
It's not a toy

lillyofspace · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


Shut up shut up shut up! I mentally scream. Your here to smile and sit down. This is just school. It's not a freak show, it's not a murder house, it's just a school. I sit down in the blue classroom chair at my small blue desk with my small blue workbook. I look ip at my teacher she glances at me but quickly turns away. Was that a hint of annoyance in her eyes. Well it wouldn't be the first time. Hello I am Nona. Well I call myself Nona. It's short for no name, as I don't want a name. I am a 12 year old girl and I am in the 7th grade. I live in a small town and go to a small school. Full of small minded people who are quick to judge. I moved here at the age of 7. I have lived here for about maybe 5 years now. I have short blackish hair and pale skin. I have piercing gray eyes but you can't really see them anyway. I hide behind a mask my father helped me make. I now wear it when ever I go out. It helps me get rid of the paranoia I have. I feel like less people are watching. Even though I know the whole class is watching me. I haven't really cared about people I can see though, it's the people that I can't.