
It's Okay To Take My Waifus To The Dungeon

Cassandra Cain (Batgirl), Noriko Iwakari (Repeater), Julia Jacoby (Exalted versus World of Darkness), and Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail) go to the Danmachi universe, plus a guy you don't care about but gets to dick them all. (Content Note: There is no NTR in this story. One of the characters in the story has virtually no verbal filter and a wide variety of fetishes, so she mentions NTR at various points, but she will never have sex with a man other than the protagonist.)

chastityqm · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
114 Chs

Chapter 8

The girl whose name Ryu didn't know leaned against the wall next to her, both of them spattered in colored paint. Ryu had not used her magic this time, and had 'lost' her legs in the midst of the spar to the 'grenades' that the girl whose name Ryu didn't know used, but managed nevertheless to take down the trio while relying only on her arms and upper body. Erza and Cass had gone to bathe away the aches of battle, since they had suffered greater 'injuries' than the girl whose name Ryu didn't know or Ryu herself. It was Ryu who spoke first. "I apologize. I did not ask as I thought that I had merely missed it, but as time goes on the problem becomes only more awkward. What is your name?"

The girl laughed at that. "I don't have one, but you can call me The Prettiest Princess."

"You do not have a name?"

"I lost it in the wash, like one of a pair of socks disappearing," the girl said, shrugging her shoulders noncommittally. Ryu stared at her in silence for a moment, but the girl spoke before she could. "Can I tell you a story about myself? I'll have to obscure the details, but it will get at the truth of it. It's really personal, so you might feel inclined to reciprocate, and that's why I want to tell you it."

Ryu nodded. She was curious what the story might be.

"I was out on the streets, you know, just minding my own business. A man came at me, with a weapon, intending to rape me and/or worse," she spoke with a calm voice, unencumbered by any trauma about the event. "This was before I had my falna, so I was just a girl. I took his weapon from him, and killed him with it. Up until that moment, I had been... powerless. In that moment, I had power, and it felt good. The man had been a member of a gang that had been... harassing my family," she explained further. "I went out again, and found another member of his gang, lured him alone... and killed him. I did it again, and again. Six kills, total. Nothing compared to you, and I started later, too."

Ryu frowned slightly at that. There was no reason to compare that sort of thing, that way. "It isn't a competition."

"Mm," the girl hummed, smiling as she did. "But that's not the story I want to tell you, that's just the backstory. After their sixth dead, they went to get someone else, more powerful to protect them."

"A familia," Ryu hazarded as a guess.

The girl simply shrugged. "I'm changing details," she demurred. "I was captured, taken to an isolated spot." Her lips curled into a wild smile, utterly at odds with the words she was saying. "I was tortured. Fingernails plucked out," she said, holding up her hands as if in demonstration, though her dark gold painted nails looked lovely. "Beaten. It was hard to breathe." Ryu felt some phantom sensation run down her spine at memories of her own near-death experience. "Hard to move. Well, I was tied up, but you know. Teeth knocked out," she added, smiling with all her white teeth in view as if to reassure Ryu.

Ryu did not get the impression that this was a mere story, despite the way that the girl seemed to move to emphasize the contradiction between her grievous injuries and her current good health. Presumably she had had the chance to convalesce from that experience. Perhaps her teeth were even fake, or taken from a dead body. It was not impossible. She mutely nodded.

"When I laid there dying, I remember thinking... I'd won. I had killed six of them. They could only kill one of me," she explained, smiling. "I didn't regret it all, even knowing that I was going to die there. I felt triumphant." Her breath became hot in the air, her body leaning forward, a certain wildness to her eyes. "I wanted to know, Ryu. When you laid there, believing you were going to die... did you regret it?"

Ryu blinked at that. This was the question she wanted in exchange for her story, she realized. She turned away from the girl, taking a long few seconds to remember how she felt then. The darkness that coiled around her heart, taking away all the rage and the fury and leaving nothing behind. She remembered not remembering, all the beauty that had driven her to that having vanished, her friends' faces turned cold and grey and empty. "It... didn't feel good."

"Feeling good is a different thing," the girl replied. "I know you didn't feel good, or you wouldn't be where you are today. I asked if you regretted it."

