um… Sung-ho is very confused at the moment, so please forgive his... um-"

Min-ju tried to persuade the teacher, but he was cut off.

"Detention after school! Both of you! Don't be late."


"No buts! Unless you want to get suspended."


After class, The Snake ordered us to go wait for him at the reception room, that he needed to do something. That almost made me laugh, thinking of how I could have easily ran off to go search for the girl but Min-ju convinced me not to.

That was why at this very moment we sat, facing the receptionist who was handling a phone call.

"Min-ju. Are you still angry about before?"

"Naw. I'm just thinking of a way to sneak out of here."

"As expected. Any ideas?"


"Thirty minutes after the detention has started, I'll make an idiot out of myself, claiming to have diarrhea and use that to go to the washroom. While there, I'll use one of the windows to escape and go meet up with the girl. What do you think?"

"Huh… Nice plan."

I gave him my thumbs of approval.

"Sssh. No talking in the reception room."

The receptionist cautioned and we both shut up. Out of boredom, my eyes trailed around.

I glanced at the person who sat next to me. He didn't look any taller than me, probably a six feet, he wore the school's uniform, had dark unkempt hair with silver blue eyes and a robust physique. He had a bleeding lip and his uniform was dirty, which meant he was probably engaged in a fight. My eye caught his eye, none of us looking away.

"What are you looking at?"

I asked

"Your stupid face. What about you?"

He replied with his deep base. At this point I could feel a vein pop, but he wasn't worth my time. I looked away and leaned back in my chair.

"Aren't you going to show the kid, who is boss?"

Min-ju asked.

'Ah… but this guy. Why would you expect me to retaliate such a childish response?'

"Don't ask of something so unorthodox from me."

I'd rather come up with ways to get laid than to get taunted by my junior.

The door to the room opened up and The Snake walked in with his briefcase, and a girl following behind him.

The girl wore tight jean trousers with some dark purple sneakers and matching hoodie with a cat drawn on it. Her hood was over her head, and a nose mask was up, hiding most of her face so I couldn't get a really good look at her. She must have noticed my gaze because she quickly turned her head the other direction.


"Alright students, stand up and let's go."

He said, then glared at me. I shrugged and followed after him. While walking out, I noticed the receptionist looking my direction, so I winked at her, but she looked away, her face red. I grinned as I walked towards her desk, but then Min-ju grabbed me.

Normally, I wouldn't have budged for him, but then the first year shrimp from before came in front of me, glaring at me.

I was starting to get angry. I didn't know who he was, neither did I like his attitude at all.

"Oi, brat. Who the hell are you?"

I asked in a low voice.

"You don't need to know that. However I suggest you get out of my way."

He said. Not wanting to create a scene, I took a step to the left, but then he came in front of me.


"Sorry, but you are in my way."

Was this kid intentionally trying to make me beat him up?

"Oi kid, I don't know what your problem is, but could you kindly get out of my way?"

"Or else what? You're gonna beat me? I've heard stories about you. The Dark King Kwon Sung-ho"

Another one of these punks. Honestly it was starting to get tiring. They made me out like the demon lord who keeps on receiving wannabe heroes to fight.

"Hey, you two. What are you doing over there? I told you to follow me."

The Snake called us out. I sighed then turned around to follow Min-ju.

"I got a piece of advice for you kid. Don't bother me and you'll have a nice stay at school. If you do, well you'll regret it."


"Psst. Hey."

I called out to the girl in the hoodie, but she completely ignored me. I then looked at Min-ju who was playing with his phone. That reminded me of the fact that I needed to tell Bong-Cha that I wouldn't be coming home anytime soon.

I picked up my phone and dialed in her number. I waited for the call to go through and then she picked up.

Bong-Cha: Hello?

Sung-ho: Bon-bon, it's me.

Bong-Cha: Bon-bon?

'Wait… this voice. This isn't Bong-Cha's voice. Maybe one of her friends? In that case, I shouldn't use her nickname… but then, as revenge for waking me up at 4.'

Sung-ho: Excuse me, who is this?

Bong-Cha: This is Kwon Bong-Cha's friend. Who are you?

Sung-ho: Oh, my name is Sung-ho. I'm Bon-bon's older brother. Is she around?

Bong-Cha: Hey Bong-Cha. Your brother is on the line. HUH?! Oppa? Bon-bon?

I could hear multiple voices, which meant it was more than one friend. Well that was enough messing with her.

Bong-Cha: Oppa. Why are you calling me?

Sung-ho: Oh sorry, I just wanted to let you know that I won't be back home till late this evening.

Bong-Cha: Tch, i didn't need to know that! Go get a girlfriend or something you lonely bastard.

Sung-ho: Bon-bon that was a low blow.

Bong-Cha: I couldn't care less. Ugh, oh the girls are sleeping over tonight.

Sung-ho: Huh? Why didn't you tell me?

Bong-Cha: I don't need your permission for things like this.

Sung-ho: Yes you do. I'm supposed to meet these "Friends" of yours first so I know they are good people.

Bong-Cha: Ah well, I guess you are going to have to deal with it, because they are already here and their parents aren't coming back for them till tomorrow.

Sung-ho: Hmmm, keep them out of my room then.

Bong-Cha: Hey girls, do you want to check out my brother's room?

Sung-ho: Hey!

Bong-Cha: Yes! There you have it. The girls have spoken. Don't worry, we will only peek at a few of your porn mags.

She cut the call and I stared at my phone. I let out a sigh and shoved it into my pockets.

"Your sister alright?"

Min-ju asked. I nodded to answer him, then we kept on walking in silence.

The teacher led us to one of the third year classes on the second floor. He slid open the doors, leading us into the class. Inside, I saw a bunch of students sitting around and chatting in groups. At the front was the bully gang and at the back were the strays who just made one or two mistakes. In all, I counted 11 students other than us newcomers.

As soon as they saw the teacher they all separated and went to sit behind individual desks.

"Go take your seats."

The teacher ordered and the girl in hoodie went straight to the corner of the class.

"Hey Min-ju. Do you know that girl?"

"Hmm? Which girl?"

I stared at her so he could follow, but he shook his head.

"Nah. Never seen her before. Why? Are you interested?"

"To be honest, yes."

I responded.

"Take. Your. Seats."

The Snake's voice came again, this time very serious and threatening. We decided to take our seats at the front, real close to the Snake, so he could monitor Min-ju very well and see him acting to be sick the entire time.

It had been 30 minutes since detention started and honestly, detention was very boring. I was glad Min-ju was going to do something.

He lifted his hand up to get the Snake's attention. The teacher however was not interested.

"Put your hand down."

"But sir…"

"Put your hand down Min-ju."

He shot him down, but Min-ju was not going to give up so easily.

"Teacher. My stomach can't."

He got up from his seat and walked towards the teacher's table, holding his stomach and wincing like he was in intense pain.

"Huh? Min-ju. I thought I told you to si-"

Min-ju moved closer to the teacher till their faces were a few inches apart.

"But teacher. I've had this really bad case of diarrhea since morning. I've tried to hold it in since after school, because I thought this would have been over real soon. But this is hell!"

"Hehe, teacher I think you should let the potty boy go do his business."

The local bully Park Chul shouted with his deep voice and his supporters followed after.

"Yeah, we wouldn't want him to dirty his butt over here!"

"Honestly teacher! Let him out before he disgraces himself any further."

From the corner of my eye, I could see him with his feet on the desk and his uniform loose, trying to look like a thug. I sent a warning glare to him and when he caught it, he sat back down and looked away.