
It's never late to love you

" My Fiancee is a flithy loose woman with no character", he announced it infront of the public which left me with nothing but humiliation. " Did you really took me as your Sister. How funny you are. I killed that old man of yours. I came to destroy your family for Liam." A face that look exactly like me said to me. I am pregnant My family is no more The one who said he loves me betrayed me I am hanging between life and death.... My World is falling apart... I am loosing my consciousness... Suddenly, " No, You can't die like that. Don't lose hope. Atleast for me... For my love... you can't give up like this... I know it's late to say this,but I loved you. I Will love you.... I only heard a voice and saw a blurred face. Love.... It's too late for me to fall for this word. And if we are meant to be together, then why you came to my life this late. moreover who are you.... A love that came too late in my life, Is it worth giving it a try

kate_23 · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

A baby without a father

"What happened? Is she and her baby okay? Just tell me soon. There is nothing to worry right?", He start to asking in a more tensed state after seeing no reaction from Hecate. Right after the topic about Katina came, the assistant and other men present there began to leave the ward.

Coming out from her daze, Hecate shake of her thoughts, "Yeah they are fine. But...", She hesitated for a minute.

"What? Why are you hesitating? What do you mean by that pause? Just say it in one go. You have no idea what is going on in my mind right now because of your pause", Nolan said in a low deep voice. No one had ever got a concern from him. But right now this prestigious emotionless man is concerning for a woman.

"Sorry Nolan brother, I don't know what to say. I want you to listen calmly. Try to take it normally. IT's just a fact nothing much. Please keep your mind open.", Hecate said as she know Nolan is not someone who is cool minded when it comes to things like betrayal, dishonesty.

"Cate... Just say, I fell frightened.", He said. He can't take this anymore. He immediately wanna know everything. But she is keep on dragging things. It is also giving him a kind of bad feeling that he might lose something that is precious to him. He don't wanna take that pain.

"Nolan brother, The child your woman carrying is not yours", Hecate went in one go. She know this straight forward phrase will provoke him hard. She doesn't want to wait for the volcano to lash out. She opened to explain. But a reply carrying the word "I know" landed on her ears and processed by her brain.

"Oh... Wait, What? what you replied. You Know?", Hecate and Deuce just stunned by his indifferent reply.

"I know that the child is not mine. But indeed, She is my woman.", He replied with the same indifference.

"Wait, What is going on here?", Deuce cut chase in the conversation. " I am not getting anything. If she is your woman and she is pregnant, how come you are not the father. Can it be She..", Before he could finish his sentence, A deadly stare from Nolan stroke him. For a second, he thought he is dead.

"Take a look at this", Hecate passed on the report she was holding in her hand.

He go through the report. The more he read it, the more he got confused. He went through it several times. But still the content is same. In between he looked at Nolan and Hecate. after a few times, Only a disbelief came out. "Seriously, I am now more confused. How is this even possible? I never thought I will come across something like this.", He is still in a state of mind where his mind is getting sink in the pool of confusing questions.

Getting sick of all this Take a guess game, Nolan Lashed out.

"Stop the drama and spill it out. What is actually going on?"

"She is still virgin but she is pregnant.", Deuce broke the pot.

"I don't understand. Make it clear", Deuce just dragged him into the pool of confusion while he get out of this.

"See, While checking about the baby, I accidentally took a look at her Vagina. There is this small tissue which we call Hymen tissue, is still look fine and untorn. Usually, it will be torn out if the woman had a intercourse. That is why I took Two finger test which can be regarded as a virginity test. Though it is practically not that accurate, Her genital looks fine for a pregnant woman. I got confused and took some blood sample to do paternity test. I doesn't know who her father is. But, it is a common sense that both parents give their DNA to the child. If it's a boy, It gets 51% from their mother while girl gets 50% from mother. Can you take a guess, how much it matches with hers, It's almost 100%. So I took a karyotype examination. The alleles of the baby matches With her without any changes. It look like an exact replica of Her gene, Only her gene. OR can be called it's get clone. In medical term we call it Parthenogenesis. Simply, a child with no father", Hecate explained to her best.

"Is that even possible?", Nolan is clear but, it sounds unreal.

"Obviously, Mostly occur in Animals like lizards, Sharks, Even a few years back, Parthenogenesis was successfully performed in rats. Some claim they produced stem cells by parthenogenesis in human as well. But I don't know a instance where a child is carried on by a natural Parthenogenesis.", Deuce explained what he knew.

"The egg cell went parthenogenesis and got diploidization, or the egg cell that undergone parthenogenesis which resulted in two egg cell within a single ova get fused by itself forming an embryo. While the later is practically impossible, it can be inferred as the former being the case. But the problem here us an egg with two maternal nuclei goes some of the way to making an embryo, but it shrivels up because there is little development of placenta. But they result in tumors: the ovarian teratoma and the hydatidiform mole, respectively. But surprisingly there is an embryonic heart beat. that confirms it's a baby, not a tumor. It can be regarded as a natural parthenogenesis. And it's not the first time, Something like this happens. yeah, It is more frequent in animals. And human Parthenogenesis was once reported in Britain in 1995. But there is no evidence to prove it is a pure parthenogenesis because of lack of advanced genetic study. But the scientist after working for six months stated that it was evident that no male has taken part in the birth of the then called Virgin Baby.", Hecate reasoned out what she inferred based on the fact her professor gave.

"So you are saying she is the mother and father who gave The chromosome to the baby.", Nolan simply grasped the point that they are trying to get.

"Exactly", She confirmed with a relief he get the point she was speaking.

"Does she know it?"

"No since Deuce was keeping a secret about it I came straight away to tell him.", Hecate answered.

"You did a good thing. Tell about this to her. Only to her and not to anyone else.", Nolan simply ordered.

"Why?", Hecate questioned. She can understand he is protective of her and wanna keep her safe. But what potential threat is there to explain things to others.

"I don't want anyone to know about this. That will only bring trouble to her. I want her to be in peace but not live in guilty", After all he knew what she undergone and he saw her suffering. The suffering that not only brought pain to her but to his heart as well. He already promised her that he will not cause any pain to her. By letting others know about it, It is deliberately pushing her life to misery. Moreover if the news get out, They will find that she is alive.

"Okay. But brother, will you mind if I ask you what is happening between you and her?", Hecate asked. Deuce has already left as he had a surgery scheduled in between their talk.

Hello my dear readers, If you like the chapters and story please leave a comment to let me know your thoughts. Also, If you wanna cheer me up, Please give a power stone.

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