Ryu stared off again. Did she... regret it? Her memories of that time were like a thick black fog, so tough and dense that it was like swimming. She breathed through her nose. "I..." the people she had killed deserved it, of that, she had no doubt. They were Evilus familia members. She had had nothing else at that point, no familia, her friends lost. The emptiness that followed that moment was a darkening of the emptiness that had preceded it, not a product of that choice in particular. It was a product of finally looking away from the task before her and seeing the nothingness that remained of her life. "Don't think I did," she admitted.

"You're very pretty when you smile," the girl said, smiling warmly. Ryu brought one hand up to her face, gently brushing across her cheek, feeling the way her cheek faintly dimpled. "I hope Syr won't be too mad at me for asking that question," she said, grinning and hopping up to her feet. "Let's both get ourselves cleaned up."

* * *

Of course, the girl without a name wasn't going to be let off scot free for her latest killing, she knew that when she did it. Once they had rolled around and around on the subject, gathering up the evidence necessary to pinpoint her as the culprit, the Ganesha familia had dragged her out to discuss the matter. Bete had been the one sent to pick her up from the bathhouse itself, and she had briefly enjoyed toying with him by pretending not to understand that she needed to get properly dressed before gallivanting across the city. However, this was an entirely justified killing, so she wasn't too concerned. He had kidnapped her mother to rape her; then he had tried to rape the girl without a name; and then he had been shot in the head. She had even mentioned to him that what he was doing was rape, just in case he perhaps had failed to connect those dots. He had just gone back to the old thing of 'I'm powerful, so I can do what I want.'

He couldn't do what he wanted any longer, now could he? She grinned at that thought.

"The fuck're you smiling about?" Bete asked her. "You know you're in trouble, right?"

"I, a member of the Loki familia, was protecting myself from being raped by a criminal pretending to be an employee of... oh, I'm already bored," she said, letting out a long-suffering sigh. It wasn't like she cared what Bete thought of her. If Drake ever let him rape her, it might be funner if he hated her. Other than that, his opinion didn't matter. "Anyway, I was smiling because I was remembering his last words. Nobody in Orario will risk," she repeated.

"Risk what?"

"I never found out, because that's when I blew a hole in his skull. I think it's pretty clear that at least one person in Orario 'will risk,' though, which is what's so amusing to me," she finished with a broad smile.

Bete just grunted, letting their conversation end there.

* * *

"I am Ganesha!" The elephant-mask wearing god said, posing as he spoke.

"I'm aware," the girl without a name said, smiling in silence as her gaze flicked from the man in question over to his captain. The woman who had been on site when she had killed Ted. "Are you the captain of the Ganesha familia?"

"Yes. We need to ask you some questions to round out our investigation." Hmm. Was this the interrogation technique where you pretended to be on the suspect's side, or was she genuinely done? "You killed Ted."

"Killed? Gasp? Who?" Bete snorted, earning a sour look from Shakti. Why was he here? Shouldn't he be away? Or perhaps he was like her attorney?

"He was pretending to be Terry Cervantes, but you wrote this, didn't you?" Shakti prompted, putting a piece of paper down on the table in front of her.

"It does look like my handwriting," she demurred.

"The testimony of his various... women."

"Rape victims," the girl without a name corrected. "They were his rape victims. He enslaved and raped them."

"Slavery isn't a crime, and a man-"

"A man can rape his slaves legally, but that doesn't make them not rape victims," the girl without a name said. "I'm just glad I wasn't one of his victims... I'm saving myself for goshujinsama."

"You've been married like a fucking month. I can barely go to sleep with how loud you are," Bete half-snarled out.

The girl without a name blinked at him guilelessly. "Ah, you're listening to me as my goshujinsama does to me whatever he wishes-"

"Stop talking about your sex life!" Shakti interrupted, slamming a fist down against the table. The girl without a name was a little annoyed - she was going to make a comment about Bete stroking his tiny cock. That would be pretty fun to see his reaction to.

"Oh. Well, if we're not going to talk about my sex life, then I'm not sure what we're here for, since the only reason that I shot Ted in the head is that he was about to rape me, which is related to my sex life too. I even told him that it was a crime, to rape women! And I wasn't his sex slave, since I'd gone there to free my mother, and couldn't be sold off to Terry Cervantes to become his slave, since I'm a member of the Loki familia and could only be sold off with the approval of Loki."

