
It's not always Black and White

It's not always Black and White. Two potential lovers, who never realised how much they needed each other until they met. Bea, a black girl in a predominantly white school, believes that no one will love her and treat her as she should be treated because of the colour of her skin. However, her previous relationship with a black boy, Ryan, enlightens her and makes her realise that she can have a positive relationship with any boy no matter their skin colour. When she meets Josh, she finds love, a love that she has never felt before. Someone that loves her for all of her imperfections and perfections. But will it end well? Will Ryan get in the way? You'll have to read to find out!

bea_reads · วัยรุ่น
75 Chs

The morning after.

Bea's POV

I blinked as the sunlight pierced through my curtains, rudely reminding me that the world was still spinning, despite my night with Josh.

Ah, yes, Josh—my not-so-secret-anymore lover. I couldn't help but grin at the memory of our night, but that grin quickly dissolved into guilt. I have been keeping this relationship from my friends, and it was time to spill the beans to someone...

After splashing some water on my face, I decided to text Jess and invite her over. Jess and I had been best friends since we were knee-high to grasshoppers.

Our parents were close friends, and they always said we were destined to be friends since birth. And to top it off, Jess was drop-dead gorgeous, which sometimes made me wonder how I managed to keep up. However, her beauty wasn't just skin deep; she had a knack for giving spot-on advice.

Within minutes, Jess arrived, and as always, she looked like she just stepped out of a fashion magazine while I resembled someone who got caught in a windstorm.

"Hey, gorgeous!" I greeted her, trying not to feel too self-conscious about my appearance.

"Hey, beautiful!" Jess replied, pulling me into a warm embrace. "What's the emergency? You sounded urgent on the phone."

"Oh, it's not really an emergency, but there's something I need to tell you," I said, leading her to the living room where we plopped down on the sofa. "Remember how I told you about that guy, Josh?"

Her eyes widened with interest. "Oh, yes, the mysterious Josh! What about him?"

"Well, you see," I started, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt, "We've been secretly seeing each other."

"Bea!" Jess exclaimed, raising an eyebrow. "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I don't know. It just sort of happened, and I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. But now I feel guilty for not sharing it with you and the rest of my friends," I confessed.

"Don't beat yourself up about it, Bea. You're entitled to some secrets," Jess reassured me. "But you should tell them eventually. They'll understand."

I sighed in relief, grateful for her understanding. "You're right, as always. Thanks, Jess."

"No problem, sweetie. Now spill the details! How was last night?" she teased, winking playfully.

I blushed, feeling like a schoolgirl with a crush. "Oh, it was amazing, Jess. But you know, it's more than just a fling. I really like him."

She gave me an encouraging smile. "Well, then, Bea, if you're happy, I'm happy for you. But remember, communication is key in any relationship. So, spill the beans to the rest of the girls soon, okay?"

"Deal," I replied, feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders. "Now, enough about me. Tell me about your love life. Any handsome suitors knocking at your door?"

Jess rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, you know how it is. The same old cliché. Plenty of frogs, not enough princes."

We spent the rest of the morning laughing, sharing stories, and devouring a ridiculous amount of snacks.

As always, Jess managed to put me at ease, and I was grateful to have her in my life. True friends were hard to come by, and I knew I had struck gold with her.

And I suggested that she hung out with my friends tonight-

"I'm in, baby!" Jess replied, giving me a high-five. "But seriously, I hope your friends won't go all Mean Girls on me. I've had enough drama to last a lifetime."

"Don't worry, they won't. I promise," I assured her, remembering some of the wild shenanigans our friend group had gotten into over the years. "They might be a little curious about you, though."

"Oh, I can handle curiosity," Jess said, giving her hair a little flip. "As long as they don't go full-on FBI investigation mode, we're good."

"They're pretty chill, I promise," I reiterated, trying to calm her nerves. "Plus, they'll love you. I mean, look at you, Jess! You're like a walking ray of sunshine. How could they not adore you?"

Jess laughed, waving a hand dismissively. "Oh, stop it, you charmer! But fine, I'll brave the gang, as long as they promise not to interrogate me like I'm a criminal mastermind."

"You got it," I said, crossing my heart dramatically. "No interrogations, no drama, just a fun evening with friends."

"Deal!" Jess replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

I pulled out my phone to send a message to the group chat, letting them know about the get-together. Instantly, my phone started buzzing with responses from everyone.

Grace : "Ooh, Bea's new friend is making an appearance!"

Ryan: "About time! I've been dying to meet a girl!"

I rolled my eyes at their enthusiasm. "Well, I guess the curiosity starts now."

"Are you sure you're ready for this, Jess?" I teased, showing her the onslaught of messages.

"I can handle it," she replied, her smile unwavering. "I've survived worse."

As the day flew by, Jess and I prepared for the evening. We picked out a fabulous outfit for her (as if she needed any help in that department), and I couldn't help but feel excited about introducing her to my crazy, lovable friends. She was like the missing puzzle piece, and I was sure she'd fit right in.

As the clock struck 9 p.m., my cozy living room transformed into a bustling social hub. The gang had arrived, each one bringing their unique energy into the mix. It was going to be an unforgettable night, that was for sure.

I watched as Grace, eyed Jess with a mixture of nerves and intimidation. I knew it was just her being her usual anxious self around new people, but seeing her reaction to Jess amused me to no end.

"Relax, Grace," I whispered to her, giving her a playful nudge. "Jess is like a big ol' teddy bear. She won't bite."

Grace shot me a skeptical glance but managed a small smile. "I hope you're right, Bea."

Meanwhile, Jess seemed to be an expert in making friends, despite not knowing anyone here except for me. She hugged Steph, who she just met moments ago, as if they were old friends. Steph's eyes widened in surprise, but she returned the hug with enthusiasm.

"Hi, I'm Steph," she said, trying to recover from the surprise hug.

"Jess, nice to meet you!" Jess replied, flashing her trademark warm smile.

Next up was Theo, the resident huggable guy in our group. However, things took an unexpected turn when Grace stepped in and blocked the impending hug.

"Oh, come on, Grace. Let Theo give her a hug," I urged, trying not to laugh at the intensity of the situation.

"No, it's okay," Jess said, breaking the tension with a light chuckle. "Some people aren't big on hugs, and that's fine. I won't take it personally."

I could see Grace visibly relax, grateful for Jess's understanding response. Jess was a master at diffusing awkward situations with her humor and empathy.

"Well, I'm okay with hugs!" Ryan chimed in, grinning at Jess. "In fact, I think I'm overdue for one."

Jess playfully rolled her eyes but embraced Ryan, who seemed a little too pleased with himself for initiating the hug. I couldn't help but notice the subtle glances he threw Jess's way throughout the evening. Ryan was charming and flirtatious by nature, but something about Jess made him a little more self-conscious.

"You're welcome, Ryan. Hug therapy is my specialty," Jess teased, making him blush a little.

Meanwhile, Josh remained unusually quiet, observing the interactions with a hint of amusement in his eyes. I knew he had a reserved personality, but tonight, he seemed even quieter than usual.