Shakti's gaze wandered over to Ganesha. "I am Ganesha!" He said. "She is telling the truth."

"To be clear - he was about to..." Shakti trailed off.

"Rape me, yes!"

"And you didn't tell him anything to suggest it was consensual?"

"I asked if he'd let my mother go free, and he lied and said he would," she replied succinctly. "When I pointed out that rape was a crime, he told me not to worry about it, and that nobody in Orario would risk - well, I never found out what they wouldn't risk, I have to admit!" She smiled brightly. She really had shot him at exactly the perfect time for a dramatic story to tell again and again.

Shakti pressed one finger against her forehead, then glanced over at Ganesha. "I am Ganesha! She hasn't lied yet!"

"Why did you shoot him?"

"Because he was about to rape me."

"You obviously went there intending for a confrontation."

"Oh? How is it obvious?"

"You had a weapon! We couldn't recover it at the scene, but-" Shakti was interrupted by the appearance of an anti-materiel rifle in her hands, which she hefted up to show it off. "What is that?"

"A weapon. I don't need to carry anything special to shoot a would-be rapist in the head. If he had chosen not to rape me, I would have happily taken my mother away from there and left him in peace."

"I am Ganesha! That is a lie! She would not have done that."

"Oh. I guess I would have unhappily taken my mother away from there, then," the girl without a name corrected.

"That is the truth," Ganesha said, seeming to droop as he realized that his detected lie was completely meaningless.

"You are not the law here in Orario. It is not your place to-"

"I did not enforce the law. I defended myself from a would-be rapist. Every free person has such a right, surely?"

Shakti's fingers curled into fists, then she simply scoffed. "Fine. I get it. You got justification to kill the man, and I can't say I don't sympathize with your motivations. But don't let me see you again."

"Ah? You want me to become invisible for the rest of my life? How will goshujinsama know which hole to put it in, then?"

"You know damn well what I mean!"

The girl without a name simply smiled placidly. She could hardly say that she wouldn't do it again, because she would do it - again and again, as many times as it took.

* * *

There's a sense of powerlessness that comes with... well... powerlessness. I really didn't like that emotion much at all. I'd had to swallow it back on Earth, but it was always petty things that nevertheless left me feeling upset and angry. When Julia went off on her own to do what she wanted, throwing herself into danger - well, that was one thing. That was her. I didn't feel powerless about that, it was her life to live the way she chose, and this was the way she chose. I didn't want to erase her or anything.

I did not like the Ganesha familia interrogating Julia without me present. I had been into watching police interrogation videos and analyses, and I would never have imagined that the Ganesha familia was any more earnest and honest than regular cops, about trying to drag something out of the person. If I had been there... I don't know. I probably would have just told her to stay quiet and tried to work out some deal where she'd offer testimony if any prosecution or punishment was taken off the table.

It seemed like interrogations were actually less thorough here, though. It wasn't that they were suddenly on your team, it's that they had a handful of key questions they wanted yes or no answers to, and if you could (honestly) give the correct answers, they'd basically leave you be. Julia's... Julia-ness, covered the rest of the journey to security through obscurity.

Julia wound up sucking me off, detecting my tension and trying to burn it off. I wasn't exactly all there, even with the black beauty sucking my dick like a wild woman, just slobbering all over it - it seemed like you could get used to everything, or else that anger wasn't really a conducive emotion to sex. A frantic facefuck later didn't seem to back that theory up, though.

I needed to get stronger, faster. Thus far, the Dungeon had been a theoretically-dangerous job. I had learned, by Julia's mother getting kidnapped to be raped, and Julia herself having to answer for shooting the rapist responsible in the head, that there were dangers outside of the Dungeon, as trite a statement as that seemed. The system by which I had gotten a small harem could let me add new girls to it, but the list was really damn restrictive - only six names in total, only one of which was in reach of my current point pool. Naturally, the weakest of the lot. The only way I could get more points was to seduce girls, which wasn't trivial by any means.

That resolution was what drove me to go see Loki once she was done, having eventually managed to come to the conclusion that that was the closest thing I had to any cards to play. "You can grope me all you want," I said, as I settled down on the edge of her bed. "I need my status updated, though." It had only been a few days since my last status update, but I wanted to feel like I had at least a little control.

"First off, I can grope you anytime I want," Loki said, even as her hands didn't even bother with my back and just slid around to feel up my bare pecs. I had a more swimmer physique than anything beefcake, but I was pretty fit, and she seemed to like it plenty enough. "Second off, you're in a shit mood."

"You sent Bitch off to get interrogated by the Ganesha familia on suspicion of murder."

"Can't you just say your own name and use that Favorable Inflection Procedure of yours?" She asked, her thumbs idly toying with my nipples.

"No," I said, resisting the urge to slap her hands away.

"Ah. Well, hey, turned out fine, as I knew it would. She was completely justified, even if everybody knows she went down there to get justification."

I don't grind my teeth when I'm angry. I just clench my fist and breathe through my nose as I try to resist the urge to just start yelling and hitting things and kicking things and ranting and all the other things. I didn't have anywhere to put this energy, or I gladly would have put it somewhere other than leaving myself on simmer.

Still, it was clear enough to Loki she wasn't calming anybody's nerves with those lines. She actually let her hands just calmly rest on my stomach for a long second, not even feeling up my abs as she did so. "Look, I sent Bete down with her. If she'd been gotten for something inappropriate, or they'd tried to punish her for protecting herself from some jackass wannabe rapist, he would've stepped in. Shakti's their strongest adventurer, and he'd be a match for her. Plus nobody gets in a fight right next to their god, but she'd use the guy as a lie detector, since that's about all he's good for."

My curiosity overtook my anger for a second. "Why don't they get into a fight next to their god?"

"Your falna is a divine blessing. If I keel over then you lose all those powers." I blinked at that. "So, not a good idea to get in a fight near your god, at least not if you're a rough peer with the other guy. I mean, if it was you and Xulia in the room, I doubt she'd be scared of you, but with Bete there? It's always a possibility. Take out the god, then crush the former Level 5 adventurer like a bug. So, your Xulia was never in any danger. I take care of my children, got it?" Her fingers started to grope my stomach, and her words actually had done a surprisingly good job of calming me down.

"I get it," I said, letting out a long sigh. She smacked my shoulder. "Ow, what was that for?"

"I can tell when you're lying," she said smarmily. "This is a good familia. The best, in fact, since the only more powerful familia is the Freya familia, and they suck dick. Not in the good way, either."

"The good way?"

"The way Xulia does it," Loki said, and I could somehow hear her wink in her voice. "Status update, here we come," she said, and I felt the drop of divine ichor against my back. She hummed as she saw my stats.

Strength: H176 → H190

Endurance: H170 → H191

Dexterity: G207 → G232

Agility: G242 → G272

Magic: I0 → I0

Essence: I → H


Duck Fate

Favorable Inflection Procedure

Avoiding the Truth Technique

Unnatural Many-Stepped Stride

"Any idea why your Essence went up over the past few days?" She asked.

I did. The way it rose was due to some sort of satori. It was only to H - one tick up, or presumably the equivalent of Essence 2. A relatively easy point of enlightenment. If I had to guess... "I think it's from the situation with Julia. It just made me realize how important being strong is."

Loki let out a light chuckle at that, giving my shoulder an affectionate slap - then sliding her hands back around to start groping me again too, pressing her body up tight against mine. It was weird. Despite how lewd the situation should have been - groping a half-naked member of the opposite sex - I didn't get the slightest vibe from Loki that she was actually getting aroused from it. Enjoying it, sure, but when a woman was pressed up this close to you... Loki didn't wear a bra, I'll leave it at that.

There was one thing that could actually make me stronger faster, though. I could throw more time at the Dungeon, but I wasn't that far behind Cass, so it wasn't as if it would change things that much. Seducing a goddess, though... well, it would give me a lot of points to spend. "Ever considering letting your hands drift below the waist?" I asked, a light teasing note to my voice.

"Hmm, there are interesting parts down there, too," she said, sliding her hands around from my torso to my ass cheeks, just groping and squeezing the muscles there with flagrant intent. "Yeah, pretty nice. You've got a pretty good body, all this slim muscle," she said, almost audibly licking her lips as her hands slid around towards my thighs.

She was completely ignoring my dick, though. I got the vibe that was on purpose - maybe trying to provoke me into asking? Presumably, then, so she could act all innocent. But what if she didn't want to push her luck too far? No, Loki relished pushing her luck - "You're still missing a place to grope."

"You've got to at least take me out for dinner before you get a handie, Drake," she said, clearly thoroughly unimpressed at the suggestion, her voice only having a trace of amusement in it because she knew she was leading me on.

"My mistake. I thought you were into it, Loki," I said, putting that extra bit of spiritual power into her name. Any irritation she felt faded as she let out a long, exceedingly pleasant breath into my ear.

When she was finished riding the high of having her name called by yours truly, she spoke up again. "How come you and your girls' stats are going up so fast? I thought it might just be some one-off event in the Dungeon, but that's clearly not the case, with these boosts."

I actually had something prepared for this. "Their love for me gives them their power." That was the truth - their share in the enhanced leveling speed derived from the fact that we were lovers - and her godly lie-detector would determine it as such. She could interpret as she liked... which would probably be that it was fluffy nonsense.

She snorted and gave my back a slap. "Such a romantic. I think that's plenty enough groping. Come back here tomorrow for another status update."

It would only mean maybe ten points for the best stat, and it was obvious her actual reason for asking was groping me more, but... "Sure." The more time I spent with her, the more possible it became that I could manage to add her to my harem. It wouldn't be trivial by any means, even taking into account how obviously-thirsty she was for Erza, but I was a Chosen of Venus. I might manage to make it happen.

I went back to Julia the moment I was done, though. I had questions. Important questions.

* * *

Drake was still intense as he came back to her. The girl without a name had tried to assuage his feelings with a thorough blowjob that had transformed into a throatfuck, but he was still clearly upset. She felt a small pang of regret that she'd made him feel this way, but she wouldn't have changed her decisions even knowing that it would upset him like this. After all, her mother had been enslaved and was about to be raped. She'd just keep servicing him until he was nice and happy again. "Goshujinsama, do you want to rape my throat again?" He seemed to prefer fellatio to anal, so she offered him that first. She'd have gladly let him do it in her nostrils or wherever else he wanted, if that would help calm him down.

"No. I want to get stronger," he told her, and she nodded. She wanted to get stronger too, after all. It would be very hard to go after Ishtar at her current level of strength, and even if she could succeed, she couldn't give her the proper punishment that she deserved at her current - she'd just send her back up to heaven. She would do it if and when Haruhime was put in danger, but they didn't appear to have a killing stone yet. He let out a small laugh. "It's actually - it might make our proper first time even better."

The girl without a name wondered if she should tell Drake that it was fine if he just raped her right now, he didn't have to make their first time 'special.' She decided not to, though. It mattered to him, so she should be nice and let him enjoy coming up with something special. It was nicely humiliating either way. "How is that, goshujinsama? Will you choke me unconscious with your superior strength? Slap me around until I accept my position as a lowly cum dumpster?"

"No," he replied. He was even a bit annoyed at those questions. She was really trying to make him feel better, and he had been the one to bring up sex... "See, you had a soulmate." She blinked at that. "One of the six girls I can summon."

"Ah... goshujinsama... I'm straight though," she said. Even if Noriko's pussy tasted really nice, it was still kind of gross to have her face shoved into that pink flesh down there. It was hot, though, so she would do it as many times as ordered, by Noriko or by Drake. "Would my soulmate really be a girl?"

"She's- it's a long, stupid story, but yes, she's your soulmate. You'd find her attractive even though she's a woman, who also takes zero care of her appearance and is homely." The girl without a name blinked at that thought. It was romantic. It was sexy, too, since Drake had taken her away from her true love and completely enslaved her to his cock... or, well, made her feel really good with his cock, at least. "She's like us, with an Essence stat." The girl without a name blinked at that. "She'll be able to help out, with her strength. But I can't summon her unless I can seduce another girl in this world. So, who's the easiest girl to seduce?"

The girl without a name ran through the names she could think of in her head. The amazons didn't have any monogamy norms. Tiona, Tione, Phryne (no), Aisha, one of the other Ishtar familia amazons? Aisha had been relatively easy, all Bell had really had to do was save Haruhime, and she was able to do that... though not to claim responsibility, since her current way of saving Haruhime was to splatter Ishtar's brains all over the wall like she'd done to Soma, and the gods wouldn't like a god-killer. Haruhime was even easier to seduce, she had been laying the groundwork in her previous visits, telling the renard all about how wonderful a lover Drake was, how he always treated all of them with kindness, how great her co-wives were and how wonderful having so many friends was...

But again, to really clinch it, he'd have to take credit for saving her, and that would be hard. He could probably 'seduce' Freya with relative ease. He was supposedly a Chosen of Venus, presumably some technique he'd develop down the line would just make him even more attractive... but that would be a very bad idea for a girl to seduce, since Freya's obsession with Bell had created all kinds of problems for the latter. She didn't think he wanted to get more powerful if the cost was that.

"I think, an amazon," she decided on. "Not Tiona or Tione, you have to really impress them and you haven't done that - I'll start talking you up, goshujinsama. There's several who are members of the Ishtar familia, and they work as working girls. I don't know which ones you would actually be able to seduce, but presumably some... well, if you can best them in a fight, they'll basically fall in love with you, that's why Tione is like she is with Finn."

"Bitch. I'm level one," he pointed out.

"Ahh, I'm sorry, goshujinsama, I really don't know of any girls who are that easy to seduce! Have you gotten any special seduction magic?" He shook his head. "I'll try to think of something, goshujinsama." She felt genuinely bad. She knew all about this world, but she couldn't think of a single girl here who would happily join a harem at the drop of a hat! Well, when you put it like that, it was obvious why she couldn't, but she still felt bad.

He let out a sigh, then gently patted her cheek in a reassuring movement. "Thanks. I guess there's no way to get stronger but to get stronger, at least for now." He paused, his lips thinning for a moment. "I was thinking of whoring you out to a random beggar, what do you think?"

She blinked rapidly at the obscene offer. Drake had never seemed like he was willing to do things like that with her, but there wasn't the trace of hesitation on his face now. "Are you sure, goshujinsama? Once another man penetrates my mouth, it won't be solely yours any longer," she said. "Unless you plan to give him my virginity, throwing it away..." The thought was so sexy that she trembled at it.

"No, I'm saving that. Wait here," he said, stepping out of the room and going into the hallway.

* * *

Sidereals had a special ability, called a Resplendent Destiny, which allowed them to disguise themselves as a person appropriate to their constellation. It didn't actually change anything about you, people just became irrevocably convinced that you were that thing - and one of a Chosen of Venus's potential disguises was a beggar.

* * *

The girl without a name waited patiently, going to sit down on the bed, but she'd barely had a second to settle her ass in before he stepped in. It was obvious just by looking at him that he was a beggar. He was attractive, sure, with a swimmer's physique and short dark hair. He hadn't been begging long enough for his clothes to be in ruins, but it was unmistakable that he was a beggar. "So, you're the whore? I hear it's ten valis to get a blowjob from you, even though you're a member of the proud Loki familia."

Drake had sold her off for such a low price? He really understood her. She was happy, genuinely happy, that Drake cared enough about her to set something like this up. She nodded to the beggar's question, and the man took a moment to lock the door behind him. If he went too far, Drake would have to burst down the door to protect her from the man. "Remember, you can only use my mouth, goshujinsama is only selling my mouth right now."

"Yeah, yeah," the man said, taking out his cock and slapping it against her cheek where she sat on the bed. Honestly, she had always thought of servicing beggars in the context of how intensely degrading it was, but now that she was in the situation, she also realized that she was giving this poor man a brief respite from his life of poverty and destitution. "Open wide," he ordered, as he just dropped a ten valis coin directly on her head. It bounced off and hit the bed; she opened her mouth wide, and that fat cock of his slid into her waiting throat.

It tasted surprisingly good, for an unwashed cock, but she wasn't complaining. She just let him manhandle her head, starting to roughly fuck her face with the kind of uninhibited need that only a man who had been going without for weeks or months could manage. "Fuck, that's it, take it, whore. Your boyfriend's right outside, and he's letting me use your mouth for ten valis. How does that make you feel?" She let out a pleased moan around his dick. "That's right. Makes you feel like a whore, but that's what you are, isn't it? I just paid you ten valis. You owe me this blowjob."

Ten valis was worth around one or two dollars. It was an absolutely absurd price for a blowjob, but she nodded around the beggar's cock anyway. Being treated this way, being used this way... her cunt was practically on fire, her thighs absently rubbing against one another as she remained seated on the edge of the bed, letting this tall beggar use her throat like his own right hand. "You're getting off to this, aren't you, whore? Well, touch yourself. I paid good money for this blowjob, the least you owe me is to do whatever I say, whenever I say it."

She slid up her skirt and plunged her fingers into her waiting cunt, putting out the heat by replacing it with intense pleasure. "That's right, you little cockgobbling whore. I might recommend you to some friends of mine. Maybe we could all use you together. I bet we could scrounge up a whole... hundred valis, for you to get gangbanged." She spasmed and jerked as an orgasm rushed through her body at the thought, the idea of being used as a fucktoy by three different beggars. Maybe even more than three, a hundred valis suggested ten or more, at her current prices.

His pace of fucking her face intensified further, and she moaned softly around his cock, when her throat wasn't clogged up. He was about the same size as Drake. Maybe a little bigger. Still, her eyes rolled up in pleasure as she relished this mistreatment, letting him roughly fuck her face, balls slapping her chin, her own saliva dribbling down to coat her top as she began to tear up from how harsh he was being.

He finally just held her down in his groin, letting go with a long, low groan, squeezing out an orgasm in her throat. "That's a good fucking whore. That's what you are, bitch. A low-down whore, willing to let her throat get fucked for just ten valis." When he was completely spent, he gently peeled himself out of her throat, letting his cock pop out with a wet noise. The girl without a name faintly shivered as she stared at his dick, still slick with her spit. The second cock that she'd ever had besides Drake's, but hopefully not the last... she swallowed the saliva that had begun to pool in her mouth.

"Sir," she said, making him pause. He'd been about to get dressed to go. "Did you enjoy yourself? I know goshujinsama probably told you that I wanted this, but I hope that you enjoyed yourself too. It's probably tough living on the streets," she said. "Actually, let me give you a little spending money, alright, sir?"

"Ah, uh, well, okay. But not too much," he finally said. She smiled. "I did, uh, enjoy myself, yes," he said, as she fetched her moneybag, pulling out a few thousand valis.

"To help you get back on your feet," she told him, placing the money in the palm of his hand and closing it up. It was a good portion of a day's wage, but the man was obviously going through a lot, thus his position as a beggar. "I hope it's enough."

"Th-thanks," he said, clearly embarrassed about receiving money from the whore he'd just fucked. "You were really good, yeah. Thanks for the blowjob too, bitch."

"You're welcome, sir. If goshujinsama lets you, I'll always keep my throat available for you, for the low price of just ten valis." Technically it was currently more like negative three thousand nine hundred ninety valis, but that was sexy in its own way.

"I'm going to leave now," he said, stepping out of the room in a rush.

The girl without a name just hoped that he wound up okay.

* * *

Fun and exhilarating as that was, I still needed to get stronger. I mixed the money that Julia had given me with my own - mentally resolving to go find some poor soul and give them a very nice gift - and then threw off my Resplendent Destiny. "We're going to the Dungeon," I told Julia. She was wiping her face clean, and just nodded, smiling beautifully. "Get yourself presentable, I'll find Noriko. From today on, we're going to the Dungeon with Cass and Erza." I didn't know how long I could keep up that commitment, but I could probably at least manage it for a couple weeks, and that'd be worth a good number of points. Maybe even enough to hit D-rank in some stat?

"Yes, goshujinsama," Julia agreed with a smile. "Hopefully you'll get strong enough to start seducing amazons soon, then your harem can expand even further, right, goshujinsama?"

"Yes, bitch." I honestly would have been satisfied with a harem of just four girls - I'd kept the seventeen points that I had to spare in case I never wound up seducing anybody else, so I could buy Everlasting Talent and live forever with Cass, Noriko, Julia and Erza. But, it looked like that wasn't going to happen.

I found Noriko and told her I was stepping up my training regimen with more Dungeon dives. "I see, darling. Since you will be spending more time in the Dungeon, and therefore less time with me outside of the Dungeon, I will expect you to have sex with me even more." We were already fucking twice a day, but the girl was truly rapacious.

"Sure thing, Noriko," I said, patting her head. She smiled very lightly. "First thing when we get back from the Dungeon today, I'll fuck your brains out."

"Thank you, darling."

If you've enjoyed the chapter, please leave a comment! They help give me motivation to keep writing and posting, and they help me know what people like and dislike!

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